Sub Two Hour Half Marathon Training Guide
Imagine seeing the finish line up ahead, the clock time still starts with 01 and you KNOW this time, you’ll absolutely cross before it has a chance to switch over to 02.
Even better you’re smiling, nothing hurts and you already want to do it again. That’s the power of a good training guide! Don’t finish your next race wishing you’d had all the information you need to crack that PR goal.
This video is an example of the straight talk you’ll get inside the Sub Two Half Marathon training plan! I want you to succeed, but not at any cost. This is about training smarter, remembering to enjoy the process and becoming a better runner.
In my second race post knee surgery, I cracked the Sub Two Hour half marathon again. I am NOT a naturally fast runner. I am NOT the runner putting in massive mileage. I am NOT the runner who will hurl at the track to get results.
You don’t need to be either!! Be consistent. Follow the plan. Believe it works.
There is no magic number that makes you a real runner, but there is something satisfying about breaking what once seemed like a big barrier and for many runners that’s going from a 2 to 1 in their finishing time.
I provided thousands of articles on RTTF with running tips, but this is designed to save you the time of digging through them for the keys you need to see a 01 on the clock as you burst through the finish line.
Save time. Get focused. Nail the run.
There is a Method, not Magic, to achieve your goal.
Why this plan?
Stop struggling to reach your race day goals. Stop over training with workouts that are too intense and stop getting injured!
This guide will show you that getting to Sub Two is well within your reach and may simply require a few tweaks to what you’re already doing!! And with the videos I’ll be giving you the same pep talks and details that my 1-1 coaching clients receive when I’m creating their customized plans.
You’ll find yourself more easily incorporating tools to improve your hip, glute and core strength for better running and pain prevention. Meaning no matter what happens on race day, you’re going to improve and be a better runner.
What’s included?

This 18 page ebook is designed to guide you through the basics of hitting your new half marathon PR. I should probably tell you that I have a magic secret formula, but that’s not my style.
You know I’m always honest with you and that’s much of what you’ll find here. A detailed plan, along with videos to provide both motivation, the pep talks I’d give my 1-1 runners and strength training designed to compliment your run.
Can’t afford the custom plans and coaching that’s $200/month? No worries, I would never have even considered that for years in my own running! What I did know was I needed guidance and that’s where this can help you too.
If you feel confident in taking the plan and running, then the PDF is perfect for you! But if you want some of those additional tips, example workouts and details on why the plan is structured as it is then the full package of the PDF and videos will get you to the finish line with more confidence.
Amanda Brooks
Amanda is a Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist with over 17 years of running experience and coaching. She’s been coaching runners for over 6 years and even after knee surgery, used her own methods to get back to a Sub Two hour half marathon quickly and pain free.
Through using her own training methods consistently, she went on to a half marathon PR of 1:44 and used the program to successfully transition back to running after knee surgery (caused by a trampoline, not running!)
This guide utilizes both her personal experience and her years coaching to help you guide through a Sub Two Hour Training program that will work. Please see a doctor if you have any known medical issues, this is not a personalized plan.