After you find the “intersection of your passion and your talent” here are 10 things you must do to capitalize on it according to Pat Williams. Some of you, like me, may not have heard of Pat before…which is a little crazy once you find out:
- He’s written over 80 books
- He’s run over 58 marathons
- He’s Vice President of the Orlando Magic
- He’s a father to 19 kids!
“Steal what works, fix what’s broke, fake the rest.” ― Pat Williams
As a key speaker at FLBlogCon, 1. Think the right kind of thoughts.
What you think about all day long is eventually going to become your reality. In this high tech world, our brain is still the most powerful tool that we have. Guard your thought life and make sure good stuff is getting in there. Pat also recommends that you read for an hour a day, which is something I have heard from a lot of successful people.
2. Say the right kind of words.
The words that we speak also have a way of becoming reality. It has the power to motivate, uplift and inspire….it can also tear people down. {Holy cow I’m becoming teary listening to this man speak he’s so passionate.} Your words are living an imprint that will last forever, so choose them wisely.
3. Be specific in goal setting.
A clear cut definite
goal is a powerful motivating goal.It needs a deadline.
It needs to be reviewed constantly.
It needs to be revised.
It needs both short and long term elements.
Self discipline is the key to making your goals happen.
4. You are responsible. You get a choice every day to pick your attitude! When things go right or when things go wrong, you have to take the credit. Don’t point fingers, it prevents you from learning and people will not respect you.
5. Seek out the right kind of friends. Get around upbeat, positive, enthusiastic people and you’ll become like them. We’ve all heard the saying “birds of a feather”…it’s true!
6. Take your hurts and your pain and your setbacks and turn them in to strengths. These feel like the hardest moments to imagine that we are on a path to success, but it is those moments that we are most teachable.
7.Go the second mile. Do twice what is expected of you in every situation. Find yourself constantly asking “What else can I do? What else can I contribute? What else can I offer?” It will set you apart from the crowd and bring about surprising opportunities.
8. Never give up. “Sticktoitivity” is his favorite term coined by Walt Disney – hang in there and practice tenacity.
9. Character counts. honesty. integrity. responsibility. humility. courage.
10. Have faith. It doesn’t matter what your religious beliefs are the idea is to believe in something greater than you. For many people this provides a lot of comfort
Have you ever seen someone speak and just been enthralled by them?
Do you remember any great tips you’ve heard on living a successful life?
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