Have you ever stumbled across someone on social media and instantly fallen in love with them? Their personality makes you wish you were friends, their photos make you wish you lived there and their training makes you think “I can do more!!”. This is quite certainly how I felt when I discovered Stephanie, so I’ve asked her to bring that sunny, but honest, attitude to us today to talk about overcoming those mental obstacles we all encounter in training for a new #DREAMBIG event.
Congratulations! You’ve been BOLD and signed up for “that” race! You know…the really big one that you could only dream about. You deserve a medal just for signing up because that is half of the training.
You’re BRAVE.
Ready to take on the world!
And then two months into training you look at those running shoes, swim cap or body glide and think…
“What the hell am I doing? This goal was way out of reach, I’m tired and don’t know if I can do this.”
Guess what?
Everyone who takes a chance on themselves has self doubt or mental fatigue at some point. If they say they don’t…they lie and/or they are a robot.
So take a deep breath in…now let it out…and read my top 10 tips on how to beat the “lows” and mental fatigue of training.#1 Drop Kick Failure
I always say I was able to sign up for my first marathon, ultra marathon, triathlon and Ironman once I let go of my fear of “failing”. It’s such a retched word…toss that one out of your vocabulary. In fact drop kick it out!
The outcome that is supposed to be…will be.
If it’s less than desirable…guess what? There are over one thousand races you can sign up for tomorrow. This isn’t “do or die”. You have a lifetime to achieve each and every goal you work toward. So smile. Let go of your fear of “failing” and you will soon learn that you can fly!
#2 Visualize!
Every single run for that last mile I lower the volume on my music and visualize running the last mile of my race. The feelings, the sensations, the excitement and tears.
Visualize throwing your arms up at the finish line.
Visualize running into the arms of your spouse, parents, lover, best friends, family or children.
Visualize their pride for you.
Visualize.every.damn.day. #3 Build a support network.
Social Media can be a great way to find encouragement and friends along the same journey as you are. Pick out a couple people that you give full disclosure with. “I am doing “this” race. I will be excited. I will cry. I will NEED you to tell me that I’m doing a good job and you love me.”
When I’m excited will you celebrate my small victories and when I feel like quitting will you give me encouragement. I’ve found that when I tell people what I need…They usually will give it. As much as you may want to do it alone. It’s much easier when you have a few soft places to land on the good and bad days.
10 Tips from @runtrimom that will help you achieve your #dreambig goals #runchat Share on X#4 Be Selfish
It’s ok to be a bit selfish. This is a BIG deal and goal. You may find yourself saying no to social events and going to bed early. Trading cocktails for protein shakes.
This is ok. Stay present and focused.
This is a time for you to accomplish something amazing and life changing. The ones who love you will understand and support you. Do make time for the ones you love and involve them. Family, children and best friends ALWAYS come first. I’m simply saying…during peak training months you may have to back off the social calendar. It’s ok to work on you, work toward goals and have dreams.
#5 Your WHY
Remember why you started. Determine your “WHY” early on and never forget. In fact write it out on your bathroom mirror so you remember every day.
{Amanda talks more about the importance of a why >>}
#6 Reflect
When you feel like you can’t go any further look at how far you have come.
Be proud of each step along the journey.#7 But not too Much
Coulda..Woulda…Shoulda..Toss it out! You coulda trained more…You woulda been faster if XYorZ…You shoulda have gone for a run instead of sleeping in. I repeat. Toss it out! There are no coulda…woulda…shoulda on race day. Do your very best and know it is enough because YOU are enough.
#8 Flow With It
Be prepared but flexible. Conditions are the same for everyone and there is a lot out of your control such as the weather. So don’t stress. Flow with it.
Let go of the attitude that the heavens opened up and only sent a tiny rain cloud over you…everyone is wet.#9 Fun
Fun, fitness and friends is the key to longevity in this sport. When in a rut examine if you have lost the “fun” element and then drop your Garmin off at the door and go run along the muddiest or most beautiful trail you can find simply to just RUN.
Grab a friend to train with and then go get donuts after. Think of how much fitness you have gained and thank your body repeatedly for showing up every day.
Do you know the keys to overcoming mental obstacles during training? Learn them! Share on X#10 Cultivate Belief
Believe in yourself. And find that one person who can remind you whenever you start to doubt because you may and most likely will at points.
Training literally transforms our mental state and strengthens us in ways beyond a six pack and muscular legs. It changes us deep in our core. Welcome the setbacks…acknowledge that you are having a tough time believing…but don’t let that disbelief sit there.
Wave it on, blow it a kiss, place your hand on your heart, take a deep breath in, and when you exhale repeat the mantra…I believe in ME.
Which one resonates with you?
What’s your DREAM BIG goal?
Stephanie Johnson is a Yoga Instructor, sponsored triathlete, writer, avid world runner completing five marathons and one 50k ultra marathon and a Reiki Master/Teacher. She is a mother to two boys, passionately loves to explore the world and thoroughly enjoys pizza and donuts.
Connect with this amazing woman!!
Instagram: RunTriMom
Twitter: RunTriMom
Snapchat: RunTriMom
Other ways to connect with Amanda
Periscope search RunToTheFinish (daily 3:45 EST)
Instagram: RunToTheFinish
Facebook: RunToTheFinish
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I can honestly say that I've never been in love with a post before this. I can't take my eyes off it. Such awesome tips, and GORGEOUS PICTURES, girl! Thanks!
My recent post I did nothing to deserve that.
Yay Steph! You are always one for inspiration, gorgeous pictures, and Chi town love. #dreambig always!
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I agree!! I also live Stephanie!! Can't wait to watch her crush IMAZ!!! So exciting and great tips!
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Love this post! I agree with all of your tips– thank you for putting them in writing. Very inspiring! :)
Such an inspirational post! I really loved especially what you said about training transforming you beyond the six pack. It's so very true!
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YEs, these are great tips! Before start line, I aways remind myself that there is no such thing as the perfect race . . . . my performance is largely going to come from how well I can adapt to what is getting thrown at me mentally and physically
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I'll be at IMAZ supporting a friend's race. Did it in 2009 and did Canada in the 90s. I just completed my 125th triathlon and have been training and racing for over 44 years. I don't get the mental blocks-wish I had more time to train but job sometimes gets in the way. Good luck and maybe I will see you next weekend.
Love these tips! I especially love 8 and 9 – some days things just don't go your way, so why not enjoy it?
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I love these tips! As you know, I'm always looking for ways to cultivate more mental toughness. I have to say the biggest motivator for me with this year's marathon was my social networking! I got a ton of support via the blog and FB. Not only did my connections motivate me, I also felt like i couldn't let them down! It was great.
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This is such a great post with so many true and helpful tips. I completely agree that your desire to succeed has to be greater than your fear to fail. Thank you for introducing me to Stephanie! I can see why she inspires you :) xo