Why we need to run races? Do we need to run races? Can you get plenty from running without racing? Well yes, but also no. The benefits of running a marathon or 5K are about so much more than a few miles!
Most of you know I don’t race much…1600 miles a year and maybe 1 or 2 races. There’s nothing inherently wrong with racing and I love having goals, but the run for me is reward enough.
However, that often puts me in a minority!
And there are some really good reasons why we might want to run a marathon. What you will not find on this list is that it makes you a “real runner”, makes your time spent running more valuable or changes your value.
So when you think you might be ready, use these to further confirm why you want to do it!
Hitting register and showing up at that start line can change your life. I’ve dived deep on the benefits of running, but what about the benefits of racing everything from the 5K to the marathon??
13 Benefits of Running a Marathon
If nerves, a busy schedule or other excuses have kept you from toeing the line, let this be your motivation to hit “register“.
Here are 13 benefits of running a 5k and benefits of running a marathon because to me it’s less about the distance and more about the experience!
1) Races allow us to set a plan and accomplish goals.
When I sign up for a race I immediately create a training calendar, working backwards from the longest run date (the longest long run being 3 weeks prior for a full, 2 weeks prior for a half and one week prior for the shorter distances).
Having a set training calendar gives me plan for every work out and/or rest day and gives me the daily motivation I need to get up, lace my shoes, and head on out the door.
If I accomplish the training, I know I will accomplish the race, no matter the distance.
It just feels more solid than so many other things in life!
2) Racing is a fantastic litmus test for training.
Of course, I always attempt to stick to my training plan but life tends to get in the way sometimes and I may skip the great post run meal or not put as much effort into the tempo run or walk the hills I know I should be running…
All that shows come race day.
Races teach me where my training discipline lacks.
To me, every race is a new lesson in how well my training is actually working and that’s a huge benefit of running a 5k, nothing shows you’ve skipped your speed work like that grimace at the finish.
I appreciate these lessons because they show me I can improve or remind me that this race wasn’t my life priority.
3) Races are basically one big party!
If you know me in real life, you know I love connecting with other runners and good friends. Being surrounded by like-minded people at races is so energizing.
From bib pick-up at the pre-race expo, to that feeling of excitement in the starting corral, all the way to the finish line festivities, it’s just one big party that everyone paid for. A place we ALL want to be and understand each other.
Races are meant to be fun and that mental shift often helps hit a PR!
Need a little boost to sign up for another race? These 13 very happy reasons will do it #runner Share on X4) Run a marathon because you love running
Even people that say, “Oh I’m not really a runner.” can pretty happily follow a couch to 5K training plan.
If you love running, it’s just what you do.
The races are a celebration of the time we’ve been putting in and an opportunity to choose how we want to challenge ourselves.
I know so many people that started with small distances and are now accomplishing bigger goals like full marathons, 50Ks, 50 milers, and even 100 mile races!
If you love running, you’ll want more running, therefore the marathon often sneaks up on you as a goal.
5) Never underestimate the power of awesome schwag!
From the personalized bibs, to the race shirts, medals as big as dinner plates, imprinted sweat check bags, protein bar samples, running magazines, and the like all included in your registration fee, races are like a runner’s Christmas.
And then of course you get to display your race medals for never ending conversation and motivation.
Opening that schwag bag, wearing that medal, feasting on all the post-race food stuffs, races feel like a holiday to me, complete with PRESENTS!!!
Doesn’t really get better than that!
Amanda says yes, ha! Here’s what I’d love to see in a race swag bag.Photo from London marathon expo
6) Run a race, make a new friend.
Even when I go to a race alone, I am sure to start easily chatting with a stranger runner next to me. Maybe that’s because I am loquacious to a fault but I think that also has to do with runners just being awesome people!
I’ll meet someone in my starting corral, we’ll exchange pictures, I’ll see them later in the race and we’ll check in on how the other one is feeling.
I’ll see them again after the finish, we’ll raise our free beers in cheers and the next thing I know, we’re friends on Facebook and exchanging our race calendars thereby growing our running circle of friends.
7) Run a race, see old friends.
Even when I go to a race alone, I’m not alone for long.
We have a lot of great race companies here in the San Francisco Bay Area- road and trail alike- and after so many years of running, racing, and being involved with my local race community, it is inevitable that I will see someone I know at each and every race I participate in.
I suppose that’s not just a benefit of running a marathon, but of really being part of this run community as a whole.
On race morning, I love thinking, “I wonder who I’ll run into today!” and then at the race, seeing a running buddy, giving big, sweaty hugs while we both say at the same time, “I didn’t know you were running this one!” Love that!Amanda’s note: cannot stop laughing at my friend Marlene who on her way to a PR got knocked down by her friend…still got the PR, the laugh and the memories.
8) Races allow you to see places in a whole new way
Racing in all different cities throughout the US is a goal of mine- running remains while the backdrop always changes. I don’t sign up for the same race year after year after year because I truly want to try them ALL! Road AND trail!!!
Really I’ve found races give many people an excuse to travel!
Checkout 10 more reasons to race that aren’t about the clock >>
9) People watching is super fun
I admit I like to people watch and depending on the race, you’ve got about 1,000-30,000 people to gawk at and I am always looking at what people are wearing, be it cute, uncomfortable, or festive.
More and more runners are racing in costume lately and let’s not forget the joy that comes with a charity racing uniform covered in photos and motivational quotes.
I love seeing people love running so much- so much so that they will don almost anything during a race! (Don’t get me started on Bay to Breakers though.)
10) Spectators make you feel really important
Even at a trail run where no one is cheering you along the way, you will still get your share of hooping, woo-hoo-ing when you cross that finish line.
Whereas at road races, you’re surrounded with strangers yelling “GO, GO, GO!” while holding up some sort of hilarious race sign.
I take energy from the spectators, I feel inspired, I return their smiles and am motivated by them to keep on pushing.
11) It gives you a challenge, which we often lack
Be it a course I have never seen before, elevation higher than I’ve ever climbed, a nagging injury I must deal with, or a PR goal I have in mind, racing always presents me with new challenges that I happily embrace.
I don’t believe one can grow in the comfort zone. I will not hesitate to sign up for a “hard” race in order to push myself past what I know I can already do.
I want to do more, push harder, get tougher and races give me ample opportunities to do just that.
12) Racing is forever EXCITING!
Nothing can ever come close to that feeling of pre-race excitement- it starts low in my gut and flutters up to my chest so much so that I can never sleep the night before a race.
Even though I’ve done close to 70 races to date, I always feel a brand new nervousness with each race and embrace that sense of fervor leading up to that moment I cross the starting line.
13) Racing means fabulous post race celebrations
I’m injured right now so this isn’t as apropos but when I am not injured and am dedicated to my training, I eat healthily and wisely and do not eat “bad” food nor drink alcohol on a regular basis.
But, when I cross that finish line, you better not stand in the way of me and my bacon cheeseburger and bottle of red wine or I will wrestle you immediately and directly to the ground.
It’s bound to happen someday, right?!
All right now I’ve shared some of the benefits of running a marathon, what are you going to do?!
Looking for some training tips?
- Secrets every new marathon runner should know
- Marathon Pace Chart
- Training Paces Calculator
- Best Energy Gels
- Best Long Run Shoes
- Must See Running Documentaries
Other ways to connect with Amanda
Instagram Daily Fun: RunToTheFinish
Facebook Community Chatter: RunToTheFinish
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I love racing when I do it, but I run for fun mostly. That said, if the opportunity presented itself… I’m sure I would do many more races!
I do enjoy racing when I do it! It’s the signing up that kills me. I always think that as soon as I sign up I doom myself to injury.
All of these are so true; I love the community, the costumes,the surprising PR’s that you get, and the reason to train for a specific time.
I mostly don’t race, but when I do I think I appreciate it more than I used to, because I do it less.
I only race a few times per year, but I really enjoy races when I do them! I love the competitive camaraderie at a race.
Oh, this is truly making me miss racing. I haven’t done a race, or any serious running, in several years. I need to get back at it!
I don’t love running, but I love supporting my friends who do!
The only race I do is a 5K in my hometown on Turkey Day! It’s seriously one of my favorite days of the entire year because I get to see thousands of people {most of who I know in some capacity or another} AND run at the same time! win win!
So many great reasons to consider a race. Such a great community atmosphere too!
I am with Laura and Jessica on this one. As thrilling as it is to finish a race as an individual, I love meeting my friends at the finishline…and making new ones along the journey too. The running community is a big motivator.
I do love racing! But I wish I could have more time to race in destinations as those are my most favorite. I do love race bling and the challenge within the miles!
I love big races! Like you said, they’re one big party between all of the awesome spectators and all of the awesome runners. I don’t race nearly as often as I’d like but whenever I do, I have a blast
I think races are a lot of fun and love the cool swag that some offered but find it challenging to balance fun races in the middle of training.
I love this! My first 5k was life-changing for me. It taught me that I CAN! Who knew? ;)
Great points you mentioned here. I feel really motivated and energetic to start running from today. I just want to thank you for sharing this points.
I appreciated all your reasons you love to race… I agree with all of them! #5 was funny to me, because before I started running races that allowed me to receive a medal, I always said that the medal wasn’t of interest to me. At my first half marathon when I did get one. I was so excited, and wanted more medals!
One thing I also enjoy about races, is seeing the camaraderie of runners. If someone falls, or is struggling we will sacrifice a PR to help that individual. It is a big support team.
6 and 7 – I’ve met some lovely people over the years through running!