Like most runners, when I started I swore I’d never run a marathon. A mile was a struggle, what crazy person would submit themselves to 26.2?! The truth about running is complicated.
Five years in my friends were all aware of my passion for running…
How I swore it had changed my life
How healthy I felt.
How I enjoyed that quiet time on the roads.
So when dear Jake {my 6 foot 5 football sized friend} decided it was time to cross a marathon off his bucket list, he turned to me with big blue eyes that said “this is what friends do for each other”.
Suddenly, in the dead of Kansas City winter I was running 18 miles in the snow and eating frozen bananas, wearing bright pink knee high socks and shelling out for my first GPS watch {hey this was 2005!}.
What your friends might not tell you when recruiting you to run a marathon #running #funny Share on XOf course while you’re training other runners focus on the positive and they should!
But a bit like becoming a parent, sometimes it’s nice to get a no BS view point as well.
22 No BS Marathon Training Truths
Today’s post is a little chuckle for us marathon finishers and an honest look for those considering the journey. These may not all hold true for you…but likely will.
- You will be bone tired on some Monday’s and still go into work bragging about how great your training is going
- You will the week post race declare this is the worst idea you’ve ever had
- You will have to shuffle all kinds of plans to get up early on weekends for hours of running
- Your significant other will be very, very…very tired of hearing about your training (it’s why blogs like this exist!)
- You will suddenly have more foam rollers than underwear {which is cool because all your shorts have built in liners so you need way less}
- You’ll always be planning your next meal (especially as runger strikes)
- You’ll be confused when you start to gain weight after long runs
- You’ll whine to runner friends, who will tell you to put down the cookie
- You will develop an inner knowing that you can do hard things
- You will overcome every mental barrier you’ve set up (get a coach if you’re still struggling!)
- Non-runners will constantly exclaim either: “I could never do that” or “Oh I ran a marathon last weekend“…which you’ll learn means a 5K
- You’ll choose work clothes that allow you to slip on compression socks or wear flats
- People will ask you if it’s true you go to the bathroom in your pants to save time and various other bizarre questions, which you will have to answer with a smile to show how awesome running is
- Checking the weather will become your second job and regardless of what it says, you’ll still run
- Questions about your ability to complete 26.2 will be only in your mind
- You won’t feel like cross training though everyone says you should
- You’ll get injured from not cross training and then find ways to sneak in PT and core work
- Running doesn’t have to be so serious, it’s supposed to be fun…not easy, but fun
- Time to think will allow you to solve world hunger and then promptly forget the solution when you get home and your bladder needs the bathroom
- Runners come in all shapes and sizes and paces. A 70 year-old will pass you, a mom with a jogging stroller will pass you and you’ll realize how amazing it is that they’re out on the roads with you
- Fueling with gels will likely give you the trots – whole foods do work or keep trying til you find one that doesn’t upset your stomach
- You’ll talk more about bathroom habits than you ever planned (see above runners trots)
A lot of what you just read might sound negative, but it’s not.
It’s truly an incredible journey of learning about yourself, learning to prioritize and maximize your time. You’ll be stronger, prouder and healthier for under taking the journey.
Looking for more marathon info:
- Marathon Pace Chart – find your goal pace
- Find out why I’ve said NOT to run a marathon
- How to go from the half marathon to full when you’re ready
- What to wear for a marathon
What would you add to the no BS list for a first timer?
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You’ll start skipping happy hour because you know you have to get up before the sun the next morning to run. You will lose all of your normal Friday night friends…in lieu of new Saturday morning friends ;)
YESSSSS people worry about losing friends, but you do indeed find so many new one’s
love this post! and while every single thing is true, I am laughing at solving world hunger and forgetting it all by the time you are home. I forget every important thought that I have during my runs by the time I get home!
I love these! I’m always impressed when I can put together a decent outfit but still be wearing (hiding) my compression socks.
Ha, I appreciate this no BS approach! It’s always good to know what you’re signing up for before you commit. I also appreciate all the links. I’m going to check out the one about whole foods and transitioning from a half now :)
Lol! It’s so true. All of it! And #22? Totally guilty of that. I talk about it with complete strangers I just met on a run! :)
Found myself nodding yes to all of these!
Yes, yes, yes to co-workers saying they “Ran a marathon”…when, of course, they mean a 5K and have no idea they’re different.
Too funny – and too true! Especially #22 – my concept of appropriate conversation topics is skewed during marathon training, which is why I love running blogs so much!
very funny and true! I feel bad for talking about running/training to my non-runner friends and I think am I boring them everyday about the same topic? haha. Also, any plans for the weekend revolves around your running schedule. How you can fit everything in… becomes quite a challenge! Not only the scheduling/planning part but also finding babysitters if we are both running together for training or for a race.
Hahaha so spot on! One of the bad parts about running in the summer – much harder to hide your compression socks!
HAHAAAAA so true!! Except our office was always so cold I think I wore sweaters in the summer. Now I just work at home and never dress up!
#19 is so true! I can’t even tell you the amount of times I’ve mapped out amazingly strategic life plans during a long run just to come home and forget every single bit and piece of them. It’s like my house has an aura around it that sucks my memory. Oh wait, that’s just my five kids.
Oh yes. Also: You will have running underwear and regular underwear. And not for the reasons one would think.
You will have a watch tan, and you will be damn proud of it!
Totally agreed! Running not need to be very serious and I love skipping. Besides running, rope skipping is the only exercise I never skip. It ‘s stress busting too.
You’ll get chaffing in places you didn’t even know it was possible to chafe!
OMG so true, like in between your toes and your eh hem cheeks
I was just talking to my friend that we should run a marathon. I have only done a half and she has done a full. I am really into fitness and running and I think it would be fun, but 26.2 seems so long!
I can not agree with you more about the 3rd truth. Yes it is not easy to get up early in the weekends for running. Even in weekdays it is difficult. That is something we call “lazy”, haha. That is why we need a great patient.
These truths are so funny and so true, I totally agree with all of them and very like this post. But after all this fun, I think you have your own passion for running. It’s wonderful when you can do what you love!