Remember the handsome face that took over social media with the buzz “ridiculously photogenic guy” in 2014, after he managed to take one of the best race photos ever?
It left many of us pondering after years of running…HOW DO YOU GET GOOD RACE PHOTOS?!!! And now of course many of you just want good running photos for Instagram.
With Brightroom saying their average purchase rate is around 5% I know I’m not alone in uttering the following after spending a week excitedly waiting to see if maybe they finally snapped a stellar image:
I swear I was running not walking.
I don’t look like that while I run.
Maybe it’s just a bad angle.
The last one is 100% accurate!! How is it ever going to be flattering to shoot upwards…still glad I don’t run in a skirt ;)
Lucky for you, I have spent a lot of time creating running photos for Instagram and my brand. I’ve also done a lot of races since 2002 and have learned the tricks.
Today we’re going to focus on how to take good running photos during a race. But you’ll find many of these apply to take a running photo anytime.
27 Tips for Good Running Photos
Over the years, I have mastered the art of the running selfie and I’ve shared all the tips to help you get a great running photo with your timer.
But things are different on race day. You have no control over when they’ll click that shutter or where they’ll be positioned…why is it often at the top of a big freaking hill?!
With practice though, I’ve gotten more great photos in recent years and am here to spread the knowledge! From good running poses for pictures to finish photos, we’ll get you one to show off your big day.
1. Think About Your Form
The best thing you can do to get a good race photo is take a second to check your form! I’ve talked about the STAR rules for a quick form check and they certainly apply when you see that photographer:
- Stand up tall
- Speed up to get a better stride, you might even over exaggerate your stride a bit
- Drive your knees UP
- Think about picking up your feet to prevent the fast walk look {I get that a lot!}
- Arms pumping forward and back, no hands hanging limply in front of you like T-Rex arms
2. Be Camera Aware
Be on the lookout for photographers on the course, that sounds obvious but truly if you want a great photo you gotta be watching for them and then moving to get in to position.
- Run to the right or left side of the road, as photographers are rarely in the middle except in smaller races. This can ensure you aren’t hidden behind other runners.
- Get visible by slowing down or speeding up to clear other runners.
- Look right at the photographer if you want to capture the “yes, I love running!” super grin.
- Look straight ahead with a relaxed face or smile for the “I’m focused and enjoying it” – don’t try to actually look focused it comes across as a grimace.
- Fake it – Tired, exhausted, ready to collapse…SMILE.
- And per this photo, if you’re with someone you need to get VERY close to them so they don’t try to crop you separately.
3. Outfit Selection
Celebrities take a photo before the red carpet to ensure with a flash their garments don’t become see through…runners should probably just look in the mirror at least once to ensure the outfit really does go together and you’d want to proudly display a photo wearing it.
- No baggie shorts, they just look bigger in a photo.
- Running hats can help to tame crazy hair, but also cast a shadow on the face.
- Running sunglasses can hide your pain :)
- Headbands: Ladies this one tool alone can prevent the crazy hair photo which makes you look more disheveled than excited. As many folks point out, you do your hair for any other good photo…do it here too! A braid, a bun, a clean ponytail.
- Bibs in front: You are not in a rodeo, your bib goes on the front of your shirt. Runners behind you do not care what your number is, but the automated programs searching to place your photo do.
- Makeup: What?! Truth. Many great photos have folks wearing waterproof mascara and a little bit of make up.
4. Get Noticed Without Looking Crazy
Have you ever tried the big arm wave only to end up with an odd look on your face and arms in awkward angles? Without knowing exactly when they will snap a few things can work better.
- Bright colors: White and black can wash you out a bit with the surroundings and this makes you stand out
- Outfits: After tons of folks streaming past, they might take a second look and a couple more shots when something interesting catches their eye
- Move towards them and shout: Not obscenities or anything to scare them, just a big “wohoo” or “I love running” is going to break their shutter finger hypnosis
- Give a thumbs up and a smile or stop to do a big jump or be silly…just know the more movement you put in play the more opportunities arise for it to get awkward.
The wave gone wrong from myself.
5. Finish Line Flare
Sure we all want to know our finish time immediately, but assume you took at extra 20 seconds to stop your watch after running all the way through the finish line arms stretched out in victory
- If you start to slow before crossing that very last mat, you’ll get some walking photos
- Pause the watch after you pass the last mat and walk for a few steps
- Bust out the major emotion! Smiles, cheers, jumps, yells, tears…you’ll get a second look from the photographers
Great example from Laduke Photo!
Head over to Facebook and share your good, bad and seriously ugly on my wall. I’ll do a round up post with the best one’s linking back to you on Twitter or your website so leave it in the comments!
Remember that a great marathon photo is about showing you enjoying the moment OR having a real experience. Honestly, some of the photos with that pain face we LOVE. It’s real and raw and shows just how hard you were working.
Tips for Friends Taking Running Photos
If you have friends and family that are going to be on the course waving and cheering, first good for you! You’ll immediately perk up when you see them and guess what that does? Makes for a better photo!
- Have them use the race day tracking app to know where you are (they should assume it’s a little behind where you are)
- Ask them to be in bright colors or holding a balloon so you can spot them to yell and get their attention if they aren’t seeing you
- It’s often easier to have them take video and then you can pull out a still shot afterwards.
- If they are going to take photos, then make sure they know how to do burst shots on the iPhone or Android. It’s a LIFESAVER. The photo quality is going to be much higher than pulling it out of a video.
Looking for some other race day fun?
- What to say to someone running a marathon
- 77 race day sign ideas
- Running Costume Ideas
- Tips for your First RunDisney Race (including race day character photos)
Other ways to connect with Amanda
Instagram Daily Fun: RunToTheFinish
Facebook Community Chatter: RunToTheFinish
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Wish I saw this post before my last week marathon :) Thanks for the funny post!
Regarding outfit selection, I also recommend a fake beard.