Tips for Running Downtown Austin
If you’re staying in downtown Austin, then I’ve got some easy to get to spots that are perfect for getting in your miles. Runsploring isn’t …
Runners know there is nothing better than exploring a new place on foot. This has been an ongoing passion of mine for many years. So let these help provide you a guide for finding new exciting places to or just have an active vacation!
If you’re staying in downtown Austin, then I’ve got some easy to get to spots that are perfect for getting in your miles. Runsploring isn’t …
Long before there were Spartan Races and Tougher Mudders, there was adventure racing. It’s a world that has fascinated me for many years, …
Welcome to Part 2 of discovering Rancho La Puerta in Mexico! There was simply too much to share to contain it to one post! Find all the …
A visit to Rancho La Puerta is like drinking the wellness Kool-aid, except it’s fresh brewed organic hibiscus tea. Don’t believe me? Over …
Grab your coffee and settle in, you’ll find that there are many posts here about Iceland and you won’t want to miss a single one if you are …
Planning an Ireland active vacation is simple - from biking to hiking to even dancing there are tons of options! Here's what you should try.
May your heart be light and happy, may your smile be big and wide, and may your pockets always have a coin or two inside. – Irish Saying …
As I shared in my initial post, I wasn’t sure what to expect when visiting Israel. I’d seen so much on the news and heard little rumblings …
After visiting Kona for the Ironman World Championships in 2013 the visions I’d often had of Hawaii in winter daydreams were cemented. Quiet …
Ready to escape the daily grind, but you want to come home feeling more alive and possibly more healthy? These active vacations are a win.
Did you know that the reason they say “No problem Mon” in Jamaica is because they only have situations which need to be resolved…not …
Initially I was going to break this down by day, but do you need to know every second?! No. What you want to know is what were the runs …
Is a trail running retreat right for you? What should you expect? Will everyone be pro’s and is it only for experienced trail runners? All …
It’s Saturday morning, the clock blinks 4:55 and though you don’t need to get up yet, you can’t stay in bed. There’s a sky filled with pink …
A few years ago, David and I boarded a plane, running shoes in tow on the way to speak at my first race expo prior to his first ever half …
Brown, dry, brittle, sandy….that’s Colorado currently and what I envisioned we’d encounter in Phoenix. Once again, I was pleasantly wrong. …
Moving to Colorado meant all kinds of changes to our lifestyle after 7 years of Florida living…and one of those was finding ways to enjoy …
In my first post I tried to capture the essence of the experience at Wellfit Malibu, from the beautiful setting to the people and of course …
If you’re jumping in here, part 1 talks about this retreat and the hikes, along with links to more photos! This running retreat was about so …
Bear with me friends as I find my footing around this story. It’s not as simple as I went to Costa Rica. Beautiful. Fun. The end. It’s …
For everything there is a season… Sure I could mean the crisp air, the bold leaves, the pending snow, but I don’t! In my early 20’s it was …
What would a recap of my Hawaii experience be without some of the Ironman stories that melt your heart, break your heart and head out to get …
Have you ever looked around in amazement to find yourself wondering “how is this my life?” I do that a lot. Then I say all my gratitudes …
In between the moments of mud and frustration on our non-camping adventure, we spent a lot of time ohhhing and ahhhing over the Aspens …
The sweet smell of summer is in the air and I know this because D has been using Kleenex to the point where I’m wondering how we can buy …
“I was beginning to question why we moved here.” He was a few steps ahead of me on our 4th trail of the weekend as the words fell out of his …
Welcome to part 2 of the amazing Israel fitness adventures, I enjoyed just one short week ago! If you haven’t read part 1, trust me it’s …
If you’re anything like me (and based on the fact that you read a running blog, you are) then you enjoy a little bit of sweat with your …
Straightforward and honest, it’s what people have told me they respect and expect here on RTTF. So let’s start there. The world is filled …
As with every adventure there is so much I want to share and only so much you’ll actually care about reading. While I’ll be doing another …
I put on my first pair of skis at age 16 for a whopping 3 hours….and then I proceeded to never ski again. I remember having fun, but the …
Was one of your New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight? But you find yourself so bogged down with daily life that you haven’t been able to …
It’s a big day around the Brooks-McLatchie household, not only are we celebrating David’s birthday with a few more gray hairs, but as this …
Ancient towers with Baroque statues, the click of your heels on the cobblestones, lovely old squares lined with charming facades… welcome to …
Iceland is made for active travelers. For nature lovers. For those who don’t need big cities, bright lights (Northern Lights being an …
Last week I poured my driven workaholic heart out to you about the need to remember to LOVE what I’m doing, put people first and stop with …
The Golden Circle is a go-to for most tourists in Reykjavik, and with good reason — the tour features some of the area’s most impressive …
I’ve already linked this up and committed myself to getting in written…so if you’ve found it today, bear with me as the details continue to …
After a solid night of sleep and another super star buffet breakfast, we started driving the Golden Circle. Some people do this in just one …
If I can make one recommendation for your trip to Iceland, it’s to hit the Blue Lagoon as soon as you exit the plane! After an overnight …
Lightning. Downpour. Kayaking. One of these things does not belong and yet we managed to pull all three together in another adventure this …
Does that sound like a trick question? Yeah it basically is. But if you run a new race distance…tada automatic PR!! I haven’t done anything …
7 Secrets to Break Through
Feeling stuck? Discover which of the 7 most common runner issues is holding you back in this free program. Videos, interviews, workouts and more!