As some of you know…and some of you don’t the saga with Anastasia has been ongoing. My filings with the Better Business Bureau was met with more lies and things she could not back up. Luckily have copies of all correspondence with her and the original contract (which she has attempted to modify when speaking the BBB).
In fact her most recent attempt to change the contract I received was to add a clause that said the bride is responsible for a back up location.
A. Not in the contract. Does she think I don’t have the contract?!
B. Who plans a destination wedding via coordinator and agrees to handle the backup?
Since I posted my original frustrations I have now heard from two other brides who were also bamboozled by Savannah Wedding Designs, aka Sweet Dreams Designs, aka Anastasia Stevenson. So many names going on I’m starting to see why.
Bride 1 was married near a swamp, which was described to her as a great grassy area. She also realized as I have that the pictures on the website are stock photography. When she confronted Anastasia she just smirked and said it was what it was. She also didn’t receive the decor anticipated.
Bride 2 had Anastasia yelling out comments to her while she was walking down the aisle! She didn’t receive the flowers or decor that she requested and has also been met with stoney silence about what occurred.
I am saddened each time I receive yet another response from her making outrageous claims that the groom told her I was so drunk I didn’t know what was going on, or that my mother hugged her and said the garage was beautiful or that it wasn’t a parking garage or that the maid of honor told her not to put lights up or that she offered us a suite at the hotel as an option (which she later back pedaled to say she meant our condo…though that was never an option and was not big enough).
In proof that it was a parking garage:

Keep your chin up and keep after her. At the very least, you may save another bride from going through this in the future. And that's something you can be proud of.
That photo shows how it's possible for a woman to look absolutely stunning in garage lighting and surrounded by concrete. Plus, the white railing matched your dress. She'll get her comeuppance, and you'll still be the most beautiful garage bride in history.
That second pic is gorgeous! Keep after this horrid woman. As your story gets out there more will come out and support you in the fight and you'll save others from going through equally bad situations.
that woman is INSANE!!! good job for fighting her and saving someone else's day… you still looked AMAZING!!!
So… I'm kind of not an observant person. And at first glance at the pictures, I was like "that is not a parking garage… it's a wedding! And she looks beautiful!" Then I saw the cars/ramp in the background. But you looked so gorgeous I barely noticed!!!Keep trucking… you will make her pay :)
Oh wow…I'm so sorry you are still having to deal with this psycho…I hope she gets shut down and sued big time!
Keep on fighting the good fight! I believe the best revenge is a life well lived–but if you also save a few other brides along the way, all the better. If there is any way to help, just say the word.
Hi AmandaIsn't it amazing how one dishonest, nasty person can ruin what SHOULD be the most special day in a woman's life?? I really hope you get this woman, but I know from experience with the BBB it is not an easy thing to do. I agree that you should definitely stay after her so she can't do this to anyone else and my God! did you look beautiful in that dress!Best of luck and hang in there.
Agree with the others – you looked amazing! As for Anastasia, though, geez Louise! I hope other couples thinking of availing themselves of her so-called services will think to check with the BBB before signing the contract!
wala pulos imo blog.