First because I bet many of you are people who ponder random thoughts like me….
Skincare refers to the specific products that we’re going to lather on to look like our best possible selves, while skin care is the entire routine we use to care for our largest organ. Sounds dirty when you say it that way, but still, it’s true!
It turns out no matter how young I feel, my skin knows that I’m no longer in my 20’s.
And boy did it let me know a few years ago that I could no longer keep doing what I was.After years of clear skin, suddenly I started having adult onset acne and freaking the F out.
Adult Acne Tips
I was scrubbing and glopping on acne cream and getting more stressed out each week because I couldn’t figure out what was going on! I admit to be luckily with clear skin for the most part over the years, so I pretty much though I just needed to dry up the oil or something.
And I kept eliminating foods left and right to see if that was an issue! Absolutely something to look in to if you’re having issues!! That wasn’t my issue this time though.
I finally went to an aesthetician and learned a couple of key things:
- The more you try to dry out those oily spots the more oil they start to produce making everything worse
- As you age, your skin doesn’t shed as well, so you need to help it. That prevents clogged pores.
- You’re gonna have to do a few things to help with brightness.
- Your body produces less collagen as you age and that leads to less tight skin, so I was doing something right by supplementing!
- Best skin care products for 30’s are so much gentler than as teens.
The other thing we talked about which I’ve long known is that our bodies absorb what we put on our skin. In fact, what’s on your skin is absorbed 5x’s FASTER and it’s your LARGEST organ!! Read more about how it impacts our hormones.
Clean eating is all about eliminating processed foods from our everyday diet; this is largely to lower our intake of chemicals that our bodies cannot process and potentially cause disease.
Interestingly enough many of us continue to put all kinds of chemicals on our skin every single day.
A little strange don’t you think?Source
Luckily, an awareness of how critical skin care is to our total health is growing and amazing companies like Beautycounter.
In fact, I did an in-depth review of this brand, along with some of the key ingredients we want to ensure are no longer in our products (click here to read it).
Beyond my changing skin care, after the diagnosis of low no estrogen, my doctor recommended that I eliminate all chemical products from our home. He obviously couldn’t point to that as a trigger, but based on our otherwise healthy lifestyle he noted it was a possible contributor.
Having not put much thought in to it previously, I started digging to understand what he meant.
Why We Need To Change Our Skin Care in our 30’s?
Scientists have linked exposure to toxic chemicals to health risks, such as Cancer, Alzheimer’s, learning disabilities, asthma, birth defects, and various reproductive problems. I guess this is what he was referring to, geez.
Off I went to Target armed with a new desire to clear out our cabinets…
Then I just stood in the cleaning aisle, followed by the makeup aisle wondering what it all meant. What was natural? Could I just make this stuff at home? Would it work as well? David is kind of a clean freak, he was not convinced in the slightest that our home would be clean. He also had some serious reservations about changing his own face wash to this “natural stuff”.
Feeling totally overwhelmed, I did what I do in every situation where I want to make a change. I picked one product and have slowly built upon that. Additionally, there are now tools like Skin Deep which help you rate products.Our hormones are already changing with age, the last thing we want is more endocrine disrupters making it harder to keep our skin clear or the weight off! Which is part of what helped me put together a new skin care regimen in my 30’s that has worked like a charm.
I’m not the only one who needed to make changes.
After years of being nothing but a soap guy, my husband started asking for men’s products to scrub his face and then gasp LOTION. But he had the requirement that it not make him feel greasy, which I totally get. So if you’re dealing with that, I recommend checkout out this great clean men’s care line.
Skin Care Regimen Over 30
Technically this is my exact skin care regimen for 35, but I wish I’d jumped on it as soon as I’d turned 30 and avoided a few years of feeling completely confused by my skin.
Breakouts that just appeared out of no where, feeling more dull or well trying to beat it in to submission without any luck! I wanted to share with you the exact routine which got my skin back in shape – basically the tips above with my details.
Did you know your skin care needs to change over 30? And maybe it's time to get a little more natural... #iamwellandgood Share on XHere’s my breakdown of the best skin care products for 30’s!
Wash my face immediately upon waking with water
– This is key to simply remove any dirt that collects over night and as noted to help your skin slough off. You want to use cold water to close pores and wake you up.
Here I am, no filter, but yes mascara!! At 6AM on a Saturday heading out to run…listen I’ll take this skin at almost 38.
Post morning Workout Skin Care Products:
- Wash my face with Moisturizing Face Wash – key to keep hydrating your skin for it to maintain a glow and health
- Toner — this is a key to really help your dead skin clear off
- Charlotte Tilbury Miracle Eye Wand – OMG I swear this has finally made a dent in my dark under eye circles which are genetic
- Use 10% vanishing acne cream on any potential spots – obviously this is not a non-toxic option, it’s just what I’ve found still works best. You can try witch hazel, it was too harsh for me, but not others.
- Rejuvenating Day Cream (moisturizing was key to getting my skin back from the breakouts and hydrated skin looks younger)
- Coola Sport Face Sunscreen — We know that sun damage is a quick way to look older and this particular brand I love because it doesn’t run in to my mouth. They also make a BB cream version that’s anytime moisturizer!
Nighttime Routine Skin Care Products:
- Again always wash with face wash before bed, do NOT sleep in your make up
- Use toner again
- if any dark spots from past issues I put on a tiny amount of vitamin e
- Countermatch Rescue Eye Cream – helping to brighten up that under eye area which just gets thinner and can look darker as we age (if you have puffy eyes, try this one
- Apply Overnight Resurfacing Peel a couple nights a week
- Charlotte Tilbury Miracle Night cream is basically one of my favorite things ever, but it’s expensive. However, I swear within a month of using it is when I started getting so many comments on my skin on Instagram. A cheaper option with very similar ingredients here.
Oh hey Kaley…we have the same moisturizer!
A few times per week:
One of the things I found really helpful was getting a microdermabrasion facial, but I didn’t want to pay for that every month or schedule it. So I actually found a few things that seem to be working just as well at home as part of my skin care in my 30’s routine.
Glam Glow Super Mud
I legit hate masks because they always made me breakout in the past, but this one I have to say is great. Maybe it’s the actual green tea leaves in it.
Pore Suction Vacuum
Yup as weird as it sounds, the week before my period when my body seems to be boosting all the oils I use this! It’s dramatically helped to reduce any potential breakouts and with a microdermabrasion tip, provides an option to slough off skin. When I asked my aesthetician she basically said those facials are sucking out the dirt…soooo this is just the slightly less powerful at home version.
Other skin care questions, let me know!!
What’s a MUST have for you?
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I love a Vitamin C serum. My skin feels brighter, my breakouts (including blackheads!) have gone away, and old acne scarring has also disappeared. I also use a moisturizer twice daily (super dry skin), and try to exfoliate once a week. I also use an occasional clay mask and have started getting “quick” facials every 6-8 weeks. Oh, and lots of sunscreen is a must! I’ve always had problematic skin and have been self-conscious about it so I consider it an important investment