Is Running with Weights Safe? (Benefits, Cautions, and Tips)
Does running with weights build muscle? Can it improve your speed or are you simply looking at a new way to injure yourself? Find out.
Does running with weights build muscle? Can it improve your speed or are you simply looking at a new way to injure yourself? Find out.
: Runners know they need to cross-train, but can CrossFit and running work well together? Learn 4 ways to balance it, plus 7 WODs for …
As runners, yoga isn’t the first thing that pops into our minds when we consider all the different options out there. But a regular yoga …
A sports chiropractor can help much more than back pain. They help with muscle imbalances from IT band to hip adjustments for pain free …
Active stretching is about more than increased flexibility. Learn why it's different from other stretches and how to add it to your routine.
Aqua jogging is an excellent form of cross-training for runners. Here are benefits, gear you'll need, and sample workouts for training.
A few years ago, I was introduced to the idea of turmeric as an anti-inflammatory. It wasn’t my first dabbling with a supplement …
Does running give you abs? Find out how running affects your abs and how you can use it to meet your goals to get a stronger core.
Cross training to build strength and power in your running are key. A full body workout for runners you can do anywhere will get you …
Cross training is an essential part of having a healthy, injury-free running journey. But that wasn’t always the case. Cross training for …
Rowing vs running: both exercises burn calories and build muscle, but is one better than the other? Find out the benefits and drawbacks of …
Are you suffering from tight hip flexors or lower back pain while running or right after a lower body workout? Do you struggle to feel your …
Can yoga replace strength training? Yoga or weights? Weights or yoga? Which will make you a better runner? Are you better doing one than the …
If there’s one injury that plagues running friends more than any other it’s the IT Band. I’ve talked here about the …
If you’ve found that working out from home has lead you to fall in love with video led workouts then you might be debating Beachbody …
30 Day Core Challenge | Abs, Glutes and Hips THE SECRET TO RUNNING INJURY FREE… is just 10 minutes a day. 4.8 (937 runners) Grab …
I love watching the Beachbody Program infomercials while I’m on the treadmill. Is that really weird? Yes? No…admit it. It’s weird, but …
Do you ski? A natural first question when someone finds out we moved to Denver. Nope. However, I’ve fallen in love with snowshoeing …
Do planks make you run faster? I say this is debatable, but without a doubt working your core makes you a more injury proof runner. I DO NOT …
Nearly every runner has been through an injury, which makes the average non-runner believe that you simply can’t enjoy this sport …
While researching stretching for runners, I learned a crazy fact that some stretches to lose lower belly fat are what we’re already …
Mobility vs flexibility – they can seem like the same thing, which we think simply means spending time stretching. Nope. In fact, they …
Every year, I receive a lot of questions about recovering from IT Band Syndrome and I understand why…it sucks! There is the moment …
You can practice running or yoga for an hour every single day for a month, a week, a year or a lifetime and while your focus might be on the …
If I asked you the last time you worked on your core, what would say? Maybe you’d remember a plank recently or hey some crunches as …
When I took up running in 2002, the first thing I heard was “it’s bad for your knees“. At the time, I didn’t have …
It’s Saturday morning, the clock blinks 4:55 and though you don’t need to get up yet, you can’t stay in bed. There’s …
You know I like talking digestion right? It’s the unsung hero of healthy bodies!! I was reminded of that again in Costa Rica chatting …
Stop me if you’ve heard this one… A runner walks in to a gym, buys a membership, scopes out the weight room and then heads outside for a …
The free 30 day ab challenge is winding down for those who started with me! I’ve heard from many of you that the moves are killer and …
Working your core in different ways is key to hitting all the different muscles and one way we often neglect, but works instantly is …
One thing I’ve realized about myself lately is that while I LOVE the consistency of running, when it comes to classes I am much happier to …
After committing to cross training this Spring, I was thrilled to find myself actually hitting a weekly goal of multiple strength …
New workouts are not only fun, but a great reminder of how much I need to cross train! During the Oakley retreat they said we would be doing …
Time for another one month challenge! I asked what you wanted and ab challenge was the clear winner. I get it, spring will disappear on us …
Time for another one month challenge! I asked what you wanted and ab challenge was the clear winner. I get it, spring will disappear on us …
I am so excited to bring you another great runner spotlight! Previously you heard from a runner who did a first marathon in 3:20 and a …
I have often longingly looked at the Yoga/Surf Retreat in Mexico and wondered what it would be like to shirk all responsibilities for a week …
Can 30 minutes a day change your life? Can it help you to slow down? To create muscle? To prevent injury? Yoga was something I practiced …
7 Secrets to Break Through
Feeling stuck? Discover which of the 7 most common runner issues is holding you back in this free program. Videos, interviews, workouts and more!