We talk a lot about the pure satisfaction of crossing a finish line and knowing you’ve achieved something you once thought beyond reach.
We see the big smiles of #medalmonday on Instagram.
We hear rumors of the elusive runner’s high.
But when you see most runners out logging miles, they aren’t grinning from ear to ear. In fact, they often look quite serious or downright a bit haggard depending on the day.
In fact, for all the things we say about running, very rarely do we say “oh boy today’s run was just so fun“.
I mean we call groups that aren’t a race “fun runs” to eliminate pressure, but none-the-less rarely run them while high-fiving eachother and saying “this is just the most fun ever!“
Now there are of course times where that isn’t the case and we find ourselves, talking and giggling and the miles flying by.
Or where we finish a Ragnar that wore us to the bone and then look at each other with slap happy grins.
But still…is running fun?
I mean there are thousands of variations on the shirt “Running Sucks” or “I only run when chased“. That alone should probably get me to give up the cause. But I’m an endurance runner, so persevere I shall.Shirt from Sarah Marie Design!
Do We Really Enjoy Running?
Am I having an existential crisis? My whole world is running. My job basically depends on convincing you that it’s fun right?
But is it?!
After 17 years running, 20,000+ miles, and 2000+ articles on running, I feel like this is a question I need to answer.
The only way to do this is clearly in a super scientific way to ensure that my results are considered valid to the rest of the running world.
Step 1, Google “how to set up a scientific experiment”!
- Make an observation.
- Ask a question.
- Form a hypothesis, or testable explanation.
- Make a prediction based on the hypothesis.
- Test the prediction.
- Iterate: use the results to make new hypotheses or predictions.
My Running Experiement
Observation: Runners aren’t often smiling while they run.
Question: Does this mean running is not enjoyable?
Hypothesis: Running is not fun.
Prediction: This is horseshit and I’ll prove everyone wrong!
Ok that last piece doesn’t feel very scientific, but then again I was a journalism major, so take what you get folks.
Realistically, this is my idea of a valid decision making tree…always buy the running shoes.
Testing the hypothesis!
Here’s the fun part, wait I can’t use that word it clearly invalidates the experiment to describe it with the word we’re trying to prove. Ok fine, this is the part where I get to run, talk to runners and find out what their take is on running.
How do we define fun?
Laughing so hard you cry from a night of charades with friends is fun.
Curling up with a mug of hot cocoa (dairy free please), your favorite person and a holiday movie is fun.
Planning your next big vacation is fun.
Is doing something hard for hours on end, really fun?
Well honestly no, the act of running in that moment isn’t always fun. And yet there’s something about tackling that challenge that makes all of that HARD…dare I say it…FUN.
- We derive confidence from facing challenges
- The challenge of running inspires us to try other hard things
- The work requires us to focus, which enhances our experience
- It’s a way to challenge ourselves that’s not required by work or family, it’s our choice
All right, none of that really aligns with the above gut busting definitions of fun. So let’s take this from a different angle.
Now, here’s where my bias is going to show.
I live running. I’ve made it my job, my hobby, my non-stop area of learning, so yes I kinda think this whacky sport is fun!
I think runsploring in new cities is one of the most fun ways to experience a place.
I think running while singing loudly in my head and miming drums to my favorite pump up song is fun.
I think learning from a great podcast while simultaneously moving my body is really fun.
I think feeling the sun on my face and the sweat pouring off my face is fun.
And yet, I suppose none of that really speaks to the actual feeling of putting down one foot after the other for mile after mile in itself as being enjoyable.
Come share your insights...is running fun??? If not, why are we doing it? #running #runchat Share on XConclusion
Running may not be fun in the sense of being lighthearted (except those undie runs), by its definition of something which we can delight or take pleasure in. Meaning it’s possible to enjoy running without always considering the actual run a moment of merriment.
Therefore I shall rework my hypothesis to be that running is enjoyable…and I WIN.
That’s how science works right? You don’t like the answer, you change the question…and you narrow your experiment group to 1. Haha!
How to make running fun?
Still feeling like, no thanks Amanda, I don’t enjoy running and your little list above isn’t convincing me. Well then, let me run through the most common issues I hear and how you might reconsider.
More of than not I hear three things from those who don’t run:
- I would, but I have bad knees
- I would, but I can’t breathe
- I would, but I get so bored
Bad knees
Yeah I’ve been there. Knee surgery in high school and one again in 2017…I run…I’m not in pain. It’s not bad for your knees according to MANY doctors. So read this on taking care of your knees.
Can’t breathe
Surprise, we all feel that way. First you gotta slow down, no need to be Usain Bolt and then read these tips on how to breathe while running.
Ahh this is where we can really make some progress! See you just haven’t tapped in to all the reasons you’re out there running yet. You think it’s just about burning calories and so of course you’re watching every second tick by like waiting for the microwave to ding.
Checkout these podcast ideas, consider a running group or start switching up your route! Maybe it’s time to try trail running or change your focus from distance to speed.
At the end of the day, none of us will all love the same things. I mean my mom things a BLT is one of the greatest foods on earth and I think it’s slimy tomatoes and boring lettuce.
But if you are going to choose running, you might as well enjoy it! You don’t have to do it, so let’s all see what we can do to make it more F-U-N.
What’s your conclusion is the act of running fun?
Do you enjoy it?
Other ways to connect with Amanda
Instagram Daily Fun: RunToTheFinish
Facebook Community Chatter: RunToTheFinish
Get more running tips: Pinterest
Interesting how a short, three letter word can lead to great existential questions. Not ever moment I’m running is fun but over all running is fun or at least filled with joy. Is that the same thing? The physical effort can’t fairly be called fun but it is exhilarating. There is something fundamentally human about the run. Once when I was coming home from a long run a young girl asked her father why is that man playing. It always stuck with me – even in my old age I get to play and isn’t that fun.
Yes! It is Dame fun! I wish I could overcome some of my pains while running. Then I’d do it longer and faster and more. But instead I take it for what it is for me now (slow, not as often and did I say slow) and I have Dame fun with that even!! So is hiking 10 miles with my food, tent and cloths on my back.
Haven’t run since last Wednesday. I have only been eating and eating, Thanksgiving food and Pies and ice cream… Windy and cold today…..I thought I needed a run…went to the gym just go. A do a 5k on the treadmill..sorta check in to see how I feel….at the Three mile mark I noticed myself smiling and started sorta dancing…went a couple of extra miles…loved it and yes it was fun🙂
ha, I love it!
I love running! The only times I haven’t loved it was when I was hurting or when I’m pushing so hard in the moment, but after I’m in love. Is it fun? That feeling where you drop into a good pace and all is well, fun, when you are flying, fun, seeing beauty fun, with friends fun. So fun all the time maybe not but do I love it, almost all the time.
This may be my favorite blog post about running ever :) If you asked me 10 years ago I would’ve said running the worst. But today, I know for certain that it definitely is fun!
you’re the sweetest!! It’s amazing how the way we feel about it changes, the longer we run!
This is great!
So many people tell me I’m crazy when I say I run for fun. I think it is fun when you allow yourself to run as slow or fast as your body is capable of. I used to hate running until i “allowed” myself to slow down and enjoy it. The “Start here” page on my blog details how I started to have fun running.
Now, I love getting outside, working towards a goal, and the feeling of accomplish when I reach it. And looking good is a great side effect 😉
I have been running for 38 years and have over 60000 miles. And I have had the pleasure to race anything from a 5k to a 100 miler.
Running is fun in my mind and it is my lifelong passion. I can hardly wait to go out the door almost everyday.
Whether running is fun or not depends on the mindset of the person and the reasons he/she is doing it.