In part one I gave you 50 ideas from hilarious to motivational, but I’m hearing that you need more because everyone is stealing your ideas…so um here are some more race signs for you to steal.
Consider it the highest form of flattery rather than stealing. Someone took time to come up with these amazing funny marathon signs and they should therefore be shared with more runners, for more smiles over the miles. (oh maybe that’s a sign right there!)
If you’ve never had the pleasure of running a race with friends cheering you on, then just imagine this….
Every muscle in your body is screaming at you for choosing to do this sport and push yourself to such limits. What were you thinking when you signed up to run ridiculously far?!
Then you round a corner and just as the tears start to well up, you spot a race sign that makes you literally laugh out loud. No, LOLing, you just do it and darn does it feel good. Suddenly it’s like you’ve gotten a bit of a second wind.
They weren’t even your friends and family holding that marathon poster, but that smiling face holding a big piece of neon cardboard might have just changed your entire race. In fact, I recently shared a new study about how runners actually go FASTER if they smile…so see you might be helping someone hit their PR with these marathon cheering ideas!When you’re pondering staying snuggled up in bed instead of heading out to a course, to bounce around in place for hours for the few seconds that you might see your runner, know this:
Your sign is helping thousands of runners.
Of course your loved one is going to get an extra kick out of it because they get to see you and they know your hilarious personality. But you’re doing all runners a favor by showing up. It’s not the most fun you’ll have in your life, but consider it for a good cause.And while we do love a great motivational sign, it’s true that your very funny signs can distract us for at least another mile…and distraction is welcome in the pain cave!
No matter what you choose to put on your sign, whether it’s in magic marker, printed out or drawn on with a very last minute pen you scrounged from the bottom of your car floorboards, we appreciate it. When you’re wondering how to support a marathon runner…it’s pretty easy, just be there and we’ll be happy.
How to come up with a funny marathon sign?
It can be real life (i.e. the missing toenails).
It can be pulled from headlines (i.e. United Airlines).
It can be personal (i.e. the weird nickname you’ve given us)
It can be a funny twist on a popular song!
It can poke fun at our desire to run for hours on end.
It can applaud us for having determination.
It can just be a big photo of a unicorn…we’re not terribly picky.
And of course it can be any of the sign ideas I’m sharing with you here! For those of you like my dear beloved husband who appreciate a good sign, but really truly loathe needing to come up with an idea on your own…here you go!
Don’t forget to review that first list of over 50 marathon race sign ideas, but here are some new one’s as well:
- Tough conditions make you stronger (great in bad weather race)
- Stronger and stronger with every mile
- Good things take time, run slow!
- I’m sure this seemed like a good idea 4 months ago
- In my mind, you’re all Kenyans
- Run like it’s the start of the Hunger Games
- Endorphins: The legal racing drug
- When you get tired, rest. Don’t quit.
- PR’s aren’t made in your comfort zone
- Free Your Mind and Your Legs Will Follow
- May the course be with you
- You look HOT when you SWEAT
- Runners don’t die, they just smell like it
- If Brittany Spears can survive 2007, you can survive 26.2
- Humpty Dumpty had wall issues too
- Could be worse…you could be doing burpees for 4 hours
- You are 2 Legit 2 Quite
- If I see you collapse, I’ll pause your Garmin
- The End is NOT near
- Pick a cute butt and follow it
- Chuck Norris runs until the treadmill gets tired
- Toenails are overrated
- Blisters are braille for AWESOME
- You can run slower tomorrow when no one is watching
Again, thank you to everyone who takes the time out of their very early morning to come out and show us support on race day. It really does mean a lot.
How often do you cheer on friends and family?
Have a great sign that I’ve missed?
Other ways to connect with Amanda
Twitter: RunToTheFinish
Facebook: RunToTheFinish
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Love signs in a long race. They usually make me smile and I appreciate the effort.
These are all great! I am not very good at coming up with race signs. I don’t spectate very often so I think I’ve only made signs once or twice. I give al ot of credit to people who come up with hilarious signs! They are definitely a welcome distraction during the race!
At the Mercedes half marathon I ran a few weeks ago, there was a girl in a hot dog costume holding a sign that said “are you looking at my weiner?”. LOLOLOL That made me laugh out loud!
HAAAA that’s awesome!! I always want to take a photo…but I’m busy ;)