If you’ve ever had that feeling of your skin being too tight on your fingers, then you know the weird sensation when your hands swell while walking or running. Which always leads us to wonder, “WHY?”
And better yet, how can we stop it?
Because I don’t love the feeling of swollen fingers and not being able to pull my ring off, even if I know it will go away eventually.
Causes of Hand Swelling During Exercise
Why do hands swell while walking? There are a few common things that might be the culprit and most are not anything to worry about, but more a result of simply how our bodies react to the movement.
Unfortunately, though it’s a common problem, there are very few true scientific studies that have looked at this because it’s not usually considered a major medical issue. In most cases it’s not treatable by medication, but rather a few modifications in exercise.
But it’s darn uncomfortable! So let’s see what might be happening and anything you can do to help.
#1 Increased Blood Flow
Whether we are walking, hiking or running our heart is going to start pumping more blood out to our muscles to provide them with oxygen and energy.
Our body also starts thinking about what areas don’t need as much help…like your hands! It’s the same reason that runners might be out in shorts, but still need running gloves because their fingers are numb.
The body is remarkable about conserving energy and focusing blood flow to the muscles that are performing the majority of the work.
We’ll talk more below on what you can do to help with this like how you move your arms.
#2 Hot Weather
Warm temperatures add another layer of complexity. Your body’s cooling system goes into high gear, pushing more blood closer to the skin’s surface to dissipate heat.
Ever notice your face turning into a ripe tomato during a hot workout? That’s why. As your blood vessels widen to accommodate this increased blood flow, you might notice your hands starting to puff up. So if you’re exercising in the heat, don’t be surprised if your hands feel like they’ve gone up a size or two.
When the temperature increases, your body tries to cool itself by pushing more blood close to the surface where it can release heat. The same reason your face gets red and flushed during summer workouts.
When the temperature increases, your body tries to cool itself by pushing more blood close to the surface where it can release heat. The same reason your face gets red and flushed during summer workouts.
The blood vessels actually expand to accept the increased blood flow and that could result in your hands swelling while walking.
#3 Electrolyte Imbalances
Electrolytes are minerals found in your body—sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. They play a vital role in maintaining many physiological functions. They help balance the amount of water in and out of cells, tissues, and organs. They’re crucial for nerve function, muscle contractions, and even help maintain the pH levels in your body.
When these minerals are out of whack, it can throw off many bodily functions. One common imbalance is hyponatremia, which is when you have low sodium levels.
This can happen if you drink too much water without replenishing electrolytes, essentially diluting the sodium in your body.
That’s right, you need to learn to hydrate the RIGHT way. Too many recommendations were leading endurance athletes and marathon runners to be over hydrated, which actually flushes the body of electrolytes while you’re also sweating them out.
Other signs of hyponatremia:
- confusion
- headache
- muscle cramps or weakness
If any of these are happening during your exercise, you need to stop and seek immediate medical attention.
The flip side of this is consuming too much salt.
Salt causes your body to retain water, and this extra fluid accumulates in certain areas, often in the hands, feet, legs, and sometimes even the face. It’s basically your body’s response to an imbalance between salt and water, leading to a build-up of fluid in your tissues.
If it’s an occasional thing then it’s just bloating, but frequent overdoing leads to high blood pressure and swelling frequently.
What Medical Conditions Cause Hand Swelling?
There are a few instances where hand swelling could be a sign of something else, but that is usually not the case when talking about it during exercise.
If you are noticing it outside of running or it’s simply staying around for an extremely long time after exercise, then pay attention to additional symptoms:
- Fever, chills
- Redness or a rash
- Painful and tender, swelling in to the wrist
The most expected cause would be trauma to the hand and a broken bone, but I’m guessing you’ll know if that happens. :) So outside of that it might be more prevalent when pregnant or an early sign of a type of arthritis.
But if you can rule out recent injury, other possible culprits might come into play.
Hand swelling is common during pregnancy due to increased bodily fluids and changes in hormone levels. It usually isn’t a standalone symptom but occurs along with swelling in other parts of the body like the feet and ankles.
Certain forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis, can also lead to swollen hands. These conditions cause inflammation in the joints, often making the hands tender and swollen.
It’s absolutely possible to run with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis; we’ve helped runners through both. But again, it does mean knowing your body and paying attention to if this is becoming a chronic or painful issue.
Altitude Sickness
Altitude sickness, or acute mountain sickness (AMS), is a condition that can occur when you ascend to high elevations too quickly, giving your body little time to adapt to the decreased levels of oxygen and changes in air pressure. One of the symptoms that can accompany altitude sickness is peripheral edema, or swelling in the hands, feet, and face.
If you’re engaging in activities like mountain climbing, hiking at high altitudes, or even exercising in places situated significantly above sea level, and you notice your hands swelling, it could very well be due to altitude sickness.
Preventive measures such as gradual acclimatization to high altitudes, staying hydrated, and medications like acetazolamide can help mitigate the risks of developing altitude sickness.
Other Conditions
Chronic issues like heart, liver, or kidney disease can also cause swelling, though these are generally accompanied by other, more severe symptoms.
So if you find that hand swelling is becoming a recurrent or painful issue, it’s a good idea to get it checked out. Knowing your body and recognizing when something is off could be the first step toward addressing an underlying medical condition.
Whether you’re an avid runner or someone who just enjoys a good walk, paying attention to these signs is essential for your long-term health.
How to Prevent Hand Swelling While Walking?
All right now we know some of the main causes, so is there anything we can change or do differently to help our hands?
Bend Your Arms
We know that elevating our hands will help with swelling, so some people notice that if they start to walk with their arms bent at 90 degrees this helps.
Rather than having arms hanging down to the sides where the blood could pool as the vessels expand, this could help with moving it back in to the arms.
One way to easily do this during a long hike is to use poles. It will also give your hands something to do, which might help the system push blood away and back. It’s now realizing those muscles are being used as well.
*You can also raise your hands over your head occasionally, to increase that elevation and change the arm movement.
Loosen Your Grip
If you’re holding onto something tightly, like weights or the handlebars of a bike, try to relax your grip a bit. A tight grip can restrict blood flow, contributing to swelling.
Move Your Hands
Simple hand exercises can promote better circulation and help reduce finger swelling. Try some of the following next time you notice your hands beginning to swell:
- Finger Tapping: While exercising or during breaks, tap each fingertip to your thumb, encouraging blood flow back toward the heart.
- Wrist Flex and Extend: Flex your wrist up and down, performing 10-15 repetitions. This helps improve circulation.
- Hand Open and Close: Make a fist, and then open your hand fully, extending your fingers out wide. Repeat this 10 times on each hand.
- Overhead Hand Clasp: Lift both arms over your head and clasp your hands. This elevation helps gravity assist in draining excess fluid from the hands.
- Wrist Circles: Rotate your wrists clockwise and then counter-clockwise. Do about 10-15 rotations in each direction.
Improve Blood Flow
While these tips won’t completely resolve the issue they can help prevent that painful sausage fingers feeling.
If you can improve blood flow it will help prevent that fluid retention.
- remove all rings and bracelets
- loosen watchband
- check your backpack shoulder straps to ensure they aren’t too tight (hiking or hydration pack)
These things might not be enough to fully prevent hands swelling while walking, but they can help. And of course seek out a doctor if you’re concerned about other symptoms to rule out any other issues.
Drink Electrolytes (But Don’t Overdo It)
That’s right, sipping an electrolyte drink during hot or long duration exercise isn’t just for the marathon, it’s helpful year round.
I actually sip on electrolyte fluids throughout the week when I’ve been sweating a lot. It also makes water just a little sweeter, which we’ve found helps people drink more and stay hydrated.
And while drinking enough water is key, remember, too much can lead to electrolyte imbalances. Aim for a balanced approach.
Keep Cool
If it’s gotten too hot outside, time to move your workout indoors or even to the pool. If you’ve been having a lot of trouble with hand swelling during exercise and it’s causing you pain, then don’t just pus through!
Find alternatives that give you an option to exercise in a cooler environment.
- Avoid going in the heat of the day
- Move indoors where there is air conditioning
- Wear an ice towel or ice hat, anything that helps keep body temperature down
Limit Salt Intake
If you have a diet high in sodium, cutting back might help prevent swelling. Opt for whole foods like fruits and veggies, and be cautious with processed foods that often contain hidden salt.
Pay Attention to Accessories
Watch the fit of things like tight jewelry, wristbands, your wristwatch, and gloves. Anything too tight can contribute to swelling by restricting normal blood flow.
Improve Blood Flow
While these tips won’t completely resolve the issue they can help prevent that painful sausage fingers feeling.
If you can improve blood flow it will help prevent that fluid retention.
- remove all rings and bracelets
- loosen watchband
- check your backpack shoulder straps to ensure they aren’t too tight (hiking or hydrationpack)
These things might not be enough to fully prevent hands swelling while walking, but they can help. And of course seek out a doctor if you’re concerned about other symptoms to rule out any other issues.
When to Consult a Professional About Hand Swelling
While hand swelling during exercise is usually benign and temporary, if you notice this symptom sticking around or cropping up outside of physical activity, it’s worth a closer look. Keep an eye out for additional signs like:
- Fever or chills
- nausea
- vomiting
- dizziness
- Skin redness or a rash
- Pain extending into the wrist
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pain or tightness
- Extreme fatigue
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms alongside hand swelling, seek medical advice promptly. These symptoms can be indicative of heart issues, dehydration, or other serious conditions that require immediate evaluation and treatment.
Remember, listening to your body is crucial. If something feels off, it’s always better to consult a professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Ignoring symptoms can lead to worsening conditions and complications down the line.
Other Common Questions:
- What do electrolytes do
- What are the best hydration packs
- What are good running belts
- How many steps in a mile?
- Best Wide Feet Walking Shoes
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I’ve also heard that clenching/unclenching your fists while running can help. Haven’t tried it long enough to say that it works, but I definitely agree that swollen hands during and after a run is no fun! Thanks for the info. Especially interesting about the salt intake.
That absolutely makes sense, it gets the blood moving!