Too much of a good thing, it really is possible.
Too much sun = red lobster looking tan lines and lots of aloe
Too much birthday cake = stomach ache
Too much girls night out fun = a day in bed hiding from all light and sound
Too many squats = walking like a penguin the following day
So I suppose there is a case to be made for moderation…or more likely just awareness that sometimes what we think is a great healthy choice might actually be setting us back in our weight loss or fitness goals.
It’s Think Out Loud Thursday, so I’m letting you in on some personal mistakes with all the wonderful healthy foods that we seem to have portion control issues with or need a full diagnostic on the label before buying!
High in fiber a clean granola is wonderful for digestion, heart health and aiding in weight loss. Unfortunately, it’s ridiculously easy to eat more than a single serving of granola because it tastes like a little bite of carbohydrate heaven! A serving size is usually just 1/4 of a cup!!
Now compare that with what you likely pour in a bowl…yikes. A couple options are available to ensure you can still enjoy the benefits of this awesome food:
A. Pick a plain cereal like Cheerios or Love Grown Power O’s Plain and mix in that 1/4 cup granola for sweetness and more fiber
B. Put a 1/4 cup scoop in the bag and use it to top your yogurt or green smoothie
Pineapple is great for digestion, apricots are a good plant source of iron and well we’ve all heard about what prunes do for your bathroom habits right? I LOVE carrying dried fruit in place of gels during long runs, but you see that I’m using dried fruit to replace those sugar bombs of gel packets!
Noshing on it all day long means loading up on sugar, sugar, sugar and unfortunately without the wonderful satiating effects of the fiber in the whole fruit which means it can quickly become a high calorie snack.
Great for when you’re out on a hike, but maybe not ideal as a daily afternoon snack…especially if you’re choosing the one’s that are loaded with sugar and most of us are because they’re cheaper!
When we head out on a hike, I always have a Kind Bar, Vega Bar or Clif bar in my bag because I know they are dense source of nutrients and are made with quality ingredients. Because these bars taste like dessert as well, I often found myself munching on them as a mind afternoon snack…now I could definitely be making worse choices, but when you have access to whole foods that should be the default since most bars are around 200 calories.Choose the right bar:
- Lookout for bars with additives, like isomalto-oligosaccharides which can cause digestive issues.
- Lookout for “natural flavorings” which is often a label that could encompass MSG
- Skip those with sugar alcohols which also cause digestive issues.
- Compare the calories to the protein and fiber – there is a difference between a bar designed to be used for energy during a workout and one you’re noshing on as a snack (i.e. Clif Bars are amazing for a hike, maybe not as perfect for a sitting at your desk snack)
If you’ve been duped in to eating low fat peanut butter, let’s start there…stop. It’s got more sugar and often other ingredients which make it less than healthy. Go for the real thing.
When you opt for the real thing, let’s talk now about quantity. It seems that many women have a love, love affair with nut butters and often it could be because they’re lacking fat in the rest of their diet which makes them not only craving the PB, but then devour it mercilessly.
A serving of nut butter daily is totally fine, but that’s 2TBSP…and maybe on those days it’s not also time to eat multiple servings of whole nuts. {Pleading the fifth on this habit}.
When it comes to nuts, they are all great for you! Just a few tips to make them the best choice:
- Nut butters should only have 1 ingredient…nuts
- Aim for whole nuts that aren’t roasted or salted
- Enjoy cacao or other flavored nuts occasionally as a dessert
We know I’m an uber fan of green smoothies, but I tend to shy away from juicing. For most people it spikes blood sugar which leads to feeling hungry shortly after and many store bought versions are using concentrate rather than fresh juices…soooo say buh bye to all the nutrients you though you were getting.The VitaMix is my favorite tool because unlike juice which strips out the fiber a smoothie is going to maintain EVERY bit of the fruit and veggie. I can shove a mass amount of things in to one of my green smoothies, but slurping my smoothie compared to eating all those foods in say a salad is way less filling.
I’m a total uber fan of using hummus in place of salad dressing, but if you aren’t careful you can end up with a bowl of higher calorie food than you imagined. Not only that, but many store brands use preservatives and added oils to increase shelf life.
Authentic hummus is super healthy with quality fat from tahini or olive oil, protein from chickpeas, alkalizing lemon and anti-inflammatory garlic. Yes it’s easy enough to make at home!! When you start dipping away with those veggies, just remember 2 TBSP is roughly 80 calories and leave me some would you, it’s one of my favorite foods.
Mom, this one is for you. YES it’s a healthy fat and YES we absolutely need it in our lives, but one regular avocado is almost 23grams of fat, which is generally almost half the fat most people need in day.
Like many of the other foods mentioned, avocado is all about portions. Folks on a high fat diet whom you see eating an avocado a day are NOT eating any processed carbs and very few complex carbs, so don’t be sucked in to the hype that you can have as much as you want unless you’re also following that dietary style.
A serving of avocado is considered 1oz or roughly 1/4 of California avocado. A sneaky way to bulk up your guacamole is to blend with sweet peas!! {I love sneaky vegetable recipes}
This one shocked me a few years ago, but it’s true! If you’re piling your green smoothie up daily with spinach and enjoying it in your salads this great veggie could actually lead to kidney stones.
This is one of the reasons it’s hugely important to ROTATE your greens. Don’t stop with the spinach, just aim for some variety so it’s not the only green your noshing day after day.
Are you overeating these healthy foods? You might be surprised at what's on the list! Share on XRECOVERY DRINKS
Just like I am not a huge fan of energy gels, I’m not a huge fan of many recovery or energy drinks. Why?
It’s not that as athletes we don’t have a need for drinks with electrolytes and minerals to replace what we’re sweating out…but we don’t always need to replace all the calories we just burned and many of the 0 calorie options are brimming with sugars and bizarre sweeteners.
The bigger problem is sports drinks are being marketed to kids as a healthy alternative to soda, which they are in some cases…but the cheap one a teen is going to grab contains HFCS, high sugar and some weird additives to make it neon.
What to focus on:
Get a recipe for making your own sports drink here or spend a little time reading labels. I personally use Vega, but many of my running friends love NUUN ans Scratch Labs, which are all very clean products.
Use recovery drinks as they were intended, during and post exercise. Your normal workday doesn’t require a neon blue 240 calorie beverage to power through, assuming you aren’t a ski instructor.
I’ve got a number of reasons why I think dropping dairy is good for a lot of people, but let’s just focus on the issues of skim milk and all those icky fat-free cheeses.
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who eat low-fat dairy products tend to be heavier than those who don’t because it’s less satiating and seems to encourage more carb consumption. Processing to remove fat, removes nutrients as well and yup unless you’re going organic there are a lot of hormones in that white stuff which we know makes us hold on to fat.
So you heard how amazing olive oil was and then coconut oil and of course you want to be healthy, so you started using it…a…lot.
And let’s be clear a number of studies have shown it’s great for heart health, brain healthy, it can lower cholesterol and help to control insulin levels, so it’s a clear winner in the fats category. The problem for many is well you already know…portions.
1 tbsp is 14grams of fat, so if you’re having 2 tbsp, along with that healthy avocado you’ve effectively eaten all of your fats for the day before you’ve even topped that salad with cheese. In many restaurants, when you get a salad with oil and vinegar dressing it’s up to 4 tbsps. Take control and ask for it on the side and in your cooking trying using 1 tbsp instead of 2 in the pan.
Still trying to figure out this whole process of running, fueling and losing weight? Checkout my brand new ebook to help you out!
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So easy to overindulge! I'm certainly guilty of the nut butter one.
My recent post Skinny Black Forest Smoothie {GF, Low Cal} + Rockin Refuel
Great list and I love that you put protein/energy bars and avocado on the list!!! I love me some avocado but I'm acutely aware of ALL the healthy fat in them!!
My recent post My Advice for Moms via “Make Your Body Work” Podcast with Dave Smith
You so hit the nail on the head with this one, I am certainly guilty of a few of those, but not the milk one, we only drink the creamy whole milk at my house. and no fat free dairy anything!
I'm a fan of basic tools in the kitchen because I like things that have more than one function. BUT, I've always wanted to try a spiralizer!
I definitely get too much spinach–it is the green that I buy–but I usually get other lettuces when we are out. Granola is a go to for me during marathon season simply for the calories, but I always choose a natural, lower sugar type.
I just got a spiralizer attachment for my kitchenaid, but I need a new toaster oven. Love mine, and it is dying!
My recent post The Moral of That Story is…
I would love a food processor! I actually just bought a spiralizer and I'm in love!
I needed a spiralizer and just bought one the other day! Can't wait to play with it soon!
My recent post Whole30 Round 2, Day 1 {WIAW}
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My recent post Whole30 Round 2, Day 1 {WIAW}
My blender! Just finished a green smoothie for breakfast…in an almost empty PB jar ;)
OH! And about the spinach…sooo interesting. I am a bit of a spinach monster (well I've calmed down now) and last year i was diagnosed with osteopenia (I'm 23…not ok!). I spoke to an RD and she mentioned that the amount of spinach I was eating was likely interfering with calcium absorption because of the phytates. Obviously this wasn't allll caused by spinach but I was blown away. Talk about too much of a good thing!
I know isn't that crazy?! here we are being all healthy and overdoing it
My recent post 12 Healthy Foods You’re Overeating on Accident
I need new knives! All my kitchen things are hand me downs (recent grad). I have one of those hand held spiralizers lol it actually works pretty well and it was only 8$!
Definitely a Vitamix! Sipping down a veggie packed smoothie post run is way easier for me, now 6 months pregnant, to consume all of those much needed nutrients! My tummy is running out of room! ?
Wow, the spinach one surprises me too. I really don't have the counter space for additional kitchen tools so I haven't thought about what I could use to help eat healthier. I could always use a more powerful blender though.
My recent post She's Got Legs
But peanut butter is soo good!!
My kitchen definitely needs a chef to make healthy eating easier! But if I can't get one of those, we need new pots and pans.
A spiralizer!! Would be awesome to up my intake of veggies
Great list – I've definitely overindulged with nut butters and granola! I've been thinking of getting a spiralizer for some time now:)
I love almond butter and have recently been inducing a little too much! I would LOVE a Nutribullet to make my smoothies in the morning so much easier to make.
I love this, a great list. I always say to measure things out for portion sizes. To this day I measure the majority of my foods! Especially if I am in a hangry situation because then I will just nose dive into a container of almond butter or hummus and that never leads to a good outcome.
My recent post Half Marathon Training: 1/11/16 – 1/17/16
Definitely learned a few things today ;) I could totally use some 'real' pots and pans of different varieties instead of the one that I try to make work for everything lol
Such good points!!…
I absolutely could not live without my digital kitchen scale. Travel with it too!
My Nurti Bullet is my kitchen staple. I have a smoothie everyday!!
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My recent post A Letter To My Five Year Old
Congrats!! you won the Kohl's gift card, just email me your mailing address!
My recent post Can IIFYM Work For Runners?
I have a vitamix and that's all I need for healthy eating in my kitchen. I have avocado almost daily. I need the good fat. I am trying to gain muscle!
My go-to healthy eating tools are the food processor and the slow cooker.
I would love a VitaMix blender. That way, I could make my own soups and smoothies easily!
I was feeling pretty good about my choices until I hit the spinach bit. I'm not sure I'm happy about living in a world where I have to portion-control my spinach. I would love a spiralizer to do not only veggie noodles but also to make things like zucchini cakes easier, home made hash-browns (maybe w/ sweet potatoes?), I think the kids would dig spiralized apples. A vitamix seems like an essential – I just have the first model nutri-bullet, which is great for smoothies but just doesn't have as many features as the vitamix. I would also really like a big 'ol wok. My meals are super veggie-heavy – my family is vegetarian – and I do a lot of stir fries – it's impossible to get the needed volume of veggies for one meal into a normal-sized frying pan. Finally, I have somehow made it this far in life without a dedicated food processor (just the nutri-bullet!) which is pretty regrettable.
My recent post ROD
I'd like an oil-less fryer :)
What’s the one tool your kitchen needs to make healthy eating easier? Would a chef count as a tool? Probably couldn't get one for $100 at Kohls! Our current blender is in need of a replacement. We drink a lot of smoothies.
My recent post That Time I PR'd the Tantalus Loop (Another Runner's HI Run)
I have a vitamix and i love it for making healthy items
I had been eating lots of nuts and raisins before realising just how many calories they contain.. I was really shocked. And I didn't know that about spinach!! I eat it all the time, I guess it's time to mix it up a bit..
My recent post Running In The Dark
I'm sooooo guilty of the hummus one! My food processor and immersion blender are awesome for making healthy foods, so I think the one thing I still need is a spiralizer!
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My recent post Yoga Poses for Stronger Running Form {Sublimely Fit}
My Nutribullet Pro! Those smoothies keep me full all morning!
Totally guilty of ALL of these at one point or another. I don’t even keep granola in the house anymore!
You can eat too much spinach?! Now I'm glad I pay a little extra for the bags of mixed greens instead of just straight spinach. Thanks for all of the great info, Amanda!
A toaster oven would be a great addition to my kitchen so that I could bake veggies and other things for 1 person without turning on the "big" oven.
I pinned this post!
I love your quote about eating the moderator with peanut butter! My good ol' stove is my healthiest helper. I saute veggies with water for a warm winter salad, i heat frozen berries for a sweetner-less jam and I make homemade everything to control the ingredients I consume.
I love this post!!! My ninja is the most helpful thing in my kitchen… wait so is my scale ( that was i know Im not overeating ;)
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Great informative post, Amanda! I know I love some of these foods and have to be watchful. Too easy to do it if you aren't paying attention.
I'd love to have a blender. I'm able to use my landlord's right now, but I don't own one of my own and it's so vital!
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Great post! I knew about a few of these but not all (like the spinach one!). It's good to know that even though we're eating healthy we should mix it up so we're not eating too much of a good thing. Thanks for the tips!
My recent post Friday Five: Cheap Fitness Finds
I was shocked by the spinach thing too. Good thing I'm a fan of ALL the greens! I couldn't live without my food processor. That thing does EVERYTHING for me. I use it at least 5 times a week.
My recent post High Five Friday
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My recent post High Five Friday
Good idea and good list. I think that some of the products on your list may be dangerous not only when you eat too much but also when they aren’t good quality. Let’s start with dried fruits. Unfortunately, most of them have added sugar or are candied. You need to read the labels.
You’ve written about quality of nut butter that is very important. For my it’s easier to make my own nut butter, than find a good one in the shop. I simple take a little bit of peanuts , half of them roast on a pan. Then I just put the nuts with a pinch of salt in blender. It take few minutes, until the mass get really smooth. Let me know if you try it.
This is a great list! If I over eat any of these foods I definitely feel way to full about 20 minutes later. Lots of people think if it's healthy they can eat as much as they want, which isn't true. I need my Vitamix to stay healthy. I make a smoothie in it every morning and it just makes life so easy because it blends so well!
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Great post! I recently started rotating my greens between spinach and a variety of kale. I stopped making granola, which I had been putting in my yogurt, because I didn't really need the extra, and we ate it too fast anyways :).
I don't have a spiralizer yet, that would be nice to add some spice to dishes, rather than always using spaghetti squash.
One tool in my kitchen that makes eating healthy easier is my trusty crock pot – set it and forget it (until later) :) What saves my week is being able to meal prep over the weekend!
My recent post kale + venison + mango
I would really love to get a slow cooker for my kitchen to make healthy dinners easier to prep!
I'm guilty of most of these – so true that just because it's healthy you shouldn't overindulge!!
Great post! I eat a lot of all of those things — as that's basically all I eat as a vegetarian that tries not to eat too many carbs. I would love a better blender — a Vitamix would be amazing!
I need a bigger food processor…or a VitaMix if I'm lucky :)
After reading your recipe I need a spiralizer
I'd love a vitamix! What an awesome tool!!
I could use a new blender to make nut butters and smoothies!
jlammers002 at woh dot rr dot com
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jlammers002 at woh dot rr dot com
We need a good food processor. I notice that we tend to gravitate towards foods that are easier to prepare, so if we had tools that made healthier foods easier to make, we would eat them more often.
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THis is the second time this week I have heard to cut back on the nut butter and nuts THE message is clear lol!! I love this yes to all of this ;) Thank you for sharing I'll be posting this on FB later this week!!
I love your list of healthy foods and try to get them in my diet all the time! I like making green smoothies, too! I would get a new Blender for making green smoothies with the gift card! Thanks so much for a awesome giveaway!
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I need Vitamix
elena150980 at yahoo dot com
It is so easy to overeat all of the foods you mentioned because they are "healthy." I didn't realize the bad effects spinach can have! Great post :)
Wow – I'd love a spiralizer! But I'm sure I'd use a blender more often for smoothies.
A Ninja blender would be awesome to have. My husband bought a juicer, but it's such a waste of produce, with a Ninja blender, it would just puree every tiny bit of the veggies and fruit so that nothing is wasted.
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Love this Post and excellent list ! Shared this amazing post everywhere i can ! Please take a look at
I love my blender for smoothies! I would LOVE a spiralizer. I've been meaning to try one for a while now.
could really use a slow cooker to help get healthy dinners on the table!
I would love to win a card so I can get a new mini blender for our kitchen for smoothies! Thanks for the chance to win!
My recent post Vanilla Berry Protein Bars
Great reminder! Nuts and bars are probably my biggest offenders!
I would love a nicer spiralizer! I have the Veggetti, but it’s sometimes not very easy to use.
My kitchen could use a really good high-speed blender! This would help me make delicious and healthy smoothies.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
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My blender! But I am definitely in need of a spiralizer.
Just ONE tool? Eek. Hmm, I guess food processor. No, blender. Wait, spiralizer. ;)
Love this post! I'm a dietitian and I think this is excellent information about foods that people think are so healthy – you can still overeat those! And eat all the veggies, of course. ;) I have recently realized the importance of a very good non-stick saute pan!
Great post and yes we can even over do it on healthy things. My downfall is peanut butter and nuts. I recently purchased a steamer and it has really been great! I'd love to add a new nutri bullet for smoothies that I'm out of the habit of making. I shared via a tweet here:… :)
My recent post How Old Would I be if I Didn’t Know How Old I Was?
My New Years goal this year…is to learn to cook healthier for my family. I have so much to learn. I think that a blender would be a huge thing for me and really help. Although…your spiralizer looks so neat and would be so helpful too!
landfjacobson @ charter . net
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landfjacobson @ charter .net
My blender makes eating healthy easier
I adore my slow cooker and my Veggeti vegetable spiralizer, but I could really use a good food processor or a Ninja blender.
I would like to have a Nutribullet Pro , Thanks for the chance to win
shared this post for my bonus entry…
definitely my vitamix or slow cooker!! :) awesome tips!
I already have many great tools. My top favorite tools are my Vitamix and spiralizer. One item that I'm lacking is a mandolin for quickly chopping veggies.
I think the spiralizer is so cool.I definately need that in my kitchen to make eating healthier fun for the kids, They would love it!……
I still don't have a spiralizer and I really want one!
The oven! It is so easy to roast up veggies! For an actual tool, I love my banana masher. Helps me whip up some healthy banana bread.
That spiralizer looks awesome. We have a cheap one we do apples on. My kids will eat about anything spiraled!!!
I love my food chopper to get veggies into my meals for my kids and it cuts the time down by a lot. I’m so guilty of the milk but I also tend to not each enough for the amount of calories I’m burning while working out and it’s been a vicious cycle. Thank you for this information, it’s very helpful. I did have a question on marathon training, what are your thoughts on splitting some of the long runs into 2 segments on the same day? I’ve read it can help prevent injury and also trains your body to run on tired legs. Or maybe someone else can comment, this is my second marathon.
I can’t live without my VitaMix in the kitchen. I can make smoothies, sauces, milks, nut butters, grind coffee and the list goes on. It’s my magic gadget and I just love the heck out of it
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the spiralizer is the tool I need to eat healthy vegetables