The Magic Mile is a running pace calculator developed by Jeff Galloway, a world-renowned running coach, author and former Olympic runner. The Magic Mile is a simple, yet effective tool that helps runners determine their optimal running pace and is used by thousands of runners worldwide.
In this article, we will discuss the Magic Mile and how it can be used to help you become a better runner.
Who is Jeff Galloway?
Before diving in, let’s get to know the creator of this whole method.
Jeff Galloway is a renowned American distance runner and author, who has made a significant impact on the running community. He is best known for his “run-walk-run” method, a training strategy that has helped millions of runners of all levels reach their goals.
Jeff Galloway is known for first being an elite level marathons and long-distance events, including the Olympic Games. Since then he has been a dedicated coach and motivator for over four decades.
He has written several best-selling books on running, including “Marathon: You Can Do It!” and “Galloway’s Book on Running,” which provide comprehensive training plans and practical advice for runners of all abilities.
Galloway’s run-walk-run method is designed to help runners prevent injuries, maintain their energy levels, and avoid burnout. This approach involves alternating periods of running and walking during a training session or race, allowing the runner to recover and conserve energy.
This method has proven to be highly effective, especially for beginners, who may not have the physical endurance to run for extended periods.
What is the Magic Mile Calculator?
The Magic Mile is a time trial run that is completed over a distance of 1 mile.
For this time trial, you’re going to be running at a moderately hard effort. Not a sprint, but not your easy pace.
And if you are doing run/walk, that’s absolutely fine! You’ll just be trying to push yourself more than normal.
The time taken to complete the mile is then used to calculate your running pace, which is the time it takes to run a mile at a specific speed. This pace can then be used to determine your ideal running pace for different distances, such as 5k, 10k, half-marathon and marathon.
The accuracy of the Magic Mile is based on the principle of steady-state running.
This typically means running at a pace that is sustainable for an extended duration without causing exhaustion or the need to slow down. It’s not about holding one pace, but rather holding the same effort.
During steady-state running, your heart rate and breathing rate should remain relatively stable and constant. This type of workout is often listed as easy running to build endurance and improve cardiovascular fitness. Especially, useful for long-distance running events, like the half marathon or marathon, where maintaining a consistent pace is essential to finishing the race.
But let’s be honest, even shorter distances like 5K and 10K require us to learn how to hold a consistent effort! However, for our mile trial, we’re dipping in to that uncomfortable pace!
How to Use the Magic Mile Results
The Magic Mile is a simple, yet effective way to determine your optimal running pace.
By knowing your pace, you can adjust your training program to meet your goals.
Here’s what to do once you have your results and below we outline, exactly how to do the Magic Mile test.
Please note that as a running coach with over a decade of experience, I still don’t find calculators to be super accurate. Instead, they should be used as a general guide and you need to work on learning running by perceived exertion!
#1 Run a Magic Mile Test:
As mentioned, this involves running one-mile time trial (or 1.6 KM) pretty hard and then recording your time. Specific tips for doing this well are listed in the next section.
If you are doing run/walk already, you will still take your walk breaks. It’s likely you will be faster by pushing during the run accelerations, than by trying to run without the breaks.
#2 Plug Your Info In to the Magic Mile Calculation
You can go to the Jeff Galloway website and enter your Magic Mile time into the Magic Mile calculator or quickly learn to calculate it on your own with this formula.
- Add 33 seconds to your magic mile for your pace for a 5K
- Multiply your magic mile time by 1.15 for 10K pace
- Multiply your magic mile time by 1.175 for 10 Mile pace
- Multiply your magic mile time by by 1.2 for half marathon pace
- Multiply your magic mile time by by 1.3 for marathon pace
#3 Compare to previous race times
If you have run races before, compare your Magic Mile results to your previous finish times. This will give you an idea of your progress and help you set realistic goals for future races.
Additionally, if you recently ran a race but it wasn’t close to the suggested time you know that the other calculations are probably not going to be a good fit either.
#4 Adjust your Training
Now that you have calculated your different race paces, you can start to utilize those for training and race planning.
For example, you might start to include a mile at your half marathon pace during a long run. Slowly progressing that over the training cycle. Or perhaps you start throwing in workouts at your 5K pace because it’s going to also make you faster in the half and full marathon.
Look not further for a complete guide to the run-walk-run method >>
Step-By-Step Guide to Completing the Magic Mile
Ready to take your test? Don’t let the idea that it’s a mile scare you. We’re going to break this down and make it super easy to complete and get your numbers.
You do NOT need to do your test on a track. However, that’s often the easiest way to find a flat surface that you can use consistently to test yourself again in the future.
The test can be done on the roads, sidewalks or treadmill! Just know that if you have stoplights or a lot of turns or hills, that’s going to impact your time. On the track you’ll be doing 4 laps, checkout our beginner track guide if you’re nervous about using a public track.
Step 1: Preparation
Before starting the Magic Mile Test, it’s important to warm up properly.
- Do a dynamic warm up to fully loosen up any tight areas, increase blood flow and prevent injuries
- Walk 5-10 minutes to further loosen up the body
- Try running a few light strides and light jogging
- Overall 10-15 minutes of warming up
After all of that, you’re officially ready to begin your mile test.
Step 2: Timing
The Magic Mile Time Trial requires a timing device such as a stopwatch, a GPS watch or a smartphone app.
In general, I recommend all of our athletes get even an entry level GPS watch. It makes planning your future run/walk intervals much easier and is going to make this test easier as well. Yes, I recommend them over the Apple or FitBit.
After you’ve finished your warm up, make sure your GPS has satellite.
Start the timer when you begin running.
Step 3: Start Running or Walking
Begin running at a moderate pace, not too fast or slow. Learning how to pace yourself for a hard 1 mile effort is going to take some practice, so don’t be surprised if the first one doesn’t go perfectly.
- If you’re currently walking, that’s totally fine. Really push for a hard power walk.
- Or use your current run/walk intervals and just think about this effort being a 7-8 on a scale of 10. Your normal easy runs should be a 4 and 10 is a sprint you can only do for 20 seconds.
- Do your best not to slowdown, but know that happens to all of us as we figure out pacing.
Step 4: Maintaining Pace
It’s important to maintain a steady pace throughout the mile. Do not start too fast and slow down as you progress, as this will affect the accuracy of the results.
Instead, remember that you want to start out with the effort feeling just a tad uncomfortable and then try to hold on. Know that the longer you go, the harder this pace is going to feel. So do your best to hang on.
Some runners, like to chunk it in to quarter mile segments. That gives you a specific set of time to think about the workout, instead of looking at the whole mile.
Step 5: Finishing the Mile
Keep pushing until you cross the one-mile marker. Don’t let yourself start slowing down as it gets closer!! This is like practicing that finish line kick.
As soon as you cross the marker, stop the timer. Tada, you have your official Magic Mile time.
Step 6: Cool Down
No matter how you feel, DO NOT sit down immediately. The sudden drop in HR is not great for the body and could cause a number of issues, including cramps.
Instead, slowly walk around. Grab something to drink and pat yourself on the back.
After a little bit, you may also decide to jog or run/walk another mile to just shake everything out.
Step 7: Record the Results
Record your Magic Mile time and the date of the test. This will allow you to track your progress over time.
Trust me, you’ll want to have this record. I love keeping a spreadsheet of all my workouts because it’s so easy to look back through. But you may prefer an app like Garmin Connect or just good old pen and paper.
No matter how you do it, record it!!
Step 8: Repeat the test
Repeat the Magic Mile Test every 4-6 weeks to monitor your progress and track any improvements.
Honestly, I’ve been doing mile time trials off and on the last year not to plug in to any calculator, but because I know that working on this speed is improving all of my running!
That’s it!
In addition to determining your optimal running pace, the Magic Mile can also be used to monitor your progress over time.
By completing the Magic Mile at regular intervals, you can track your improvement and see how your pace changes as you become a stronger and faster runner. This can be a great motivator and can help you stay on track with your training program.
Hopefully, this helped to explain the process and is a tool for you to figure out your goal race paces.
Other great articles for walkers and runners:
- Keys to Walking for Weight Loss
- Walking vs Running What’s Better For You
- How to Walk a Half Marathon + Training Plan
- Beginner Treadmill Workouts
- Running vs Walking Shoes – Why you need different types
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If I run for 4 minutes and walk for 1 minute with a 9:20 magic mile, should I try to keep a 9:20 pace during the run portions? I’m finding that I cannot maintain that pace.
great question! No, I would say your magic mile is a go hard kind of effort. So you will not want your runs to be that hard. Instead focusing on the easy effort during your 4 min run (i.e. could you speak a sentence or two without feeling winded).