In recent years, the trend of nude running has been gaining popularity, especially in the fitness and wellness communities. Nude running, involves running without clothing, either for personal enjoyment, as a form of body positivity, or as a way to connect with nature.
For ages many of us called running without a watch “running naked”, but this new trend of nudist races means we’ve got to watch our words or invite some uncomfortable group runs!
In recent years, nude running has become a trend among fitness enthusiasts. From strip runs to moonlight runs, people are taking their clothes off and running freely in the streets.
So far I haven’t jumped in to this trend, but never say never! I do love some of the reasons that people are trying it out and as long as they still let me wear my shoes and my GPS…..
In this article, we’ll explore why this trend is becoming popular, where you can find nude running events, and what you need to know to participate in this unique form of exercise.
The Rise of Nude Running: Why is it Becoming Popular?
Nude running is a trend that has been growing in popularity for several reasons.
Body Positivity
Firstly, it’s a form of body positivity, allowing people to embrace their bodies and feel confident in their own skin. Nude running encourages people to be comfortable in their own bodies and to appreciate their bodies for what they are, rather than constantly comparing themselves to unrealistic beauty standards.
Running in the nude can be an empowering experience for some people. It can help them to feel more confident about their bodies and can be a way of connecting with other runners who may be embracing the same experience.
In case you wondered about where a bib might go! A personal nude 5K experience from Rachel.
As you can see, a good option is writing your race number on the body with body markers.
**Some women may still choose to run in a sports bra because the jiggle is just too uncomfortable otherwise! Listen I told you in my fascinating running facts that our boobs move in a figure 8 while we run, so that’s a lot!
Personal Comfort
Second, running in the nude can be beneficial for physical health.
With no clothing to restrict movement, runners can move more freely and experience fewer chafing or other issues that can arise from wearing tight clothing. Additionally, the sweat evaporates more quickly, which can help the body cool down while running.
Running in the nude can be a great way to reduce stress and anxiety.
Since there’s no clothing to restrict movement, runners can focus on their breath and the environment around them, which can help to clear their mind and reduce tension. I guess that’s true, I’ve certainly spent time fussing with gear during a race which made me more anxious. Hmmmm.
Connection to Nature
Another reason for the popularity of nude running is the connection it provides to nature.
Running naked allows people to feel more connected to the environment around them, as well as to their own bodies. This connection can be especially powerful for those who feel disconnected from nature due to their busy lifestyles and city living.
By running naked, you can also enjoy the natural sensation of the wind, sun, and rain on your skin, helping you to feel more in tune with your body.
Where to Find Nude Running: Events and Communities
So where can you find nude running?
Well, many cities around the world have nude running clubs or events such as the London Naked Run or the San Francisco Bay Area Free Body Run. Additionally, many people choose to run in the nude on their own – either on quiet trails or in secluded areas.
You can also find nude running communities online, such as on social media platforms, where people share their experiences and offer tips and advice to others who are interested in trying it out.
In fact, it’s growing in other sports too!
Some of the most popular locations for nude running include parks, beaches, and nature trails.
However, it’s important to note that running naked in public places is illegal in most countries, so it’s important to do your research and find out what the laws are in your area.
10 Nude Running Races
Ready to strip down and earn your medal…because do you earn a shirt at a Naked Race??? I think for many folks a race atmosphere might be the time they’re most comfortable just letting go.
I mean yes, it’s a lot of people. But also probably people you’ll never see again! Many road races are held at nudist resorts, which ensures they can close and lock the gates, only people you will feel safe with are part of the experience.
Here are 10 races you can checkout:
1. The Nude 5K Run in Cancun, Mexico
2. The World Naked Bike Ride in Portland, Oregon
3. The Great British Skinny Dip in Nottinghamshire, England
4. The Nude Beach Run in San Diego, California
5. The Nude Run of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain
6. The Nude London Marathon in London, England
7. The Nude Olympics in Melbourne, Australia
8. The Nude Run in Berlin, Germany
9. The Nude Run in Edinburgh, Scotland
10. The Nude Beach Run in Maui, Hawaii
Nude Running Clubs and Groups
Have you decided this is something you’d love to spend more time doing? Maybe you need a club or just some really easy areas where you know it’s safe and legal to head out freely.
1. Naturist Runners (UK)
2. Nude Running Club (Germany)
3. International Naturist Runners (France)
4. Nudist Runners (USA)
5. Bare Buns Runners (USA)
6. Baring It All Running Club (USA)
7. Skinny Dipper Running Club (USA)
8. Bare Necessities Running Club (USA)
9. Nude Running Club of Montreal (Canada)
10. Nudist Runners of Australia (Australia)
Tips for Participating in Nude Running
If you’re interested in trying nude running, here are some tips to help you get started:
1. Respect the law
As mentioned, running naked in public places is illegal in most countries, so it’s important to find out what the laws are in your area. If nude running is allowed, make sure to follow all rules and regulations, and respect the privacy of others.
2. Choose a Safe and Secluded Location
To avoid any unwanted attention, it’s important to choose a safe and secluded location for your nude running. This will allow you to focus on your exercise and avoid any distractions or interruptions.
If you want to get in a test run before the actual day, perhaps at home if you have a treadmill? Or simply moving around the house for awhile sans clothing to get a feel for it.
3. Wear The Right Gear
Ok this sounds backwards, but if you are going all the way down to bare feet, it matters.
Running barefoot can be hard on your feet. If you haven’t built up a tolerance, then you’re going to feel some pain. And if you are doing beach running, all of that sand acts like sandpaper which can really lead to some issues.
Don’t be afraid to still done your favorite pair of running shoes. You are absolutely still allowed to wear socks with your shoes.
And of course pay attention to if it’s a trail run or road race, so you have the right tread.
4. Take Care of Your Skin
While you won’t have gear to chafe, that doesn’t mean skin rubbing on skin won’t sill cause issues. Make sure to apply antichafe cream (something like Body Glide) to all the important areas!
And of course sunscreen! You might normally remember your face, but now it’s time to think about those areas that may not be used to seeing the bright light of day.
5. Respect Others
When running naked, it’s important to respect others and to not run near or in close proximity to them. This will help to maintain the privacy and dignity of everyone involved.
Overall, running in the nude is a popular trend among many runners, and there are a variety of reasons why people may choose to do it. Whether it’s for the physical health benefits, the mental clarity, or the feeling of freedom, running in the nude can be a great way for runners to connect with themselves and nature.
6. When Racing, Treat It Like a Race
You’re going to have a lot on your mind with pre-race nerves before you strip down, but remember it’s a race.
You need to fuel, to hydrate, to warm up and of course to have some fun! Don’t get so caught up in one aspect that you don’t train for the distance or the terrain.
Looking for some other interesting ways to mix up training?
- How to Enjoy a Ragnar Relay Race
- Why You Should Try an Adventure Race
- Women’s Only Races in the US
- 10 Mile Races in the US
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I mean, I can see how you can write your bib number, but where do you put the timing chip?
I’ve done races where it’s a tag on the shoe.
I run the Naked 5K trail runs at Brocken Hurst in Orpington (near London), UK every spring and autumn, and the bib number is written with lipstick so it doesn’t sweat off. The chip timing is done with an ankle strap; you feel a little like a prisoner on day release to start with, but you get used to it!