This isn’t a running streak. This isn’t a massive make over to everything you’re doing. This IS a running challenge that will give you tools you can put in place to have not just 1 better run, but tons of them!
Do you find yourself falling off your training each winter, maybe just in between each training cycle? You’ve got the best intentions to do things differently to stay injury free or get faster, but then well you ready all my articles and are like HOLY CRAP WHERE DO I START!!!
Well, you could sign up right here for this free challenge!
Try something different this year.
What if you had a coach helping you build a body that’s stronger to move you towards whatever your next goal is, instead of feeling like you’re just relying on your own good intentions!!
How many days does it take to become a runner? I’d say a lifetime really, which is why I’m not promoting a 30 day running streak or 30 days to your fastest race, I want you to get tools for a lifetime. Because no matter where we start, there’s always a next level we want to achieve.
I still remember the days where I would FAKE a knee injury to get out of running with my college boyfriend. True story. Running was just so freaking hard for me…and yet slowly, I was able to run a mile and for some reason took that as a sign I should do a half marathon.
I SWORE I’d never do anything more than that, but of course I started running marathons because it was a new goal and running sucks you in like that!
What is this running challenge?
The Better Runner Challenge is 5 days:
- one actionable tip every single day you can implement to improve your running
- #runtothefinish on Instagram is what we use to follow and support each other
- @runtothefinish on Instagram or RunToTheFinish Facebook is where I’ll be doing lives to share additional tips
- remembering that we GET to run and having more fun doing it
- it’s got a freaking logo, so you know it’s official and you’ll see folks who are participating sharing it
Who is this running challenge for?
Doesn’t matter if you’re feeling out of shape, slow or even currently injured. I’m not providing you with a training plan, I’m providing you with tips and actions to help ALL OF THOSE THINGS.
- you want to stay injury free
- you want to get your mojo back
- you want to create routines that will lead to better training
Seriously, what more do you want from a free running challenge??? I can tell you folks who did it last year told me that tip number one “changed my entire run. Everything feels better now and it’s so easy.”
Stop waiting, take action.
What happens after these 5 days?
It depends on what you want to happen next! I have a lot of runners who I still connect with all the time on Instagram via the hashtag, which means ongoing support from a community.
I have runners who decided that getting access to consistent coaching was exactly what they needed and now we work together via group run coaching.
Some folks are just continuing to collect more information with the new weekly articles I share. So really, it’s all about what you NEED next because my goal is just more happy runners.
Other ways to connect with Amanda
Instagram Daily Fun: RunToTheFinish
Facebook Community Chatter: RunToTheFinish
Get more running tips: Pinterest
Hi Amanda Happy New Year! I’ve been running for 11 years now. I do charity races for the patients of the doctor I work for. I was in a racing accident (16 months ago…2 boys on bikes knocked me down) & I’ve just never felt the same with my runs since then. My injuries were mostly soft tissue damage & I did tork my spine. Physically I’m working with PT, massage plus I do more cross training but I can’t seem to get my endurance back to where it was or even better. I view this injury as a way to improve myself with my runs, workouts, thinking & nutrition. I am back to racing but I’m doing less than before my accident. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Hey Kathy,
Oh man it’s frustrating when we have that interruption and it does just take time to get back to feeling normal. It was about that time frame post knee surgery where I really started to feel things click again. I think it’s all about the PT, the strength, the stretching and then taking that endurance just one step at a time. I wish there was more I could offer, the only other piece is our nutrition! Really focusing on the foods that are going to help us feel great.
I along with my family had whooping cough last summer. Before that I was regularly running 6 to 8 miles a day 5 days a week with strength training on off days. I have asthma and I also broke some ribs while coughing. I feel fine now. No more gagging or coughing and the ribs and back are healed.
My problem is that I don’t have the energy to run like I used too. I get out there and feel fine the first 2 or 3 miles and then the energy is just gone . There have been times I’ve barely been able to walk home. I’ve tried everything I can think of. New shoes, different shoes, dehydration, carbohydrates, running slower, running faster. changing running form. I’m not a young runner either. Late forties, weight is ok for height. Any advice you have would be helpful. Running makes me feel good and I’m not ready to quit. Thank you.
Hey Marie,
That’s super frustrating!!! Have you done any bloodwork just to see if you might be low on any nutrients, that can play a massive role in those fatigue symptoms.