As my face grows a deeper shade of red and I slowly stop sweating (an absolute sign I must be dying), my only thought is I wish I had a way to cool down…and a toothpick because you know MacGyver could solve any situation with a toothpick! Time for summer running hacks, plus some other fun little tricks that are going to make your running life easier!
Hacks get a bad rap as ways to try and cheat the system or get out of doing the hard work.
And sometimes they certainly are, but today we’re talking about the hacks for running that will help you get through a variety of weather situations, running hacks to save money and tips to make running feel better.
What is a running hack?
Today our goal is to have you walk (or jog) away with some actionable tips to make your running better than ever!
A hack is often a short cut to save you time, but today we’ll also be saving you money, sanity and perhaps a few minutes on your race times!
We are not however giving you ways to shortcut training. Sorry there is no good way to get ready for a marathon in a 3 weeks. Ya gotta put in the work.
I’ve broken these running hacks down by category to help you quickly get to the information that you need!
6 Summer Running Hacks
Checkout my summer running tips for everything I recommend to get you through the heat and humidity, but here are a few additional hacks you might not yet have tired.
Ice Everywhere
1. Use it all over: Ice in your sports bra, ice in a bandana you tie around your neck, dunk a dry fit cloth in ice cold water before you leave and wear it…it stays cool! Bringing down your core temperature helps keep effort manageable.
2. Wrap frozen water bottle with towel and rubber bands to keep it cold longer while you run.
3. Pre-run cooldown. Wearing an ice vest, taking an ice bath or cold shower before your run can help you go longer in the heat by lowering your initial core temperature. This is exactly what the elite marathon runners have done before the last few Olympic races.
CBD Menthol Sports Cream creates a cooling effect, so you could put it on sore muscles or in the summer you simply lather up a bit pre-run and let that cool tingling carry you all the way. I’ve noticed this is more effective when used in a place where clothing will touch like under compression socks or tights.
Cool Your Palm
Fill a bottle half full, lay at a 45 degree angle to freeze overnight and then add water prior to running – this gives you cold water throughout the run rather than just water then a big chunk of ice.
A. This keeps you feeling better by ingesting the colder water.
B. There is actually some interesting research around the effect of cold on the palm. That area sends signals to the brain that help reduce perceived effort and slow overheating.
Band – Aid Your Nipples
Listen joggers nipple is no joke, it’s painful! Summer when you are sweaty and fabric is moving over the skin is the ultimate time to end up with chafing in a place you very, very much don’t want it.
Easy solution is to carry a band-aid in your hydration pack or to simply put them on pre-run to avoid the issue all together.
6 Hacks for Running Faster
Listen there’s nothing that will replace long term consistent training. But there are some things you can do when learning how to run faster that don’t take a crazy amount of time and absolutely add up.
- Slow down. Seriously, your first mile should be your slowest.
- Easy days should be significantly different in pace from your race pace whether that’s a marathon or 5K.
- Incorporate hill sprints weekly – an 8 week study showed this made runners faster
- Add running strides to the end of an easy run – over time you’ll accumulate a lot of time running faster without the stress
- Do A Skips and B Skip running drills before speed workouts to improve your form
- Add 5-10 minutes of core workouts to your warm up to improve strength, speed and reduce injuries
11 Money Saving Running Hacks
I love my running gear, I really do, but I also started running because it was so cheap!
I didn’t need a million things to get going and the truth is that I’m still a saver, so I’m always looking for ways to keep costs down from gear to race day.
These DIY solutions are fabulous ways to save money on running.
- Make your own energy bites for the trail (here are some killer energy bite recipes)
- Make your own electrolyte drink
- Use a tennis ball or rolling pin instead of buying specific Trigger Point balls for that deep massage
- Use gummy bears instead of buying special gels for fuel (you’re missing some electrolytes, but getting the same sugars)
- Beach towels to cover car seats post run (prevents icky sweat and burning bums on leather in the summer and you’ll thank me when you get in the car later)
- Volunteering at many races will get you a discount on future one’s in the series
- Embrace all the free running apps that give you workouts and feedback
- Do all the PT moves I tell you about now to avoid doctor bills later, seriously it’s free to warm up, cool down and do mobility
- Use your Buff to create a hand hold for your running water bottle
- Duct tape can be a life saver for covering blisters if you don’t have other options
- Kinesology tape can change the color of your shoes to make a Disney outfit (or any running costume)
9 Running Gear Hacks
When you do spend money on your gear, it’s time to make it last!!
Every time I buy running shoes I feel a bit shocked at the price, so I want to make sure they fit and work for many miles.
- Shop for running shoes at the end of the day, your feet will be “swollen” mimicking how they’ll feel at the end of a long run
- Cheap running gear is possible to find and that doesn’t meant it’s low quality! Try shopping on Poshmark, Marshall’s, Old Navy and Fabletics.
- Change your lacing technique before deciding you need a new pair of shoes
- Trail running shoes work great in the winter for handling snowy runs, no need for adding anything to your shoe or buying any additional traction
- Chop the feet off of long tube socks to turn them in to running sleeves for cold races (then you can toss them guilt free during the race)
- Set an alarm on your watch to go off every 30 to 45 minutes during your long runs to remind you to fuel. This takes away the guessing game or the I’m not hungry. Gotta fuel with the watch.
- Freeze a water bottle and use it to roll your foot on to relieve plantar fasciitis or reduce inflammation after a long run
- Short on time, then shower in your running clothes. This is going to ensure that they don’t sit in your basket with all that sweaty bacteria on them, which could be why you later have trouble getting out the smell.
- Struggling with odor in that dry fit fabric? Try soaking your clothes in a little white vinegar and baking soda before washing. Or add in some Rockin Green, it’s good stuff.
4 Running Hydration Hacks
Can’t slug down the recommended amount of water during a run? Me either.
Try this instead:
- Pre-hydration does in fact work, so make sure you’re loaded up in advance. Consider an electrolyte tablet in your water all day long.
- Every time your watch buzzes at a mile, take a sip! This means avoiding the sloshing stomach and ensures you are consistently hydrating throughout the run.
- We will often drink more of something lightly sweetened, which is part of why it’s great to carry electrolytes. This can trick you in to staying hydrated even when not feeling thirsty.
- Embrace water dense foods like watermelon, cucumbers…anything from this handy little chart!
7 Wet Weather Running Hacks
Checkout my running in the rain post for tips on gear to buy, but here’s some other DIY!
- Put your phone in a ziploc bag
- Duct tape your running shoes
- Trash compactor bags are more durable and waterproof than trashbags
- Use newspaper in your shoes after a wet run to help them dry and maintain their shape
- Make a water repellent solution for your glasses or running sunglasses from rubbing alcohol and filtered water
- Ensure your gadgets are indeed at least water resistant before heading out. Some running headphones can handle a little rain, but a full downpour could result in them no longer working at all.
- If your phone gets water in the charging port, try a very low heat hair dryer before attempting to plug it in to charge
101 Cold Weather Running Hacks
When it’s chilly read this to make sure you’re fully prepared to handle running in the cold. Next up some running hacks to keep you going!
- Blow all the water out of your hydration tube after each drink to keep it from freezing
- Instead of buying cleats for traction in the snow, you can insert screws in to your shoes
- Vaseline on the cheeks, nose, etc can help with wind burn or dryness from the cold air
- Use the thumbhole of your shirt to see your watch instead
- Use $1 stretchy gloves for the start line so you can toss them if needed without guilt
- Diluted white vinegar on shoes will help remove salt from the roads, just spray and wipe off
- Run with a Buff so that you can get warmer air in to your lungs
- Always remember it feels about 20 degrees warmer once you start running, so don’t overdress
- Do a longer warm up with more jumping inside to make the initial temperature outside feel better
- Use little disposable hand warmers inside your running gloves on really cold days
- Tuck in your base layer shirt to trap more body heat
There are so many other little tips and tricks, I’ve picked up over the years that have become such a standard part of my routine that honestly I don’t even think about them any more!
But hopefully some of these will save you money, time and/or sanity over the miles!
What’s your best hack that could help another runner?
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These are such fun hacks Amanda! I’ve done the bottle of ice for PF before. So helpful
Ice in your sports bra! How have I never thought of that?! My number one hack is a lacrosse ball instead of a trigger point ball and picking up good quality lightly used kit second hand! So many people get rid of gear (race vests, waterproofs etc) after very little use and it’s an economical way to get kitted out! X
These are such good tips! I love the ice one with your bottle and freezing it at a 45 degree angle! But also the looking at your watch time through your thumb hole! I never thought about that and definitely need to do that!
the angle is a game changer! can actually put water in and drink right away!
OMG I just used your half frozen water bottle hack on my long run today and it was a game changer! That is such a good idea it was perfect and such a nice change from the hot water I normally end up drinking by the end lol. Thank you! So many good tips!!
yayyy so happy to hear that!