Sorry to waste my 200th post on this, but after being told by Savannah Wedding Designs owner Anastasia Stevens that the debacle of a wedding in the condo parking garage was in fact my fault somehow and after she made extremely liabulous statements about me being drunk (not a drink passed my lips) along with other members of the family, well I think it’s only right the public should know what kind of business she runs.
It is not in my nature to spend my time being vindictive or getting revenge, so this is quite extraordinary…but when my sweet calm David looks like his head could explode from her statement that “You were calm, and from what I was told by many , including the groom, intoxicated and had been drinking since noon, as had he. Perhaps this is why you are so unclear as to what actually took place?” Now I know for a fact David didn’t tell her I was drunk because he’s only seen me drunk like 5 times in 5 years….poor lady is crazy.
Let’s also move on to the extreme amounts of lieing this poor woman is doing to cover her tracks… as originally state the wedding was to be at 5:30.. she pushed to 6:30.. at 6PM she came in to deliver the news and we asked if the ceremony could still be done at 7:30, she said yes. Her response “You were unyielding in that NO MATTER WHAT the outcome, the wedding could only be postponed ONE hour,”. I believe we made a request and she in a room of 20 people said that would be fine…plus who wants to get married at like 9PM, not in Vegas.
Now moving on to the venue it’s self…somehow in her mind though it was indeed a parking garge, we had to move a car from the space: “This area has absolutely no access for vehicles and is separate from the parking garage”. I have pictures’s a parking garage.
Really…do you know anyone in Atlanta, do you have friends getting married…do you just want to ensure that some other bride doesn’t have the same issue?? Link to this post using the words “Savannah Wedding Designs”.
Thank goodness David and I are so laid back or we would have freaked out that day and completely ruined it…and seriously thank goodness that we love each other and could get married anywhere.
I think I'd write a letter to their chamber of commerce to let them know what kind of business she runs. Also might find out if she belongs to any sort of professional group or association. I'm so sorry you had to deal with this. She is quite a number.
I agree with Nancy — that is just totally unacceptable and unprofessional. I'd report them to the Better Business Bureau.
You may want to think about a law suit as it would be more than justified. Breach of contract, negligent infliction of emotional distress. It would prolong the drama but I bet a lawyer would find a case here.As a law student, I see the basics of those claims just based on your narrative…
agree with betsy – report them to the BBB.
I agree on writing a letter to chamber and BBB…Also…maybe a lawyer?? Do you have a written contract with her…if so I'd be curious to see what it says. Considering all the witnesses against her…:)
Ugh! What a mess! Sorry this had to happen. But you look rockin in your gown.
I have just finished reading your blogs and have to let you know that your wedding ordeal is not unique for Savannah Wedding Designs. There are many others who have gone through different scenarios, although the overall experience is similar. Someone commented on Trips Advisor and Anastasia even chimed in that it was all lies and she had no complaints to date. I only wish that you could let others know before they spend lost money on this woman and her business. If we all keep quiet about being ripped off or worse in our lives, we become part of the problem and not part of the solution. Your story is not unique with this woman and if I could influence you to do whatever possible to prevent others from going through this I would. I'd venture to guess that she and her company are in bad shape financially, knowing that they cash in on thousands of dollars and don't provide what your contract states. My heart goes out to you, I think you need to find some closure and maybe that involves taking action on your part to find peace.
HaHa! I wish I'd seen this before i let her ruin my wedding day as well. It was very unprofessional the way i was dealt with and i was trapped because i'd already paid. I really regret being sucked in. She talked a big game but just didn't deliver.
Greetings from California. We, too, had a similar experience with Ms. Stevenson who bragged that her previous event planning experience in Los Angeles would guarantee a beautiful event for uson Tybee Island, GA. We paid nearly $10,000. for a rehersal dinner and wedding ceremony on the beach and when all 80 of our guests arrived for the Friday dinner, she had not even set up for the event. The food was mediocre and full of sand because it was set uncovered on the beach while they put out the other food. Our beer keg did not work at all, the table cloths and decorations were not in place and she was unapologetic and confrontational. What should have been a happy memory was a NIGHTMARE! We caution anyone who might think about doing business with this company – a total RIPOFF.
You might be interested to know that a local TV station did a big interview on their show tonight about Anastasia and her business. There were three couples interviewed and 11 confirmed complaints to the BBB. Two couples have filed lawsuits, I hope you have done the same.
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