Wow what a week…we literally went from one corner to the other and changed time zones repeatedly. My body is beyond confused and unfortunately still trying to adjust to not being on the ship. I was able to feel the ship moving and spent the first day curled up mostly on the bed trying not to hurl…but then I bought these lovely acupressure bracelets and though I look like I’m sporting handcuffs felt much better!
Here are a few more fun pics from the race!! See I was really feeling like a I rock star for the beginning and then well fake it til you make it at the finish.
David and I really thought the city was beautiful and enjoyed our time there. We spent about 4 hours hiking around post marathon and while I was sore it just seemed like hubs deserved it! Amusingly one of the places we stopped was a bookstore where I bought “Chi Running” and the girl said…”Umm pretty sure if I just ran a marathon the last thing I would buy is a book on running.” And right after that is was time for some amazing chocolate!!
PIKE’s Market…oh man I could have just bought everything here!!
Overall we loved Seattle. I think it is too cloudy for us sunshiners to live there, but what a pretty city. Of course I loved meeting so many bloggers too!! As you know I ran with Mel and Marlene, but there was a great bloggy dinner the night before the race organized by Mel and then I had brunch with Sarah!!
Unfortunately something happened at the end of our trip that left me in tears and really put a damper on my Alaskan vacation. More on that later as I am still working it out in my own head.
Alaska recap to come soon…I’ll keep it short I promise!
Gratitude Journal
July 6
I am grateful for extra sleep
I am grateful for green grass
I am grateful for organic eggs
I am grateful for recycling
I am grateful for fun running pics
welcome home.
Sorry the trip ended with a downer. It looks like you have had some great adventures otherwise. Enjoyed the pics!Looking forward to the Chi Running book review.
I can only imagine all the adjusting your body had to do between marathon recovery and the cruise. Having never having done either…yep I can only imagine!! Looks like the marathon was a blast despite the tummy issue and hope the cruise was great as well!
I am glad you had a fun time! Although sorry to hear about the end. Hugs!
Oh no, sorry to hear about the sea sickness for that first day. Glad the bracelets ended up helping! Looking forward to hearing more about your cruise!!
Congrats on your marathon! Way to go! It's good to do a little walking out after, keeps you loose…well, guess nothing will keep you loose after a marathon but it can't hurt (unless your injured). Never been to Seattle but sure would love to see it. Hope you feel better soon about what ever upset you. That's too bad when you should feel so good about your running accomplishment.
My hubby's from AK. So cool that you got to go there — such a beautiful place. Hope you are OK.
Loved the pictures!!!!
Sorry to hear about the sea sinkness – that is the worst. Your pictures are great though! Can't wait to hear about the cruise.
Seattle is on my list of must see cities … I have a feeling I may not want to leave. Bummer about the end of the vacation, hope it is working itself out.
It's been way too long since I've been to Seattle. Need to get there again soon! Congrats on the marathon–can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip!
great pics, thanks for sharing
I am so sorry to hear that something happened :( Glad to hear that you liked Seattle. My husband and I love it there!
I am a fellow runner/blogger and I just found your blog! Love the Seattle Pics! My husband and I have always wanted to visit!
Hope everything is okay now, on a good note I love all the photos! I've got to make it to Seattle one of these days!
Nice photographs, makes me want to book a flight to Seattle!
How great that you got to meet so many bloggers and run with some of them. I hope whatever happened to bum you out is o.k. You are quite a trouper for walking that long after you already ran the marathon!
I can say without a doubt that no one would ever intentionally make you cry or put a damper on your vacation. I hope you had an amazing vacation despite anything prior to your takeoff.
wow…I didn't even recognize or realize that you were at the bloggy meet up. rats, i missed you.
I think if I went to Seattle I took would never want to leave Pike's Market either. Looks like fun so far, sorry to hear it didn't go so well for the rest of the trip.
Congrats on completing another successful marathon!!! I have always wanted to go to Pike Place ever since I read about it in a book :) Hopefully you worked out everything and were able to enjoy your cruise…the pics sure looked like it :D
P.S. I swear by those motion sickness bands – I wear them for everything because only the cool people do ;) That and Bonine help me alot