A full Seattle report to come later…for now the race report!
I’ve been worried for the last few days about this abominal pain, which thus far the doctor has ruled as an intense viral infection. So I was very diligently forcing myself to drink fluids and eat whether I felt like or not to ensure I would be ready to go. On race morning I woke up feeling a little nauseous, but no pain so I was good to go.
I headed out to the shuttles where I met Gabe who was also here from Miami. We made it to the start line by 5:30, which is just BIZARRE for me as I like to get there about the time the gun goes off at 7am. Luckily, Mel scored passes to the Brooks Running VIP porta potties…I SO WISH I had a picture of the toilet paper, friggin hilarious. Anyhow the bathroom lines around the race were the longest I have ever seen!! I am sure some people waited an hour and we took 10 minutes.
Next we found all the wonderful bloggies,who we met previously at a carbo load fest the night before. I’m on the right in a wonderfully provided toss away shirt from Mel!! This Florida girl was freezin her tushy off at the start line, but the weather could not have been better for a marathon!!Miles 1-6 I ran with Mel and Marlene, just really enjoying listening to them chat and checking out the great green city. Marlene decided she really need to hit up a port a pottie and I was afraid to stop…because well honestly I have a habit of once I stop really not getting going again. So I kept pushing knowing that those two speed demons would catch me. (I’m the pink shirt waving like mad)
Liar, liar pants on fire is all I have to say the the training people who kept saying this was not a hilly marathon. About 80% or more of this course is actually run on highways, which generally lead to some pretty great views of the Seattle (amazingly beautiful place), but also meant it was pretty rough on the legs.
I think I had the most fun runnig through the tunnels! I have no idea why, but it’s like my feet would just start flying at that point!! Unfortunately, Mel and Marlene said they made a few more stops so I never did meet back up with them. I was really feeling amazing and suddenly found I was in front of the 4 hour pace group at mile 18!
I was just giddy when I passed David because I was feeling so good from head to toe. I know the weather was playing a big part in this. But I found myself running under 9 minute miles for quite a bit and was excited because this meant when I hit the 1.5 mile up hill it would be ok if I slowed down.
Then…Mile 20… I almost fell over because the pain in my ab started just going crazy. I was not only in pain, but suddenly very on the verge of tossing my peanut butter breakfast. Can’t say this has ever happened to me in any run before, damn you infection!
The downside of this was I had problems drinking and soon enough my calf muscles were just big balls of pain. I started doing a run/walk at that point, but lordy it was a slow run/walk. In the end I crossed the finish line in 4:13, which is a 2 minute PR so nothing to be upset about… but hello M and M ended up only 2 minutes behidn me so had I just never picked up the pace I could have run with them the whole way!!
I was a little bummed because my Garmin recorded 26.78 miles…so um if you take off the extra half mile I ran that would be about 5 minutes off my time!! Not sure if I was doing an extreme amount of weaving or what, but oh well.
I waited for Mel and Marlene to get a picture with our medals and then we met with some of Mels amazing friends. We all thought the post race food of banana, chips and a white bagel was kind sad, but really we were so excited to be done it didn’t matter!
I put on my new fun compression socks and sat down..WHOOPS MISTAKE!! My calves started cramping so bad that my feet were turned inward. Mel’s friends leaned down and slowed massaged my calves getting them too release (thank you angels!). I was able to get up then, but was shivering so bad and afraid to sit down that D decided we shouldn’t really hang out much longer, but should get back to the hotel.Taking a shower was the most wonderful warm thing and yet painful because I couldn’t touch my stomach! So besides the trail mix I had post race, I didn’t actually get any food until we went meandering about Seattle around 3:00 that afternoon… right I’m an idiot. But we did enjoy a lovely 4 hours of walking…which then makes me think I didn’t run hard enough.
Thank you to everyone for the well wishes, the congrats and all the amazing support through this journey. As I cried on David’s shoulder post race and told him that if I ever wanted to do another marathon he needed to lock me in a room without a computer…I’m thinking I need to stick with 1/2’s for awhile and we’ll see what the future holds for 26.2. If I were to take it easy and run with a friend, really not running for time at all 26.2 would be I think pretty enjoyable start to finish..being healthy helps too. :)
Now I am off for one more bloggie brunch with Sarah from OC2Seattle and then Alaska!!
Gratitude Journal
June 27
I am grateful to have met some amazing new bloggie friends
I am grateful for a proud hubby
I am grateful for a patient hubby
I am grateful for talkative gals like Mel
I am grateful for upbeat gals like Marlene
You rock girl! Seriously, thats a great time even without factoring in the stomache issues. Be proud my friend. hugs
Awesome time and a 2min PR!!! You did GREAT and that's with the pain and that's saying a ton. Congrats on a Marathon finish and PR!!
Congrats on a PR. You did great. How awful about your stomach. :(Sounds like you had a great time.
Don't give up on the marathon yet. You have a sub 4 hour in you, when you are healthy. Enjoy some recovery time, and then think about it. I know the training is TOUGH in Miami, but what about a Feb. marathon in a cooler climate? Way to persevere and complete the task. Great race! Proud of you!
Oh man! That sounds rough. So glad you made it, and glad you had time to do a little sightseeing. :) It was great to meet you! Congrats on the PR (while sick)!!!!
A big congratulations to you! The ones where you have to fight like that are so tough, and really show what you're made of. Be proud of yourself!
Congrats on your race…even while sick! Always nice to meet new friends and enjoy the destination! Have a fun trip to Alaska!
It's amazing how much of an adventure/journey a marathon can be! You did GREAT!
You're a warrior! Congrats on your race, and I hope that your stomach is back to normal soon!
Amanda! You looked absolutely amazing out there! I was so happy I got to see you so many times– sorry i wasn't at the finish, I was out doing the extra miles and getting MB in. You wear the stomach flu so well– never would have known you were sick by the way you were running. Way to go and great to meet you!-Stephanie
I'm amazed that you ran 26.78 miles with those stomach issues! You're hardcore, and did a fab job, congrats!
Congrats on the PR Amanda! That is awesome. Sorry to hear about your pain. That is the worse.
I'm from Seattle (and used to running these hills) and ran the 1/2 course yesterday, I thought it wasn't going to be that hilly from the course preview and elevation charts…but it was a lot more hilly than I anticipated!
you are such a trooper! man super props to you!!!come and do the Oregon 1/2 with me in september! it's in WINE COUNTRY! hahaha!
I know if you had been feeling 100% at the start you would have nailed your goal. Don't be too hard on yourself; you did fantastic!!!! Congrats on the PR!
Congrats!! Way to PR even with a hurting tummy!! You did great!!
Congrats you did it despite the stomach pain! way to go!!
Congrats on an amazing time – a PR with stomach issues is worth even more "hardcore" points! :-)
If it hadn't been for that tummy thing, you'd have KILLED! You did awesome anyway! — a lot faster than I could hope to do mine completely healthy!
Congratulations on the amazing time! Tummy troubles totally suck- I know from experience, but you did really awesome despite all those circumstances :). Plus I love the pink socks!Amy Lauren
Glad you managed to enjoy Seattle despite your tummy…! Yesterday morning I thought about you and others I know who ran the Rock & Roll and wished everyone a great race. Congrats on your PR! I didn't "envy" the early, early start! :) I am just not good at early stuff; even at 9 a.m. I just don't seem to perform well. So I am doing an evening 5k in Seattle on 7/31; this will be my first event in Seattle since I began entering stuff 2-1/2 years ago. I'm hoping that my natural evening energy will help me get closer to my 30 minute 5k goal! :)Hope you are feeling better and don't mind the clouds that keep rolling in and hiding the sun! Have fun in Alaska.
You did fabulous! Congrats!
YAY! Glad you were feeling good enough to run! Awesome that you got to meet Marlene, and other bloggers! Have an amazing trip!!!
Way to go, running through that abdominal pain!Congrats on another marathon! Enjoy Alaska! Take some pics of that beautiful state!
Congrats on the PR! I'm sorry it was so painful, but you finished with a great time and should be incredibly proud! What an awesome achievement!
Great job and congrats on the PR!!!! :)
youre so awesome. i cant believe you enjoyed the tunnel. that was my 'wall' :) i have to dig deep for my race report.
WOW … you rock girl! Way to finish and PR. Enjoy the cruise, you have earned it.
Way to go Amanda! Congrats on your marathon PR!! I would of been elated with your time:)
You did great! Way to go!
Great job!
HOORAY!!! You PRed and you finished well! Good work! You're awesome, Amanda!
Congrats on your finish! I am sorry you are not feeling well. 4:13 is awesome!!! And any PR is always great. Enjoy your cruise :)
Congrats on your PR! I know that you're totally not thrilled with the result but you have to remember that an infection really takes it's toll on the body. As if the marathon wasn't enough! You should be proud that you made it through! Not everyone would do that. It sounds like the trip was fun anyway and I think you're totally inspiring! Hope your stomach gets feeling better!
Great job! I did a marathon after a terrible stomach virus and it was definitely a bit painful, but you still did great!
You are amazing – way to PR and push through! Be proud Amanda, be very, very proud!I hope you are now enjoying your big cruise! You deserve it! Congrats again lady! Big hugs!!!
Congrats again on your PR! You hung in there like a trooper!Hope you're having a great time on your cruise.
Congrats on the race! I am sorry your stomach was bothering you so much. I hope it will finally go away :( Ha. And that is what friends are for – to be around when our stomachs hurt and our legs cramp and we just want to whine away.
Great job Amanda, you are seriously a rockstar!! May I ask what Garmin you use? I'm looking at getting one in the next week or so and I'm curious what you use. I'm hearing good things about the 305.
great job. sorry about the ab cramp and the calf pain. not fun. I hate it when the garmin reads more then the race should be. ugh.
Congrats on your PR! Great brunching with you and David on Sunday and of course taking our impromptu tour ;)
Hi Amanda, Congrats on the race! Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you. The best recommendations I have for Phoenix running groups are to check out arizonaroadracers.com and getsetaz.com. There aren't a whole lot of formal running groups here in the valley but there are a lot of people who run, so it should be easy to find people near her that are out there – just depends on what part of the valley she lives in. Our canal system is great for running (srpnet.com/water -> canals) and I work at Runner's Den (runnersdenaz.com) where we can get her hooked up with desert running gear and more info!
loved the race report!!! GREAT JOB!!!!
Yay, what a great post and what a wonderful time for you!! The blogger meet ups are always SO fun, would love to meet Tall mom! Congrats on the PR girl, your an inspiration!
2 minute PR despite having the tummy issues?!?! Way to go girly! I know you wanted the 4 and I know if you hadn't been having the tummy issues you would've had it in the bag! Take the next few days/weeks to rest up and feel better! As for Half versus Full's, you just need to do what's best for YOU! We'll all be reading along no matter what you decide!
Excellent job, girl!! A 2-minute PR with your stomach and calves?? Yeah, you're awesome!!! Congratulations!!!
wow! sounds like you had a tough day feeling so sick. congrats on pushing through, you did amazing! i hope you're feeling better now.
Just hold on to those wonderful miles (forget the painful ones) and you'll be back to 26.2 one day. Glad you were able to finish so strong and get a new PR even with the difficulties! Congrats on a successful race.
VIP porta potties? Hilarious! Way to go on your marathon! You rocked it…and with a virus too!
Congrats on the great great finish! Shaving 2 minutes off of your PR given the week that you had before is great!I'm super bummed that we weren't able to meet up. I hung around coral 6 for a bit before the start but I am sure that we just missed each other – you know, amongst the other 27000 people!! ha!
congrats on the PR, you are totally gonna smoke that next marathon! i'm glad you had such a great time.
Wow girl look at you kicking butt! Even with a bum tum you did amazing! A huge congrats to you!
Haven't been keeping up on blogs at all since we've been in Peru, so I'm just reading this. It sounds like you pushed through some really rough conditions at the end there – congrats on the PR, especially feeling that crummy, and I hope you're enjoy that Alaskan cruise!
Sorry about the tough road to get there but HUGE CONGRATS on the PR! You did great!