Hair is like the accessory that you never take off and I didn’t realize that all my sweaty workouts could be causing damage! Find out how to prevent hair breakage from ponytails and more sweaty hair tips here!
Swish,swish,swish…it’s not the sound of three point shooter on fire, but the noise I imagine my hair making while I run. And when I had to chop it all off years ago after getting sick, I missed that invisible noise.
The feeling that it gave me. The one thing that made my surfboard body feel a little more feminine.
Did you ever have one of those dolls where you could crank the arm and the hair grew?
While it would be a little awkward to ask Mr RTTF to crank my arm in a circle, I wish it was that easy to change my hairstyle on a whim!! I’d do a short bob one day and rock out the long braid another.
I mean if I could choose a superpower first would be teleportation and second perfect hair any day, any time, automatically.
Alas, it’s not that easy and after a few visits to my stylist I started to whine “why isn’t my hair growing??”
At which point ideas from friends started flowing like wine on a girls night out. Let’s talk about what we know actually works for workout styles that won’t damage hair.
Prevent Hair Breakage from your Workouts
Prevent Hair Breakage from Your Workouts
Who knew your workout could be good for your body and bad for your hair! Can sweat damage your hair? Ehhh it’s less about the sweat and more about all the mistakes we make around our sweat sessions!
I thought I’d share some of what I’ve learned about caring for sweaty workout hair (hello preventing breakage), plus a few skin care routine tips because let’s be honest, what’s great hair if we’ve messed up our skin…and yes indeed your bad hair habits can cause workout acne breakouts too!
1. Wash Your Hair Less
Is it necessary to wash your hair after every workout?
NO and it’s better if you actually wash your hair less.
Stop washing all the time. OHH this is hard as a runner with seriously sweaty hair, which is why I now love dry shampoo!!
Washing (and blow drying) daily dries out hair and can increase breakage from styling with flat irons or a curling iron as well.
- When you do wash: you should condition, shampoo, condition for really dry hair…so I’m trying this now too!
- And it’s important to go for air or towel drying. In fact, for my curly haired sisters, stylists recommend wrapping your hair in a shirt or pillow case to dry because it’s not as rough and curly hair is often drier.
How to avoid washing sweaty hair after a workout?
A few things that can help:
- Don’t wear a hat during the workout, this will trap sweat and flatten hair.
- Try wearing your hair in one of these runner braids. It will keep it off your neck and might just mean it’s ready to roll post workout with no change.
- Let your hair down, it will dry faster than where it’s being held in a ponytail.
- Dry shampoo once your sweat dries, not before. It can’t soak up grease while the hair is still wet.
Dry shampoo is available just about everywhere now for cheap.
Go for the spray and not the powder as it’s much easier to blend in. This is the cheap one I use and personally LOVE. I know there are some pricey one’s, but this works.
2. Choose the Right Hair Products
Speaking of washing, it takes time for your hair to get used to the switch of washing less. So you’ll still shampoo once a week with with a cleansing shampoo followed by a deep conditioning treatment.
And if you find your hair isn’t too oily, then an even better process is actually to CONDITION and then shampoo.
That’s right, we’re throwing all the old wisdom out the window!
It turns out for those of us with finer hair conditioning second leaves hair weighed down and allows for more product build up.
Because I no longer have super thick hair like I did when I was 18, I started using the Nioxin Night Density and about 2 months in I could ABSOLUTELY tell my hair was thicker! I’ve recommended the night density serum to a bunch of you and heard it helped.
I was worried my hair would be more oily from using this. But I didn’t really notice any issues.
1 bottle lasted me a really long time, even using it nightly. And I only used it for about 6-8 months, then felt like my hair was in a really good place with new growth filling in. (though now I’m thinking I may go order some, to boost things!)
You want to drop it directly on to the scalp and then massage into the hair shaft.
There is some evidence that the massage itself could be the biggest benefit. So for a free option, start by flipping your head over and giving your scalp a massage every night before bed.
3. Wear Less Ponytails
Does a ponytail cause breakage? Yes, if you aren’t using the right elastics or if you’re pulling it too tight.
A stylist tip you haer often is to stop putting hair up in a pony tail all the time. The tension from pulling it back into a tight updo in the same spot weakens the hair!
- Move that pony tail around.
- When you can leave it down, do.
- Consider a bun, a top knot or a braid to mix things up and distribute the tug on your hair. (Checkout these best hairstyles for running for more ideas!)
- And though it might not be popular, I use thin scrunchies again because they don’t rip out hair!!
- If your hair is dry, after pulling out a pony is a good time to brush and distribute the natural oils from your roots through the ends
- Speaking of brushing, don’t over do it! The old 100 strokes per night is not true.
- Here are some of the best hair ties for workout that won’t damage your hair!
You can’t prevent hair from getting sweaty, but certainly getting it off your neck where you’ll be sweaty is key to keeping it some dryer. Also hats are going to trap heat and result in more head sweat.
4. Coconut Oil for Workout Hair
Coconut oil can on hair to help infuse moisture and prevent breakage and split ends. This is seriously better than most moisturizers on the market, plus you know it’s all natural and won’t have any harmful ingredients.
With curly hair I can use some after a shower to define my curls, other times I layer it on prior to a run as a deep treatment mask, which I think wash out afterwards.
Just be aware that it can take a couple shampoos to get out oil, especially in finer hair.
Since moving to Denver, I’ve found this is just too heavy on my hair when I straighten it, so instead I have switched to this Verb Ghost oil.
**Note: One of the reasons I straighten it (without a straightener) is because I can go longer between washes with my hair still looking good.
Adding oil to hair before a workout?
As noted, I have fine, but curly hair. That means my hair is prone to being frizzy and dry, especially in a climate like Denver.
But…it also gets weighed down with too much in the hair. So you need to know your hair type and decide what’s best for you.
- On days I plan to wash, I add in a moisturizing oil treatment before my workout.
- The heat from your head helps it to penetrate further in to the shaft.
- And for me ensures I leave the oil on long enough to get a benefit.
On days where my hair just looks like a frizzy mess, I will do a drop or two of the Ghost oil because as noted it’s not too heavy.
Some folks have mentioned issues with a burning sensation if you mix an oil and sweat, but I’ve not found that to be the case with any oils I’ve used in the last 10 years. I think looking for things that are natural is key, if it’s burning then there’s probably some chemicals in there you don’t want anyways.
5. Limit Those Headbands
OMG did you know this new trend is also tugging on those poor little strands of hair.
As much as I love mine, I am more cautious about whipping them on and off, as well as wearing them non-stop.
6. Hair Sun Protection
Just like you need to spray heat protection before styling, it’s a good idea to protect those locks from all the time spent in the sun with something that will protect color, prevent fading and keep your scalp happy too.
Turns out the reason my blonde often gets a red tint is underlying pigment that really starts to pull out when exposed to the sun. So if your color is fading, time to up your sun protection game.
And hey, your scalp is where the whole healthy hair piece starts!
Here’s a quick hair sunscreen you can spray on before those long runs or days outdoors. Big fan of that clean quality brand.
7. Eat for Silky Hair
We know a healthy diet makes every part of our body look better due to nutrients!
Here are a few foods pinpointed for long healthy locks, click each for some recipe ideas:
Workout Hairstyles That Won’t Damage Hair
What is the healthiest way to wear your hair? Well…down, in its natural state. But that isn’t always feasible when you’re headed out for a run.
So now that you know what you SHOULDN’T do for workout hair, let’s talk about a few workout hairstyles you CAN do to help protect your hair from damage:
- Instead of a high-pony, opt for a low ponytail using a scrunchie that won’t break or damage your hair. If your hair is super long, you can braid your low pony to prevent snags and tangles.
- Try a top-knot, gently twisting all your hair on top of your head and securing it with a fabric scrunchie.
- Braiding your hair is always a great go-to. If you have layers or shorter hair, you can french braid it to keep pieces out of your face.
- Sleep on a satin pillowcase or wrap your hair in a silk scarf at night to help avoid breakage.
As if caring for your hair wasn’t enough to think about after you find yourself covered in sweat, your sweaty hair could actually be interfering with your quest for clear skin!
According to The American Academy of Dermatology, hair is one of the main causes of adult acne.
So if that’s a concern for you, then head on over to this prevent workout acne >>
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I have to watch it with the ponytails but that's more because I find they give me headaches, especially if too tight or in the same place all the time but don't tell me my beloved headbands aren't good either…NOOOOO!!! I"m the fly away queen… ;)
Right, without that headband I look crazy town!
I just lightened my hair (a lot) and it is feeling super weak, so I'm reducing the amount washing to help protect it. Dry shampoo is a god send for a runner with hair that can't be washed everyday, and I also recommend a deep conditioning treatment like the coconut oil or other DIY, or just a leave-in. Put it on after a shower, wrap it up, and then do all of your stretching/foam rolling etc for 20 minutes, and then rinse! Also, I'm a huge fan of braids for running, I call them Sport Braids because they remind me of girls on the soccer team in high school, but it's a great way to keep longer hair from knotting up after a run. When I run in the rain I can't have a pony or it just turns into a giant rats nest by the end. Great post, thanks!
My recent post Treadmill Tempo
Ok I need braid help! I want to braid my hair, but cannot for the life of me figure it out!
I learned to french braid just by feel while watching football so I don't really have any good tips, but just a regular braid from a ponytail saves my hair on rainy or windy runs. The nice thing about running is that the braid doesn't have to be perfect because you are moving around so much no one can see that it looks weird!
I have pretty curly hair and I've tried coconut oil, but even the tiniest bit of it can turn my hair into a grease bomb. Hair products are definitely trial and error to find what works for you. I've also found that I cant use the same shampoo conditioner for much longer than a year-year and a half because my hair "gets used to it" and it pretty much stops working. One of my favorite hair pampering items is a hair mask. I love the HASK brand for this and I usually pick up a packet of it from Ulta whenever I run out and they work for like 3-4 sessions!
Great post Amanda! Right now my hair is getting rrrreally long and I definitely need a trim, but like you I love the swish swishiness of it (technical terms, of course!) and I also have a habit of twirling my hair when it's down. (Some may find it annoying, I find it helps me concentrate lol!) I found for triathlons this year, because my usual high ponytail doesn't work under a bike helmet, I got pretty good at doing braids. I also totally hear you on the whole hard-not-to-wash-your-hair thing. Dry shampoo is a saviour for me!
My recent post White Chicken Chili
Dry shampoo is like the weirdest invention, but where has it been?! I love it.
David twirls his hair all the time, it's how we know when he needs to get a buzz cut ha!
ohhhh yup yup! i definitely need a trim, ive got some wild split ends going on. but i love having long long hair! Also, I get brazilian blowouts so that my crazy curly hair is wavy and straight and NOT frizzy!! its amazing, its the best thing ive done hahah. I do a lot of random braids and definitely dont wash it very often (much to the chagrin of my friends….. whatever)
I used to wash my hair every day, even twice a day. ewwww No longer. That changed in college, and then especially when I went on a long backpacking trip. We "washed" our hair every 4 days with Dr Bronner's, which doesn't really do the trick. But the habit stuck, and I still wash my hair maybe every 2-3 days, sometimes 4-5 ;). It's super healthy, and yes, sometimes gross and sweaty. But thank goodness all the braids are in style! The more braids I have in my hair (thank you Katniss!), the closer I am to my hair washing day.
My recent post Running, My other true love
Great tips (as always). I too wish i could have a great hair day everyday as a super power!
Great post, as usual! I have long hair and braids are an absolute must for running – no tangles, no pulled hairs, just healthy hair! I do wash my hair far too frequently with marathon training – I will need to check out those cleansing conditioners.
My recent post Hiking at Annette Lake
Especially living in Florida i couldn't figure out the less washing. It only worked when I did a treadmill day…sometimes. :)
I've heard that brushing hair before washing it helps prevent dryness too. I try not to wear mine in a pony too often, but the tropical climate in China make it hard!
My recent post Best Parts of a Running Group
Right?! Florida humidity means I either have a poof ball or a ponytail
These are all awesome tips. I couldn't agree more about the coconut oil. It's such a great resource for moisturizing hair.
I French braid my hair before I run and it's been the best for keeping it untangled. Otherwise, it's a big rat's mess of tangles when I'm done.
My recent post Thinking Out Loud
I was so scared to wash my hair less and would carefully plan to wash my hair only on the days I ran, but after a couple of lazy days I realized that sweat in my hair does not equal greasy or oily hair the next day. Washing my hair less than before has made it look so shiny, full of volume, and my curls (that I thought I had grown out of) are actually returning. For the first time in years I’m in love with my hair.
right?! it’s so weird to think about at first, but it works!
I don’t have an issue with ponytails, ha! Interesting fact about the dry shampoo, I’ll try that! I sometimes wear quite long compression socks.
My hair is definitely weaker from tying it up all the time. Some great tips here!
Wow….this is awesome. I just love it and hope that it will help me a lot. Thanks a lot for sharing.
I love the list of foods and recipes that are good for healthy hair. I will definitely be using them. Thanks for sharing!