Monday I shared with you some behind the scenes from my time with Sony at the Del Mar Racetrack and of course last week a lot of photos with #sonyclub. Which left a lot of you wondering…did she get a new job? Is she becoming a techie blogger?
Cute chalkboard sign welcome in my room!
Blogger Group photo end of day 1
Yes and yes. Or no and no. I suppose it really depends upon how you look at things. Sony launched a brand new blogger program this year and I am very honored/lucky/blessed to have been asked to join. It means I will be able to test out new products throughout the year and yes each and every one is going to help me become a better blogger! Hence it’s kind of a new job, I mean I’ll be spending A LOT of time learning things so I can do a great job and yes I’ll be writing more techie pieces to help share with you how these tools are helping me. For now let’s see how things got started!
The first night we settled in to the W hotel (ok I took a run then settled in) for our first group meet up. I love the kitchy feel of this hotel and while the rooms are far more simple than the lobby, it’s all about the littlest touches. The spare toilet paper is in a bag that says “Backup plan” and the mats in the elevator are changed to say “Good Morning”, “Good Afternoon” and “Good Night”. It’s fun to see a hotel put in that kind of effort!
Using the illustrator tool on the Sony NEX to show off their cool lobby with an actual DJ on Friday.
Our Thursday night welcome dinner was held at the Rooftop bar, which disappointingly was on the 2nd floor rooftop, so no amazing vistas. However it did have this amazing sculpture that suddenly lit up mid-way through our evening to everyone’s surprise! And because Janice on the Sony team is one of the best party planners EVER, she went out of her way to find delicious Vegan cupcakes to celebrate my birthday {thank you dairy free/egg free bliss..even my husband didn’t do that!!}. Here are the fantastic bloggers I met that evening as part of Sony Club. I love that this group includes mommy bloggers, lifestyle, travel, photography…and then me the crazy runner!
- Pause The Moment
- Hopscotch The Globe
- Divine Secrets Of A Domestic Diva
- Girl Gone Travel
- Dave Amirault
- Diana Elizabeth Photography
- NY Through The Lens
- This Week in Photo
- Trending Mom
- Simply Being MommySONY HQ
Day two started with a visit to Sony HQ where we would find out exactly what this was all about…of course being bloggers we were taking pictures from the second we walked in until suddenly someone noted that a few products were not yet released and we couldn’t share them…whooops! Luckily that was before the COO came in to welcome us to the program! {Could have been over before it even began!}
After that it was like the Oprah Show… you get a computer and you get a computer and you get a water proof tablet and you get a camera. Seriously how do you say thank you for all of that?! They had some amazing people on hand to provide us details on each of the different products, to answer questions and then throughout the weekend to help us get more comfortable with all of the features.
Filling up the provided backpack with goodies was far more fun than a girl can even express. Above the new waterproof Sony Experia Tablet, below the new VAIO Ultrabook (a computer that weighs less than 3 lbs!!), the remote for a Google TV box, and the Sony Handycam.
WHEW are you exhausted just thinking about these products…that’s not even everything, but I’ll save more on those goodies for later. After learning about some of the products, we headed out to Del Mar Racetrack {did you miss that? check it out}.The fun could have stopped there and we would all have been happy, but nope we still had a great dinner to attend at Kitchen 1540 in Del Mar and a tour of San Diego via the sailboat Jada. Since you know I adore San Diego, these details are coming up next!
Our attempt at a “family photo”. Turns out even bloggers can’t do that very well; no one’s looking the right way and someone’s eyes are always closed…so might as well make it harder with a jumping shot!Have you ever done a blogger media trip?
Are you a techie person? {Good come help me set everything up}
Gratitude Journal
Aug 20
I think there is the obvious gratitude that I was selected to be part of this group, but beyond that is the new relationships I was able to form in just a short time with men and women who I know will push me to keep following my path…and a company that will be providing tools to make that even easier!