Can you categorize runners? Are there really specific types of runners?
We’re all weird.
We’ve all got some major quirks, but we definitely start to fall in to some similar patterns when it comes to training runs and just how we use social media to share it all.
No matter where you fit, it’ll be worth a laugh. And just like being an extroverted introvert there’s nothing to say you might not cross a few lines.
Types of Runners
No matter where you find yourself below know that as life changes you might change too. Nothing to say you must always be one thing, especially if you really want to be another.
Close your latest Buzzfeed quiz, you’re definitely one of the Friends characters, but it’s so much more important to know your runner type. HA!!!
There are a number of different types of runners, but most can be classified in one of the following categories.
The Turtle, who says they’re too slow
It seems this runner should be easy to identify.
As soon as you call them a runner, their eyes go wide and they say “oh I’m so slow” to indicate maybe you shouldn’t call them a runner.
Unfortunately, this particular brand of runner might actually be a fasty who is hiding under the Turtle moniker for reasons unknown. A true turtle could indeed be considered a back of the packer, but they’re usually happy to be running and don’t care about pace.
The Competitor, who pushes you to your limits
Upon attempting a friendly run, you find the pace slowly creeping and should you in any way manage to be slightly ahead a quick glance will tell you The Competitor is about to rip your head off.
The run isn’t about fun, it’s about finishing first. In the words of the immortal Rickie Bobby “If you ain’t first, you’re last”.
They’re the friends who always make you want to push your own limits and remind you that beyond our fun runs, there’s something wonderful about achieving big new goals too.
What type of runner are you?? I found myself in one of these 9 by @runtothefinish - time for a laugh! #runchat Share on XThe Elite Runner, who is good at everything
Let’s be honest, we know who they are. Desi, Kara,Shalane, Meb.
These are also your friends who sign up on a whim for a weekend 5K and then manage to snag 1st place (hello looking at you FueledbyLolz). Here’s the craziest thing about these elites…they’re really humans too.
Yup, they might have some natural talents, but they work their butts off following good training plans and they have lives!
I’ve now been lucky enough to meet so many of these runners who we think are super intimidating. They’ve all been kind, wonderful people who happen to share our passion and will happily chat about running shoes (because we all love them).
The Never-Alone Runner, who must run with someone else
An hour of free time magically appears in their schedule and they’ve got the itch to run, but no one is available so alas the miles never happen.
The best thing about this friend is on days where you might skip a run because you were awake all night with a sick kid, they’re going to hold you accountable and make the miles extremely enjoyable.
The downside is they will skip even long runs to avoid so much time solo. If this is you, I encourage you to test the waters. The mental benefits you’ll get from running alone are pretty radical.
The Almost Runner, who just can’t manage to get started running
They’ve got grand ideas to run a marathon and cross it off their bucket list.
They’ve been researching the perfect running shoe, have gotten a slammin’ new running outfit…but you know then weather, work, life.
They’ll definitely get to it and definitely talk about getting to it, but might require a bit of your prodding to ever get out the door.
The almost runner might just need a friend to drag them through a few of those first tough runs to start creating the habit. Because we all know once running is a habit, you just can’t shake it.
The Trail Snob, who won’t run anywhere but in nature
“You run on a treadmill?! That’s not even real running.”
I heard it. I turned and walked away because while I have fallen in love with the serenity of the trails, I LOVE my treadmill and my road runs. I think every single run is worth my time.
The trail snob can’t understand why you’d dare spend your time anywhere else when nature is so beautiful, dirt is so much softer on your knees and you’re so much more engaged in your body.
Don’t try to dissuade them, just give them a hug and ask how they find great trails to run.
They probably know about some of the most epic places ever and you’ll now get to enjoy those places without the added back and forth. Plus, we know they are freaking badass for tackling running in a whole new and challenging way.
The I’m So Busy Runner, who makes the most of their schedule
In the age of competition for the busiest life, this runner will always win.
It’s true they might be the busiest human ever.
It’s a lot to juggle working, a family, marathon training, hanging out with friends and of course taking the perfect smoothie bowl shot for social media. Instagram is it’s own full time job.
They skip a lot of runs because life happens, but they also know how important those runs are to their sanity and so when they get the time they embrace it.
These runners often help remind us that we find time for what we really consider a priority.
The I Can’t Runner, who seems to always have an excuse
“I wish I could run.”
“I could never do what you do.”
“Ugh I would, but my knees.”
You’ve all heard it!
The second you start talking about running, they start talking about why they can’t. Deep down in your heart you know that just about anyone can (hello checkout my kick ass friends running with rheumatoid arthritis), but the truth is they don’t want to!!
No one needs to run, so it’s no biggie. But they’re currently in denial.
All right be honest…
Which runner type most sounds like you?
Need a few more laughs about our crazy sport:
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These are good for sure and, I’ve known almost every type over the years! I think I mostly fit into the “competitive” runner but when I’m doing training runs I kinda enjoy just having company so I don’t push too much…maybe I do?? LOL!!
Uh oh, I think I may be the I’m so busy runner!! Xoxo miss you :(
Im definitely a mix of a turtle and the I’m so busy runner.
My ultimate goal is to work on my speed!!
Hah! I’m the Never Alone Runner – I do love my running buddies…and get spooked when I have to do my early-morning run alone.
I am definitely the competitor. Sometimes a good thing, sometimes not so much. And many times, I am competing with myself which causes me to push my own limits.
I am the never alone runner. If my running friend can’t go I tend to stay home even though I tell myself I am going to run away.
I am definitely the turtle! LoL
LOL busy turtle with a smidgen of competitor
I am a turtle for sure!
I’m in between Turtle & Competitor. This was a fun read.
I am the competitive runner but in the past few years I have found myself wishing I could find someone with similar abilities so I could run with a friend
I am the turtle…but a true turtle. I am slow but I’m totally ok with it. Runs are my “me” time. De-stress time
I’m a turtle with a competitor spirit. I am feeling the competitor side of me could break out of my shell. Kind of an exciting feeling.
Love reading your blog.
I am definitely the “never alone runner” I jokingly say that I dont even like running but it is the only way to spend time with my friends :)
Definitely the turtle but so okay with it as I know that I am lapping all those on the couch.
I would say that I’m the turtle. I’m just happy to be running. I’ve had enough injuries to last a lifetime so today I just run to run. My pace means nothing to me anymore.
Ugh, I’m so the ‘I’m so busy’ runner right now :( It’s that full-time job, full-time school and everything in between. I have all the best intentions but get so bogged down! Wish I had better time management skills! Hopefully after graduation!
I’m a cross between the turtle and “I can’t” right now.
Since suffering a mild stroke a couple years ago, I worry about my coordination a lot. But walks have turned into light jogging, so I’m working towards the goal, no matter how slow I am at it.
Busy turtle here!
I think I’m turning from a turtle into a competitor 🙄.
ohhh nice!
I’m a combination of I’m So Busy Runner and a Turtle. I’m not that slow but not that fast. I love my treadmill. It’s not always ideal to run outside at 0500.
@RunToTheFinish I’m the 9th type of runner that wasn’t mentioned. Steady, dependable, can run alone or socially, just glad to be out there relieving stress.
Did I miss one? I think there were only 8 and not 9. I don’t really match up to any of them. I guess I’d have to pick competitor however I hardly ever run with others and when I do, I try hard to run their pace when I’m lucky enough to run with someone. I’m the up at dark AM hours to get my run in before I catch the bus to work before 7 AM type of runner.
Absolutely the turtle runner. I am slooooow. But two marathons in two weeks, and lots of training miles in 90F heat and 20F cold, tell me I may be slow, but I can go and go and go… I’ll take it.
I always say I can go far, not fast!
Definitely the Turtle!
I am a turtle. Slow and steady wins the race.
I am definitely the almost runner… I want to run a marathon (I have done a half a couple years go) but every time I start to train I just stop part way through. I am currently training again ha. We shall see where this goes this time.
team turtle here !!
I would say I’m a bit on the competitive side!!
Definitely a Turtle with aspirations of one day becoming a Competitor.
competitive and I’m so busy runner…I will get back to just being a RUNNER.
Definitely the I’m so busy runner!!!
I’m a walker