Running pretty much makes you better at life.
I have no statistics to back that up, but I’m quite certain it’s true based on the amount of time we spend telling people that we went for a run, plan to run, have a vacation coming up that’s all about running and of course taking sweaty photos. If it didn’t make us awesome, we’d hide it like our addiction to knowing what happened on the latest Real Housewives.
What I DO have numbers on are all the ways that being healthy and fit makes you a better employee {when you aren’t skipping out early to take advantage of perfect running weather}.
Let’s start there, exercises and work performance go hand in hand!
Improved Work Efficiency
Runners have been shown to be more efficient workers! That’s right we have things to do besides sit at our desk, it involves 0 dark o’clock with our running shoes or runch (running lunch). We’ll stay focused and on task to get things done so we make time for those activities.
The Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO) found that employees who eat healthy all day long are up to 25% more effective at work.
What’s that mean for an entrepreneur or your boss? It means producing higher quality work that will bring clients back for repeat work. It means work that earns referrals, it means work that provides the opportunity to raise rates.
In case you wonder how that comes up in an interview:
- Efficient
- Disciplined
- Focused
- Outcomes Oriented
- Self motivated
The National World Health Organization states that eating healthy can raise our productivity 20%! What does that mean for the average worker….
- 96 additional minutes of productivity in a “standard” 8 hour day
- That’s one great article
- That’s a finished report
- That’s graphics for a new project
- That’s following up on multiple unpaid invoices
One of my favorite benefits of exercise is this!
Employees who took even a walk at lunch have been shown to be more productive all afternoon than those who eat at their desks…yeah ramp that up by going for a runch and you’re unstoppable!! Plus you smell, so no one is going to interrupt you, again adding to your overall efficiency.
3PM slump no more
Not only are you alert without the need for sugar, which we know causes the eventual mood crash, but you’re better able to handle stress!! Because running teaches you how to keep going through the rough patches, you take that in to other areas of your life and you have an outlet to think through things!
Better stress management
Running teaches you that you can go beyond your limitations. You can handle more. You can thrive. Some people need journals and meditation, we need a little time on the roads to think through things and find answers.
We’re absolutely positive we can get this done, to get out the door to run. HA!! No really because we have a mechanism for releasing stress, runners tend to be more optimistic. We’ve done a lot of hard things, this is just another that we need to take a step at a time.
We understand the value of support. This means we’re willing to cheer others on in their endeavors and we’re willing to challenge each other to reach the best result. While we might be competitive in some aspects, we know how to be genuinely happy in others success because it doesn’t detract from our own.
Enjoying Healthy Vacation Days
AND we take less sick days {“absenteeism was 27% lower for those workers who ate healthy and regularly exercised”} so we can actually go on vacation guilt free!
YES vacation makes you a better employee too!! We all need to disconnect and recharge our mental batteries.
Not only are we healthier because of the running, but we tend to make better food choices, to get enough sleep and to prioritize our health. We understand that to keep on running, we have to take care of the one body that we have! This doesn’t mean we’re all saints when it comes to pizza, cereal and chocolate, but we need to balance it with green smoothies, lean protein and vitamins.
According to nutritionist Deanna Moncrief a diet high in processed foods and sugars will decrease performance:
“One way this happens is that the body doesn’t get the nutrients it needs to function properly. It’s like operating at 60% capacity.
We feel tired in the afternoon and productivity drops because we can’t concentrate, or we’re unable to efficiently handle the stress of our workday, or we have indigestion that is distracting us and preventing us from being in a good mood.
We know that a person’s health affects their productivity (and, by the way, likelihood of getting hired or promoted), and what a person eats affects their health.”
You’ve long heard the statistics that a good breakfast is important for performance, but it goes beyond simply getting you ready for the morning.
The right breakfast can actually help to prevent the afternoon sugar cravings and even keep you on track for that late business dinner. {Checkout these 97 high protein breakfast ideas}
Research has shown that what you eat affects: how much information you retain, how well you perform tasks, and your memory. Unlike muscles, the brain cannot store glucose, so when your blood sugar is low from skipping meals on busy days, you can’t perform optimally at work.
While the ideal lunch, like a high protein salad, allows you to take a mental break and enjoy a balanced meal, sometimes they day just gets away from you and there isn’t time.
Let’s talk about what I can snack on at work when that happens! These healthy office snack ideas will help you power through to your evening run or stave away the munchies after a great morning run!13 easy healthy office snacks that will help you power through to that next meal without the vending machine and help you conquer sugar cravings!!
- Pumpkin Seeds: Most nuts make a great filling snack, but pumpkin seeds contain zinc which is great for memory.
- Apples: Apples are great for their filling fiber and satisfying crunch, but if oranges, pears or plums are more interesting to you then enjoy as all are on the best brain foods list.
- Broccoli and hummus: With less sugar than carrots and more filling fiber, a few broccoli florets with hummus can feel like a more satiating snack to hold you over. It also has vitamin K known to enhance brain function.
- Cottage cheese: Unlike most yogurts which contain a lot of added sugars or preservatives, cottage cheese is high in protein and has no added sugars. You can mix with a a little fruit or tbsp of honey if added sweetness is needed.
- Oatmeal: A slow and steady release of carbohydrates will keep your brain firing. Mix with some nut butter to slow down the release further and add some Vitamin E which is also great for brain function.
- Hard boiled egg: Keep them in the shell and they’ll last longer! Omega 3’s and protein this packs a punch for keeping you focused on the go.
- Smoothie: Sounds complex, but most only take about 2 minutes to dump in the blender and mix! Keep it simple with spinach, banana, coconut water, Vega Tropical Mango Protein {more ideas 17 protein packed smoothies}
- Hot Cocoa: cocoa flavanols increase blood flow to the brain and improve cognition, plus it’s comforting to hold a warm mug!
- Roasted chickpeas: Low in the glycemic index, high in fiber and protein these make for a tasty snack that will keep you full without any mid-afternoon crash.
- Whole wheat tortilla with tuna or nut butter: The whole grains will provide the carbohydrates your brain needs, while the protein will help to give you some long term energy until you can reach that next meal.
What are healthy snacks to buy? As someone who travels a lot, I know that making your own food isn’t always an option. Instead, try these:
- Jerky
- String cheese
- Protein bar {Caveat here is that it needs to be clean! Examples include Kind Protein Bar, Vega Sport Bar} — a regular bar is so high in carbs it will make you hungry again soon
- To go pack of almonds or nut butter
Don’t forget to keep the water flowing, especially if you are drinking coffee or caffeinated tea! It will keep you from becoming dehydrated and craving sweets.
13 Office Snacks that could make you more productive Share on XBut you’re just SO BUSY.
I know as a one man show or a start up the days can be long and filled to the brim…but we find ways to make time for that which is important. Seems that if eating well is going to increase the bottom line it’s worth a few minutes each day to make it happen.
Have you ever considered how what you eat impacts your work?
Does running make you a better employee?
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Instagram Daily Fun: RunToTheFinish
Facebook Community Chatter: RunToTheFinish
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I always mention my marathoning and training in my job things! Like when applying to jobs and such–it shows so much about you and your ability to accomplish things!
My recent post Prevent Injury and Boredom on Long Runs with Glute Engagement
I could not agree with this more. I believe anyone who workouts regularly (not just runners) make good employees. My only wish is that corporate america would respect your health and fitness goals and not force you to work ridiculous hours. When I tell someone I have to leave at 5pm because I have a session with my personal trainer, I should not get dirty looks or negative comments. Unfortunately, that is the world we live in. We are put down for being fit.
My recent post 8 Ways I Stay Active & Healthy Being Injured
Admittedly even at my corporate job where I worked 80 hours a week, they knew that either lunch or sometime I was going to disappear because without a run I would eat them alive. :)
This is such a great post, and so true! Of course, I'm reading this as I lay on the couch, home on a sick day. Seriously. I don't get sick often, which is a good thing since I have patients scheduled all day.
My recent post Sole sister virtual run recap
Well technically we do get sick (eh hem taper), but like you said RARELY. feel better Wendy!!
This is so, so true! My husband's employer has employees wear fitness trackers to encourage them to get exercise. It benefits both the employer and the employees!
My recent post 5 Tips for Running in the Wind
OH I wish every company would do that! I think a little competition or reward can motivate so many people.
Running makes me a better everything. I didn't need further proof but it's always good to have :-)
After I accepted my last job as a supervisor, I was told that one of the reasons they picked me was because I was a runner. They said that anyone who wakes up early on a Saturday to run for fun obviously isn't lazy.
YESS!!! that\’s so true and a little bit crazy, but luckily they don\’t realize that at first :)
I agree! I am definitely an efficient, "let's get this work done so I can get out of here and run" type of employee.
Great read (as always). I love the healthy office snacks… and affirmation that runners make great employees! Now I just need to get hired ;)
My recent post #Shoes4Success with ASICS
This is so true! I'd like to think I take fewer sick days since I generally take care of my health. Though sometimes I hobble around the office with an injury!
ha ha, yes we do have some days especially post race where we might mentally and physically be a little slower…but we make up for it with great stories. :)
I LOVE this!! I'm not a runner ( I primarily strength train), but I think this is totally relevant!! I read an article a while back about how college athletes were usually more successful and reported by their supervisors as great employees.. I definitely think that anyone who is disciplined enough to commit to seriously training for any sport automatically has to have valuable qualities in the workplace :)
My recent post 3 New Back-to-School Snack Finds
Yet another reason to eat healthy + exercise!! Love these stats :) And thank you for the healthy office snack ideas – I'm going to try roasted chickpeas this week!
My recent post Salmon Avocado Tartare Tartine
I notice I am much less efficient and productive on the days I don't run in the morning… I need that run to charge me up to be focused!
My recent post The Stress-Running connection
I certainly believe that fitness and overall health makes a huge impact on someone being hired. I used to work in law enforcement and was on the hiring board, I would not recommend someone if I did not think that they were healthy or did not exercise. My life depended on whether or not that person could run if need be. It shows a lack of self discipline, if you cannot take care of yourself, how can you represent yourself for a company. That is just my opinion.
yes to all these things!!! I am the only runner in the office and in over 2 years have only used 1 sick day (but all of my vacation days for fun things of course). Banana in the morning apple in the afternoon. #winning :)
I completely agree with this!! Running keeps me sane, and it definitely makes you more efficient. Like another poster said, I always include it on my resume. Sometimes I feel like those who don’t run/exercise see it as something that might interfere with your work, but I think it’s the opposite!