Good funny running memes are absolutely the best. It reminds us that this sport doesn’t have to be so serious! A chance to laugh at our chosen past time and of course gives us a few more funny rebuttals to the non-runners ever so common lines:
Only if I were being chased….
That’s what you do for fun?!
Don’t you get bored?
We laugh as friends mock our desire to spend hours hoofing it “farther than they drive“, but the truth is we know we’re a little bit crazy.
And even though we pretend otherwise, we secretly embrace our culture of pushing just a little too far for no particular reason.
So, whether you’re just starting out, running a half marathon or have crushed an ultramarathon you know we can all relate to each other. That’s one of the things I love so much about this sport.
One good meme and it just doesn’t matter how long you’ve been a runner, you get it.
And you can release a little pent up stress from the race that didn’t quite go as planned leaving you in that love-hate relationship zone.
And these are the best running memes, Instagram images and funny running quotes I’ve seen lately to give us all a much needed laugh and reminder that we are indeed special.
Funny Running Memes Category 1: It’s All About the Lifestyle
Because running is absolutely a lifestyle. You might start out just planning to run a mile or two to get in shape, but something happens. It takes over and suddenly, you’re the one on Sunday’s getting up early and wearing spandex.
1. You’ll Get Eaten Last
Because it’s funny when friends say they’d only run in chased and we know that’s perfect because we could run longer.
Sorry friends, but bears, Zombies, whatever…we’re gonna have to leave you behind.
Reluctant runners just need a nudge.
2. You Can Keep Your Magic Mushrooms
Because runner’s endorphins are legit.
Can’t beat ’em. Gotta kinda work seriously hard to get them, but then oh my, oh my you feel on top of the world.
Even when a run isn’t super magical, it’s still better than dealing with the rest of adulting.
3. It’s Just a Healthy Lifestyle
Because we’ve all needed a reason why we’re working so hard and getting passed.
Listen I’m just out here running long distances because it’s really, really great for my health. You clearly are doing something really fast and short, that’s strange.
4. We Need Help
Because we’ve all said “running is my therapy”. Even if we know they aren’t the same, it works.
Science says it’s a proven mood boost and I love to trust me some science. I’ll take all the serotonin, endorphins and anything else being released as I keep moving.
Funny Running Memes Category 2: That’s Just How We Train
These are funny mostly because we’re ridiculous. No one should be asking if we can run again tomorrow while in the ER, but I’ve heard a version of that story about a million times!
5. Tell Me Where It Hurts
Because we will really try to find a way to run through any injury.
Funnier yet is all the time I spent faking knee pain as a teenager to get out of running, just so that now I can run when everything hurts. Ahhh, the irony.
6. It’s really Not That Cold
Because running in bad weather makes you a bad ass…at least that’s what we tell ourselves to get out the door. We’re honestly liars, but it works.
Do we do it just for the photo? For the chance to be that crazy person on the news?
No, we just feel like running.
Thanks to Borderline Running for this one
7. Female Runners Totally Fine
Because running for weight loss seems to work especially well in the chest region. I’m sure there’s some science about all that, but that’s kind of besides the point.
Sorry gents, this seems to bother you more than most of us. We just realized it means less concerns about crazy powerful sports bras.
8. Cross Training, What’s That?
Listen it turns out there are things we can do besides running, they just aren’t nearly as fun. And for your own safety, it’s better when we can run.
But for all my injured runners…we see you. We get you.
Funny Running Memes Category 3: Yep, We Can Eat A Lot
Maybe we run to eat. Maybe we eat because we run. It’s really the classic chicken or egg scenario.
9. Haters Gonna Hate
I know girl, it’s awesome. I eat EVERYTHING. Pizza, cupcakes, fruits, veggies, chicken, more pizza… and chocolate all the time.
Way more than my husband.
10. We Understand Nutrition
Because…see above. Runger is real.
So yes, again, we eat. And we’ve been taught by lots of great coaches that we BETTER EAT. And during marathon training the body is trying to ensure we aren’t going to kill it, so that hunger cranks up.
Funny Running Memes Category 4: Not Everything is About the Finish Line
But a lot of it is. Let’s be honest there’s bling and people get really excited and it helps them understand why on Earth we spend so much time running.
11. The 10K Fun Run
Because sometimes, you just have to laugh at yourself.
We all know, it’s hard to just run a race for fun and not find yourself pushing the pace. Sometimes we just need to tell ourselves that’s what happened…or more accurately read between the lines when a friend says that’s what happened.
12. I Just Love Bananas
Because we run really long distances for the reward of…a .10 cent food. Totally worth the $200 entry fee.
Also, we love the rush of a marathon because it’s like a roller coaster of emotions.
13. The Finish Line Isn’t the Goal
Because we’re motivated to pay people to run for the strangest reasons.
And that chunk of medal, which we can wear around for about 24 hours to explain our hobble…well we like to pay people for that. And for the pleasure of running where we often run for free all the time.
Funny Running Memes Category 5: But Yes, Everything Does Revolves Around Running
I warned you up front that it’s a lifestyle. A hobby?! Please, it’s so much more.
14. We Can Talk About Running All Day
Because the reasons are endless and only another runner will get it…but with lots of gibberish others will at least stop asking.
Throw in a little fartlek, ladder, progression talk and while their eyes glaze over you can sneak in a bathroom story to really blow their minds.
15. Yup, Again.
Because it’s the only answer.
I mean I know you’ll be watching sports and you’ll be at a kids game…
So ya, I’ll be running AGAIN. We’ve all got hobbies.
16. All Roads Lead to Running
Because everything in life relates to running.
Social media is really just a big old playground for posting about running, commenting on runs, and getting tips to make the next run even better. I guess maybe you could do some family photos…but why?
17. One Track Mind
Because it’s true…it’s why I started this blog.
Seriously, I thought my husband was going to lose his mind if he had to hear me talk about running all the time. So in 2007, I started up a little bitty blog and found a whole Internet world full of runners. Crazy town that so many years later there are thousands of actual articles here and I’m a coach!
Geez there are so many more good one’s from Strava to Boulder running to the photogenic guy, but at least I’ve given you a little humor to scratch that running memes itch.
Hope this gave you a good laugh today!
They say laughter is the best medicine, but I’m guessing that person hasn’t tried running because as far as I can tell it’s the cream of the crop.
If you know you need a more consistent does of memes in your life, I post a funny meme almost weekly on Instagram! And I’m happy to point you to some other great folks like @carlostherunner.
Looking for a few more laughs today??
Other ways to connect with Amanda
Instagram Daily Fun: RunToTheFinish
Facebook Community Chatter: RunToTheFinish
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Love these!
That one about ‘When you have the worst day and then you go for a run…’ I always finish the run feeling like Maria. :D
Great post! I love it!!! Pinning it for a laugh later! :)
i love all of these.
You made my day. These memes were so funny. Thank you!
Oh man, number 14. Every weekend people, stop asking me my weekend plans. I’m running!
The face on number 9 is priceless and that is why I am going to pick up running again :)
Love these! I want to share my favourite with you: You may be a runner if… You see 5k and automatically think 3.1 miles,not $5,000.
hhaaa I just saw a great one about “I signed up for my company 401k, but I’m not sure I can run that far.”