We’re taking a little break from the normal training talk today for a little fun. I hope you’ll hop in and share your own thoughts!
Each week a new article comes out with another thing we should be doing to have better health, better runs, better sex! I want to do them all, but some have stuck more easily than others.
So in case you’re having a case of the should’s or seeing too many bloggers you think are perfect (but really do you think that?!) here are some of the great health tips that I never follow, which I’ve been pondering ever since reading Coffee Cake and Cardio make her own confessions!#1 Warm Lemon Water
Drinking a glass of warm lemon water first thing upon waking is supposed to help cleanse the system and of course get you started on hydrating. I’m just too lazy to squeeze the lemon, so instead as most of you know I do a little protein and water to start getting that in pre-run.
#2 Kale Chips
Too expensive to buy and too lazy to make this fantastic snack rarely passes my lips.
#3 10oz water per mile while running
I can’t stand the slosh, so I’d quite rather be dehydrated a bit.
#4 No Eating after 7PM
This is a Bob Harper rule designed to keep you from snacking on less than stellar foods…I don’t go cookie crazy or anything, but I’m sure I could do without some of the cereal and trail mix that’s consumed as the night winds down.
#5 No Eating in front of the TV
I know how important it is to be mindful, but there is something very relaxing for me about taking a break from thinking about what to write next by getting lost in someone else’s story while I enjoy my power bowl. If I could easily read and eat, I’d do that instead.
#6 Cut the Sugar
I’ve written many times about the detrimental effects of sugar, but every attempt at a sugar free life has sent me rebounding to more sugar than ever. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t go cliff diving…I think releasing sugar as a vice and simply enjoying a little each day is going to be A-OK for me.
#7 Buy Organic for anything you eat the skin
I really did do this for awhile…then things just kept getting more expensive and I slacked. Now I always buy organic apples because they taste better, but I should probably get back to it for a few other things.
#8 Get a Trainer
I hate being told what to do in general…I really don’t like it when you’re pushing me out of my comfort zone. I prefer to do that on my own terms.
#9 Lift Heavy Things
I did start increasing the weights I’m lifting, but I have zero desire ever to do Olympic lifts like my Cross Fitting friends.
#10 Cold Shower Therapy
Tons of great research on a cold morning shower getting you started with focus and fat burning…nope.
Since I’m already Thinking Out Loud today, I figured it would be a fun time to answer one of the surveys my bloggie buddies, Courtney, Angela, Anne and Julie to name a few, have been doing lately to introduce myself to so many of you new readers!
Five: A Random Blog Survey5 Places I’m Going in 2016 (more to come!)
- Israel (Jerusalem Half Marathon in March)
- Ireland (Trip with David in September)
- Minneapolis (Travel Bloggers Conference in May)
- Miami (Work conference in May)
- Utah (Half marathon this Fall)
5 Places I’m Dying to Visit
Travel writing has certainly given me opportunities to visit places I’ve never even dreamed of, which means the list of places I now want to go is longer than anyone would want to read…so these really are the one’s that come to mind first.
- Australia (every bit of this place I’d love to explore!)
- Slovenia (I’ve heard it’s gorgeous country for hiking from someone I met in Iceland!)
- South Africa (Seeing beautiful animals in their natural habitat…gotta do it)
- Italy (Ok I’ve been there, but I can’t wait to go back I loved every place we went)
- Vermont (I want to do a trip in the Fall!!)
5 Foods I Eat Every day
I’m a totally habitual eater, so my days are very much the same…but I really do try to rotate greens and such to prevent issues.
- Chocolate (Darker the better! Also means dairy free)
- Almond Butter (or peanut or cashew or sunflower, I don’t discriminate)
- Cereal (usually Love Grown Power O’s)
- Carrots (baby carrots keep my snacking under control)
- Spinach (smoothie time)
5 Instagram Accounts I Love
I’ve talked a lot about what I look for in an Instagram account, so here are some of the new one’s I’m following:
- GoldieHawn_ (nope not the actress, just an adventurer)
- Chix_Run_Utah (they’re so dang happy, I just want to run with them!)
- NYC Pretty (Bright and colorful she shows of style that I don’t have along with fitness)
- Healthy Happier (I met Ashley years ago and adore her, along the way her photos have also gotten seriously great)
- CallenGreen (A friend I met through Sony who just manages to capture a scene so amazingly well)
5 Races I’d Love To Run
Many of my destinations listed above would be enhanced by finding a good race :0) but these are races I’d like to run for the location, the experience and the memories.
- Reach the Beach
- London Marathon
- SeaWheeze
- Cherry Blossom 10 Miler
- Niagara Falls Women’s Half Marathon
5 Things I do Every Day
- Take a walk
- Read a book (inspiring or just a great story)
- Write
- Pray
- Create lists
5 Books I Want To Read (or Have Just Read/Am Reading)
- Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert (finished this week)
- How Bad Do You Want It by Matt Fitzgerald (working on a write up!)
- Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard (I’ve been in to magic books since Harry Potter, loved this)
- The Alphabet House by Jussi Adler-Olsen (I love historical non-fiction and this one is a great mystery)
- Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer (supposed to be an amazing book of pushing limits)
Pick any of the topics and let me know your 5!!
Or share the healthy tip you skip!
Other ways to connect with Amanda
Instagram: RunToTheFinish
Facebook: RunToTheFinish
Get more tips via Pinterest
I skip most of those "healthy" tips too! If I am hungry at night, no way is the clock telling me no and no way will I ever give up sugar!
My recent post Thinking Out Loud February 25, 2016
I'm horrible at hydrating and I definitely start my day with coffee and not hot lemon water!!
Since I'm also reading "How Bad Do You Want It" I cannot wait to read your thoughts!
My recent post Indoor Sweat Sessions – Workouts for Runners!
I don't follow most of those tips, especially the no snacking at night. I would wake up at 2 a.m. hungry if I didn't eat something before bed. I do try to buy organic for fruits and vegetables but I don't kill myself over it. You have so many exciting travel plans!
My recent post Four New Favorites
I do my own thing :D I like kale chips occasionally, but they have to be really good. I really need to get my hands on a copy of How Bad Do You Want it.
I hope that you will join the new Running Coaches' Corner Link Up that we are starting today!
My recent post Moto 360 Sport Watch Review and Giveaway (Running Coaches’ Corner)
So many of us think those tips are great but don't follow them! I'm lucky if I drink two sips of water during each mile of a run. I get awful cramps if I drink too much!
Love your list! Completely agree with some of those- no lemon water, cold shower, all organic, or cutting all the sugar for me either! Some things work for some people and not for others, so it's all good! I always love following new instagram accounts, so thanks for the recommendations!
If I had to follow the no eating after 7pm half the time I'd not have dinner. That one's so crazy as it doesn't allow for people who work! I can't even stand a lukewarm shower so I'd never be able to do the cold shower on any regular basis. My only exception to this is when it's super hot/humid and I'm trying to cool down.
My recent post Blog Hop Spotlight Day
I definitely don't follow most of these. In fact the only thing I have done is make kale chips but that's pretty rare.
It's not possible to do every healthy living tip, just take the ones that work for your own lifestyle.
My recent post Thinking Out Loud #60
As as trainer, I can tell you a trainer isn't for everyone.
I try to abide by #4, and I'm not always successful.
These are all terrific tips though.
I do have a trainer and I do love lifting heavy things, but I don't buy organic and I love to eat in front of the tv, too. And, really, 10oz of water for every mile? That's insane!
I really wish I could get myself to an ice bath, but I'm not sure I'll ever take the plunge. I've also heard epsom salt baths are really good for recovery, but I typically skip these as well. Big Magic is on my to-read list! I just listened to her podcast and it was so inspiring!
My recent post Tofu + Veggie Saute
OHH I LOVE my epsom salt baths!!
My recent post Confessions: Healthy Living Tips I Love But Don’t Follow
I say part of being healthy is being imperfect. It's that's perceived goal of perfection that gets us in trouble. Yes?
I didn't realize there was a health benefit to drinking hot water and lemon. I order that when we go out to eat during winter months cus my hands are usually so cold. I like to heat them up on the mug..lol. I do actually drink it too!
Yeah there's not
Well Gia that is certainly one opinion. There are many others saying it has lots of great health benefits.
My recent post Confessions: Healthy Living Tips I Love But Don’t Follow
I love your list of tips you avoid! This is how I look at it: if I did EVERYTHING that's out there to be healthy or every workout that's going to give me the perfect body then I'd just not be able to keep up. There's not enough time and energy in a day to "follow all the rules". So I pick what's right for me. What I eat/drink daily: chocolate, nut butter, coffee, shakeology, oats
My recent post Are you exercising to eat?
I think all of these are great suggestions, but incorporating them is a different story. I usually cut sugar about a month before a big event but I'm like you, I don't drink or smoke, so I'll keep my sugar vice the rest of the time. And just say no to sloshing while on the run!
And where I'm going in 2016 – Italy and Greece!
My recent post Santa Susana Pass Road Revisited
I honestly don't buy into a lot of those "rules" anyway. And I never heard of 10 ounces of water per mile — I'd have to pee five times on a long run.
My recent post Dogs Don't Like Interval Training…And Other Oddball Marathon Wisdom
Oh my gosh thank you so much for including me! You're so sweet!! Also, I can't believe that I've done two races on your list – Reach the beach (x2) and am doing Cherry Blossom with Anne next month! Have a great day!!
5 things I do every day:
– have a cup of tea
– definitely make lists
– catch up on instagram posts
– research new exercises for my bootcamp classes
– talk to my mom (at least once)
My recent post 2016 Frostbite 5 Miler Race Recap
Probably the only one of those that I follow is 'lift heavy things.' :D 5 Things I Do Every Day:
I don't do lemon water either! I really just don't like lemon and can't imagine something my body doesn't like would actually help me that much in the long run :) I do drink water in the morning though! Love your lists!
My recent post Thinking out Loud Thursday #13 – Phoebe Lately
I don't follow any of these either. I might do them occasionally, but definitely not on a regular basis. And #5 is definitely one I never follow. I tried the whole eating with no distractions thing and found that I was rushing through my meals because I was bored out of my mind. If I'm with someone, then yeah… I'm all for conversations over food. But alone? I need the computer to keep me company. You're right — totally relaxing!
I shunned the lifting heavy things tip until I started working with my coach, and well, I think my PRs and improved race times tell the story. I mean who gets faster in their 50s? This has been an absolute blast. You just never know!
I"m picking Matt Fitzgerald's book for my March book of the month–hope you will link up your review!
My recent post Confidence: The Best Benefit of Running
I love this! I have so many great health tips that I love and have done a few times but then just never keep doing because I'm lazy or it takes too much time.
Yea I don't follow most of those tips either! I tried drinking warm lemon water but then I just got sick of it haha. And I love kale chips but they don't fill me up at all for a snack!
My recent post Paleo Elvis Breakfast Cobbler
Oh I break all of these! I'm not really one to be told what to do. I tried to make kale chips once and the house smelled like something died inside the oven, so never again!
My recent post Beginner’s Guide to Hiking: What to Wear, Bring, and Expect
I definitely don't follow all of those either. I do have a glass of lemon water every morning, we have lemon tree in our backyard with more lemons than we can ever use, so at least I'm using one a day this way! Tried to do the cold shower thing too, but that only lasted for about a week or so.. The main thing I should do more often… foam rolling/stretching! Oh and a warm-up before my runs… Also, thanks for the Vega-One tips, I never even thought about using 1/2 of both the recovery accelerator and the protein! Makes sense :) Am definitely loving their products so far, so thanks for the recommendation :)
Ohhh I DEF can't give up my added sugar!! Life is all about balance, right??
I think I skip all of those tips except the lift heavy things one haha Cutting out sugar is never happening for me, just a little bit every day keeps me sane. And I definitely eat after 7pm. I have night classes and am never hungry enough to eat before them at 5, so I always end up eating dinner around 9.
I basically am guilty of all of those things, oops. I am always semi dehydrated. I run first thing without so much as a sip of water usually and head out for long runs dehydrated and without fuel. Haven't died yet :)
I always feel guilty for not buying organic produce and grass fed beef. I live on my own in NYC. Sorry life is too expensive already and I don't have the time to hit up all the right places for deals.
My recent post Half Marathon Training 2/8/16 – 2/21/16
It's good to know I'm not the only one who has a bad habit of turning to cereal for a snack as it starts getting late… there's just something about it that makes it so much more appealing at 9 pm! Although I suppose that "thing" is just my waning willpower…
My recent post How to Get a Great Rowing Machine Workout – Exercise Tips
I’m experimenting with not drinking alcohol. I didn’t know you don’t drink. I’m actually looking for excuses not to (because, motivation), especially of the ‘it’s better for your training’ variety and would love a post on that if you ever have the time.
I am a vegetarian and would love to be a vegan but I eat plenty after 7pm, am still getting used to the no-high-fructose-corn-syrup rule (and thus think normal cane sugar as an ingredient is a total win!), and love smoothies but as soon as I put anything leafy in them, the foaminess turns me off. So I get cold pressed green juices and put that into smoothies instead. More processed, but we do what we can, right? I love lemons. I put honey in the warm (hot) lemon water and that makes it more exciting…although, less alkalizing I think, which is one of the points of lemon water.
Kale chips are gross. Yup, I said it.
Also I’m reading one of matt fitzgerald’s books, 80/20 – the concept is intriguing but even if it does work and should be followed, I’m not sure Fitzgerald goes about proving it the right way. His evidence is kind of weak.
Eating at night is my weakness ahah especially if I have macros left. I have nothing against snacking right before hitting snooze.
I just dont like kale chips, most days i dont get home until 6:30 then if i work out i am eating dinner around 7:30-8am. I do have a trainer but she keeps me accountable which i love. Plus shes just awesome lol.
I have started using lemon oil in my water (I too could not seem to make myself get a lemon juiced or even sliced pre workout). And I started heating it to stop me from the extra cups of coffee and it has been truly effective and I admit the lazy way out.
Ha! Loved reading that someone else tried giving up sugar, but failed. I have a natural ( inherited!) sweet tooth, so I simply HAVE to have sugar in my life. God help me if I ever get diabetes :O. I am very good about proportion, though. One square of dark choc bar will satisfy me. I eat it very slowly! I don't have weight problems, & am very active for a 50-something. :)