Do you remember as a kid when someone asked how old you were and you ALWAYS aimed for the higher age: “6 and 1/2”, “almost 8”, “I’ll be 18 next year”. HA! I love it and to be honest I still do this!! I’ve been saying “almost 32” for months now and apparently my mom has been telling people I’m 33! Now that my birthday month has arrived it’s true!
Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest.
Why on Earth is everyone playing down their age?! Isn’t the whole point of life to keep on having birthdays?? I am happier, healthier and a whole lot smarter every single year. Plus the alternative to not getting older is well…umm…not of interest to me!
Let’s hear it for turning 32 on August 13th!! I’m not opposed to gifts so feel free to shower me with them. {just kidding, kind of, not really gifts are awesome}. Now that I’m almost 32…I have a feeling I’ll probably start saying I’m 33. It’s really not intentional, it’s just that I think life has gotten better every year.
I recognize that our bodies change as we get older and there is some downside to that, but I’ll be honest the more I read the more I realize that is not how it has to be!! The choices I’m making now to enjoy good nutrition, exercise and take care of my mental health may just be the key to enjoying health for many years to come.
Since I’m technically only 31 now and it’s important to celebrate the NOW rather than always looking to the future, here are a few thoughts on the last 12 months and how they were better at 31:
- Life wasn’t perfect, but I rolled with the punches
- Things rarely happened on my perfectly planned timeline, but they happened in the right time
- My body didn’t heal overnight, but as I continued to change my mind my body has begun to heal
- I took a leap of faith that required a lot of fake it til you make it confidence
- I gained a new appreciation for fueling my workouts and recovery
- I enjoyed time in the mountains, time at the ocean and many places in between knowing that each had something to offer {especially for my running!}
- I was dropped from a group which in the past would have shattered by ego, but this time left me excited for what new possibilities were available
- I finally turned that crazy wedding story around with a fun little TV appearance
Lay it on me why do you lie about your age or embrace it?
Gratitude Journal
Aug 1
I am grateful for the lessons I continue to learn each year and for realizing when something is a lesson and when it’s just one of those things that needs to be put in the past!