No one has to run, but maybe you’ve seen people doing it and thought “I’d really like for it to be enjoyable for me too! BUT IT’S SO HARD”. First I’m just going to say, you’re right. Running is hard. But you can learn how to enjoy running and I’m going to let you in on the mental tricks that helped so many of us get there.For all of you telling me you wish you could run, today I’m pulling back the velvet rope and letting you in to the circle of runner’s.
Here is why you’ll see us from your car window when the winds are howling, when we have snot frozen to our faces, when the sun could fry an egg….we’ve all gone off our medication.
NO, no, let’s get real now.
Running often starts off as a means to lose weight. Might not be pretty, but it’s true.
We decide that the fastest way to our skinny jeans must be pounding the pavement. Day 1 we regret having made this choice, but the determination keeps us coming back for days 2-5. Then there is an inherent shift in those who keep going and those who pull back.
It doesn’t suddenly get easier for some people. Very few beginners just love running on day one. I’ve been at this 20+ years and I’m not sure I’d ever call a run easy no matter what the training plan says, but man do I love it. Like deep in my soul, can’t imagine my life without running. I can do without another marathon, ha! But not without running.
Let’s see what might help you to also get that runners high and head out for that first jog.
10 Tips To Help You Learn How to Enjoy Running
As a running coach with over a decade of experience helping runners of all paces and truly from age 17 to 70, I can tell you these tips work. It’s not about your pace, it’s about having the right intention and the right focus.
All of us need to allow our muscles, bones, tendons and joints time to adapt to the pounding of running. Unlike a short gym class, becoming a distance runner means you’ll be increasing time on your feet. And yes anything over like a mile is an endurance event!
#1 Pump the breaks
For some reason ALL new runners start out too fast.
We have a picture in our heads of what running looks like. It’s wrong. Chill out and allow yourself to start from where you are, then celebrate the progress along the way. For most people that means taking walk breaks!
Go from a run 1 minute walk 2 minutes to run 2 walk 2, etc.
Check it out, there’s an entire program called run-walk-run method!! The number of people who have told me that once they slowed down they started to enjoy it is astounding. So let yourself off the hook to hit any specific pace.
#2 Focus on The Benefits
It’s easy to spend time thinking about how hard you’re breathing, but long time runners know that what will get them out the door and through that mile is thinking about the GOOD things they get.
A few of the many benefits of running:
- Morning endorphins energize you for the entire day
- Running outdoors connects you with nature, disconnects you from the computer
- Gives you the ability to constantly achieve new goals
- Every run can be different from speed, to hills, to location, to duration
- Running buddies are easier to talk to
- You realize that you’re stronger that you ever imagined
- It gets the creative juices flowing (science even says so!)
#3 Log it
What we measure we manage. << That has long been one of my favorite statements, which is used in business, but applies to life.
There’s something extremely powerful about seeing your workouts pile up and then having a way to compare your progress over time. Personally, I like to see it on paper, so when I started I would write down my miles for the day on a ginormous calendar beside my desk.
I wanted to see those numbers each week and recognize that I was committed to doing something amazing for myself.
Make it a goal to see 3 days with a number on them. Worry less about the time or distance and initially, just try to get consistent with showing up for yourself.
That alone feels really good and as humans we ENJOY feeling successful. So when you make success as easy as just showing up and not hitting a certain number, it’s much more likely to happen.
Which leads to the next point…
#4 Schedule It
I’m a big, fat overtalker when it comes to the topic of habits, but what can I say, they work. Habits eliminate the need for decisions.
Once you have running in your calendar for the same time every week, an amazing thing happens…you start planning your day, your food, your life around that run without even knowing it. Your subconscious takes over…
Beyond that there is some amazing science about how your body actually starts to get ready for your workouts in advance once you get on a schedule! Isn’t that crazy?!
Your heart rate will speed up a little, your body increases blood flow and all kinds of other things to make your workout feel better.
BONUS TIP: I don’t like running streaks, but I do encourage you to show up for yourself at the same time every day. Sometimes that will be 10 minutes with the foam roller, some days you’ll go for a run, or maybe you’ll strength train. The consistency will work in your favor.
Sounds great, but who has the time right??
Read this >> How to find 5 hours a week for anything!
#5 Give Your Brain a Break
Some days you need the quiet to just think and that’s one of the best things about running…but when you’re just starting it can be painful to hear your labored breathing.
So employ my favorite tactic of Podcasts!!!
While music is great a podcast can make you run longer by distracting your brain or through a sense of motivation depending on the topic. It’s actually one of the reasons that I switched to listening to audiobooks and podcasts, plus you’re less likely to run too fast (which absolutely happens when your favorite song comes on).
Top 19 podcasts for running >>
Checkout the best running headphones >>
#6 Gear Up to FEEL Like an Athlete
No rewarding yourself with food!! You might dream of it while running, but it starts a vicious cycle of needing to run because you ate.
Instead, get in some gear that makes you feel amazing. Remind yourself that you’re committed and start thinking of yourself like an athlete. (YES if you workout you are an athlete.)
Invest in a good pair of running shoes that are going to help your body feel better and again your brain knows these are my running shoes, time to go. Buy the cute dri fit shirt or the dri fit winter gloves that are going to make your workout more comfortable.
Listen if it ain’t easy, you might as well make sure you’re not chaffing, getting blisters or injuries! The right gear is a piece that we often don’t allow ourselves at first, thinking it’s just for “advanced” runners. Not true.
#7 Think Like an Athlete
One of the tricks that many of us don’t even realize we’re doing is we start to think about ourselves as a “real runner”.
What would someone who is a real runner do?
Well they’d get up and make sure the run gets done. They’d take some time to keep learning about how to fuel their run, they’d sit on that foam roller to workout soreness, they’d ask questions, they’d read, maybe they’d even get a running coach.
Allow yourself to step in to that label and just see what happens!
#8 Race A Little More
From someone who may not actually run a single race in a given year, while having logged an avg of 4o miles per week this might seem like bizarre advice.
But the truth is that there is magic in being surrounded by a ton of other sweaty people with their arms in the air hopping on one foot waiting for a GPS signal in the dark of the morning.
Beyond the connection you feel at the starting line, having a race on the calendar gives you en more purpose to roll out of bed each day and gives you something to share when people ask why you’ve suddenly taken to wearing compression socks under your work clothes (seriously you will).
#9 Celebrate the Achievements!!
When you’ve been pondering running for awhile, it’s often because you’ve seen others out striding along and want that freedom. So when you don’t feel amazing right out of the gate or aren’t as fast, you spend way too much mental effort focusing on what you aren’t.
Not me.
I show up day after day because I’m PROUD of myself.
I’m not going to be standing on the first place podium any time soon, running isn’t something which I came to naturally. So whether I put in a mile or 26.2, it’s a reminder that I got up and did the work even though it wasn’t easy.
That’s something to be proud of…to build confidence from…seriously running changed my life. I’m not alone in this, the stories are astounding from runners who have quit addictions, left bad relationships, started new businesses, found their calling. The miles will change you.
#10 Find a Community
One of the things that will help you enjoy running is finding a community. Runners are truly very welcoming, but if the idea of running WITH other people has you breaking out in a sweat, don’t worry. There are a plenty of places online to get that connection!
You can join our Online Run Club to get access to fellow runners from a 15 min mile to a 7 min mile, plus 12 running coaches.
You can connect with me and so many other runners on Instagram. We’ve created a really welcoming space where you’ll be reminded that running is not about your pace. It’s about your enjoyment of the run and your reasons for being out.
Looking for more new runner tips:
- Couch to 5K Training Plan
- How to Get Started Again After A Long Break
- Tips for Running Over 50
- Learn How to Power Walk
Other ways to connect with Amanda
Instagram Daily Fun: RunToTheFinish
Facebook Community Chatter: RunToTheFinish
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I needed this so much. I'm in that great place of RETURNING to running and I definitely need to shed some depression weight. Awesome post!
My recent post Looking for an October surprise with TTC
YEAH!!! hope it helps, girl you can do it!! Enjoy where you are right now and don't compare to how you "used to run:
Some great advice here for new runners and those who have been at it for years. Thanks for the motivation!
My recent post On the Road Again: Running After Injury
I'm a habitual runner and I love that it's second nature for me cuz it's hard! I also want people to know to find their sweet spot. Maybe that's 5 or 10k. Longer isn't better. We're all not long distance animals. Don't force what isn't working for you. Go where your joy is!
My recent post Taper Violations and a Miracle…Maybe
yes, yes yessssss that is such a huge point!!! running a marathon doesn't make you more of a runner!
I am a long time lover of the run. And I think anyone can run. These are such great tips for those who are looking to get started!
Enthusiasm + Honesty = Great blog today!
After following youth running with too many sedentary years, I started again as an overweight adult because I remembered loving the feeling of achievement every run – even mediocre ones– gave me. I needed to lose weight, but I *really* needed the therapy and the time to myself. As you might guess, when something keeps me from running (like this year's hamstring injury), I'm none too happy about it. ;)
Karen THANK YOU!!! for sharing your story! I am going to be asking for and sharing more stories so THANK YOU!!!
Girl those pants are super cute! Where did you find them?
I have a random question for you. Do you know of people who still run with hip replacements?
My recent post 15 Delicious Fall Foods For Weight Loss
Those are Calia from Dick's Sporting goods!
I have heard of it, but can't say I"ve coached anyone specifically with hip replacement.
Love this post Coach! Started running as a workout, but now my life revolves around it. It is who I am! Being a runner has made me a stronger person – – mentally, physically and especially, emotionally! The stars are aligned!
mmmmwwwhaaaa big kisses! You have been such a joy to watch as the mindset shift happened!
Even as an experienced runner, it's great to have reminders and tips to keep on track:) Wonderful post.
My recent post North East Catch Up; Part 2
Great post!!! I think so many runners get frustrated with how hard it is at the beginning, not realizing that it's hard because you haven't given enough time for your body to adapt. I tried to become a runner several times before it finally stuck – and it only did because I went to the run/walk method. I really try to push the run/walk on all newbies, it works wonders!
My recent post New Tune Tuesday: Find Your Rhythm
WHOA. I adore that sentiment, Amanda.
Running working parenting LIVING.
My recent post Currently, Lately.
great post for any runner! Any time I feel blah about running all i need to do is sign up for a race to get my feet on fire! and then you start planning the outfit and maybe I need new snacks and I am right back at it! :)
Running with friends always makes me fall in love with it all over again! So many issues get resolved, or at least made small, when running with your BRFs!
My recent post Mom Guilt Special Report: Racing
I started running in May to prep for my first 5k. A second 5k followed in August, but I have totally fallen off the wagon in the last 2 weeks. I hope someday that the run and not the race will be motivation enough!
What made me fall in love with running? Oh my gosh. I am not sure!! Started running for stress relief and I think I just got hooked on that feeling!!! And then I started doing your challenges and following you and found a great running community through social media and running with my daughter is a huge plus. I learned to challenge myself, call myself a runner and then suddenly I was running half marathons and a full marathon. I have had to take lots of time off…almost two years off and on…and I have honestly been lost without and have had a hard time losing that identity of being a runner. I am proud to say I am finally working my way back especially this last month…and I feel like I am finding myself yet again. If it wasn’t for running and yoga, I don’t know what I would do!!
What keeps me from running: My health, injuries and sometimes life just happens and I don’t get it in.