Should Smoking Runner Be Disqualified?
Running a 3:33 marathon is impressive, is it more impressive while smoking? Should he have been disqualified and banned?
Looking for a good laugh about our great sport, then look no farther than these funny running quotes and short stories.
Running a 3:33 marathon is impressive, is it more impressive while smoking? Should he have been disqualified and banned?
Ever wondered what your run coach or personal trainer are thinking when you show up bright eyed full of 600 goals? Some funny true insights
Here are the 15 best running tattoo ideas to help you remember those epic moments in your running journey along with meanings and ideas from …
Bonking, also known as hitting the wall, is an unpleasant experience for any runner. It can happen to new runners who are just starting out, …
Running memes are so relatable regardless of whether you're a seasoned runner or a beginner. Which ones do you relate to? Check out the 17 …
A great running pun can help brighten the mood during a tough race, after a hard practice or just to connect with other runners.
In a stunning revolt this weekend, friends and family members of marathon runners everywhere put down their cheering signs and picked up …
You want to be a successful person? Become a runner. Seriously. These habits make runners more successful in business, relationships, health …
Remember the handsome face that took over social media with the buzz “ridiculously photogenic guy” in 2014, after he managed to take one of …
If you’re wondering why your legs feel heavy when running, then you’re in the right place. There can be many different causes for that heavy …
Running myths might just be hindering your performance or keeping some folks who truly need our sport from starting. Let's debunk them!
Some days I think I know a ton about running and others someone posts a fact about a person winning a marathon by riding 11 miles in a car …
How do you know if someone is a runner? I’m surprised you have to ask because our non-stop chatter about it is usually quick giveaway! We’ve …
Listen it’s great to be focused on your running goals. Driven to show up for every tempo run, hit your track paces and oh yes work those …
It seems blasphemous to tell my trail running friends that I love my time on the road and probably worse to tell my road running friends …
Can you categorize runners? Are there really specific types of runners? OF COURSE! We’re all weird. We’ve all got some major quirks, but we …
Like most runners, when I started I swore I’d never run a marathon. A mile was a struggle, what crazy person would submit themselves to …
In those first years of running, I could have told you a lot about my shoes, not because I’d yet made my way in to a running store to find a …
I am a little embarrassed to admit this, but at an event someone said to me “oh you’re the jogger” and my brain went bananas. In that simple …
We hear friends running stories of hitting the wall, massive blisters, lost toenails and ohhh the chafing, but something deep inside tells …
National best friends day sounds like the perfect time to give a shout out to a great running buddy who has helped you through those painful …
Years ago, an article in Women’s Health magazine caught my attention and has stuck with me because well it labeled me as a fitness snob! I …
Why do you run? Why in the face of life issues do you feel compelled to lace up and get out the door? Why when there’s no race on the line …
Do you have increased weight? Irritability? Mood swings and a intense peanut butter cravings? Started working out more and always hungry?! …
When a lot of your friends are food and fitness bloggers, or gahhh healthy living bloggers, it’s easy to feel a little like the black sheep …
Why is it that when you’re in a bad mood, people love to tell you to smile?! Something about that makes me angry and prone to punching, but …
It’s time once again for another episode of funny runner moments. This is my ongoing reminder that what we’re doing just isn’t that serious …
If we weren’t runners, I swear we might be meteorologists. Running in bad weather seems to be one of our favorite things to do…I mean those …
Racing is inherently a solo activity. Only you can control your speed, your mind and your pain threshold. Sure, sure you’re surrounded by …
There are a lot of things we can guarantee runners say, like “am I dead yet?” “are we there yet?” and “that wasn’t me“. But I bet there are …
It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of finish line emotions, those triumphant photos with our medals or even the fierce grit of …
What is the best race swag you’ve ever received? Very few runners say it was their race shirt, with the exception of those races we worked …
Do you often describe yourself as a slow runner? Do you then judge your runs based on all those Instagram posts? Here's what you need to …
Running pretty much makes you better at life. I have no statistics to back that up, but I’m quite certain it’s true based on the amount of …
Have you seen the shirt “this is a lot of work for a free banana“? It cracks me up every single time. Then I started to ponder it, as one is …
We talk a lot about the pure satisfaction of crossing a finish line and knowing you’ve achieved something you once thought beyond reach. We …
It’s the early morning moment we all dread, stepping in to a dark start line porta-potty, breath held and praying for the best. Will there …
Shoes on. Laced up. Door locked. Watch on. Start running. That’s all it takes right? Well it’s probably all that it should take, but I …
Wiping the stinging sweat from my eyes, I sucked in as much oxygen as possible to join the rest of the group in celebrating the end of our …
In part one I gave you 50 ideas from hilarious to motivational, but I’m hearing that you need more because everyone is stealing your …
Running is a mental sport, which means some days we have to play some mind games with ourselves. Other days we have to play mind games with …
Say what you want about not out running a bad diet, for a slice of pizza I’ll do my best! We are definitely not foodies in this house. I’m …
7 Secrets to Break Through
Feeling stuck? Discover which of the 7 most common runner issues is holding you back in this free program. Videos, interviews, workouts and more!