Probiotics for women have gained a lot of media attention thanks to folks like Jamie Lee Curtis in her yogurt commercials (tell me someone else still remembers those “gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now!).
I’m 100% ok with that because I believe it’s an area that can help a lot of runners resolve digestive issues.
BUUUUTTTT that yogurt isn’t really providing enough to actually help your gut, so I want to make sure you’re getting the best probiotic for the most benefits.
Why should you take a probiotic?
Over the last few years as I’ve interviewed many sports nutritionists and RD’s, the one supplement they almost universally agree that people should use: probiotics.
Did you know that digestive issues are on the rise in the US?
Did you know that STRESS is one of the biggest culprits behind digestives issues?
Did you know that 70-80% of your immune health starts in the gut?!!
Benefits of Probiotics
- Used consistently showed a reduction in runner GI issues (aka trots)
- Reduce the length of respiratory infections
- Deliver “good bacteria” to the intestines to balance out all that stuff listed above
- Mood improvement (extra helpful if we have to miss a run!)
- Improve nutrient absorption
- Help maintain blood glucose levels (less sugar crashes)
- Good gut health is now partially linked to runners being able to more quickly clear lactic acid, which might fight muscle fatigue
Should women take probiotics?
The benefits of a probiotic for women may be more pronounced because we often go through digestive issues related to fluctuations in hormones throughout the month and our lifetime.
So YES. Please add a HIGH QUALITY probiotic to your routine immediately. (see below to understand what you need to look for in a probiotic for it to work)
I’ve written a much longer post on impact of digestive health on our total health from appearance to mood {check it out if you haven’t!}, I won’t recap it here, but it’s a key element of why probiotics for runners are important.
This is a great graphic from Paleo Hacks on the ways your gut being out of whack can be messing with your whole day!
What are Probiotics?
Here’s what a probiotic actually is…bacteria.
Your gut consists of 70-80% bacteria and probiotics are the good bacteria, which we naturally produce. However, through all the things listed above they can get squished down and we want to supplement to give them a boost!
How to choose a probiotic?
Please don’t go buy the cheap one you see or the yogurt with 1 strain…they aren’t doing anything. You’re wasting money and your body is still asking you for help!
✅Previnex is the ONLY one I’ll recommend and take.
- It has six strains of bacteria – more strains is better to fully recolonize your guy.
- It has 30 billion CFU – not 1 billion which many cheap brands do…that’s not enough.
- It’s been clinically tested and the quality can’t be beat.
- It never makes my stomach feel bad, which sometimes can happen with others that have fillers.
- It doesn’t need to be refrigerated.
- It has a proven coating to ensure it actually makes it to your digestives system to do the work.
Want to try it for yourself? I love their line so much, they provided a discount! Use RTTF15 – 15% off a first order!
How long does it take a probiotic to work?
For some folks the results are going to be within a few days. Simply finding themselves more regular, which means getting out the door for that run easier! But also starting to see changes in skin and mood within a few weeks.
When should I take a probiotic?
Ideally with a high strain does like Previnex, you’ll take one with a morning meal and one with an evening meal. You can absolutely take 2 at once, but you get a bigger bang by spreading it out over two meals. Definitely take them with a meal!
What foods have probiotics?
Probiotic foods are important as well! However, we don’t always have access to them (or we have a food sensitivity to dairy) and that’s one reason I find the pill so easy.
Probiotic food options:
- Keifer
- High quality yogurt
- Kombucha
- Sauerkraut
- Kimchi
- Sourdough bread (my personal favorite)
- Bars and snacks that have them added in (like my Vega Sport Powder and Good Belly bars)
The other thing you might notice is that a lot of the above options also have sugar. That’s another reason, I started opting for the pill form.
Can Probiotics Help You Lose Weight?
But can probiotics really help us slim down as is often advertised?
According to a number of studies the answer seems to be yes, if you’re experiencing some digestive issues {most American’s are} then it’s almost 100% going to help.
But, it might not be what happens on the scale. It could be a visual change from a reduction in bloating. The nitty gritty of how a probiotic for weight loss:
- Food sensitivities cause our bodies to retain water due to inflammation – probiotics are thought to help calm this and thus “debloat” you.
- Poor digestion from eating bad foods, eating too quickly, too much stress can be aided by probiotics – again if you get things moving through the colon it’s going to “debloat” you.
- They may help to limit the absorption of excess fat (study) – this is going to help you flush out that excess instead of holding on to all of it.
- Probiotics may also help to increase your satiety hormone, allowing you to eat less more easily.
How to use Probitotics for Weight Loss?
As with anything, you’ll need to be consistent in your use of probiotics, especially if you have a lot of the risk factors listed above because your gut ratio of good to bad, will quickly tilt back out of alignment.
Again, get the best probiotic for weight loss by choosing one that has everything mentioned above like Previnex.
Pstt RTTF15 is also good for 15% off your first order.Beyond taking a probiotic and digestive enzyme there are some lifestyle changes that can have a big impact as well on your digestion, which can indeed lead to not only BETTER RUNNING, but weight loss when that’s your goal.
- Chew – Sounds ridiculous every time I say this, but seriously. Stop shoveling in your food and chew.
- Relax – Checkout this post on 8 ways to overcome the “must do” syndrome and take time to relax
- Yoga – Many twisting yoga postures are good to help get things moving, checkout these great yoga for runners resources.
- Eat more fermented foods – sauerkraut, pickles, miso, keifer, kombucha
- Mindfulness – You can meditate or you could incorporate more mindful running in your routine
What are some ways in which you create healthy digestive habits with your busy schedule?
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I’ve been using a Probiotic for many years now, but i only take one a day. How many do you take per day ? Also, I’m looking for a specific one that could maybe help slim my waist. What do you recommend?