More wedding news…seems a little strange since I’ve now been married for a few months, but there is indeed wedding news!
1. Did I tell you about the most recent bride who emailed???? Anastasia took $5000 from her and then cancelled the entire wedding two weeks before…NO REFUND!!! Crazy just gets crazier.
2. I had the sweetest email from another planner in Tybee who said if I ever want to come back she will do our vows for free. Awesome lady!! So thank you to surfergirlchicwedding for the amazingly kind offer and restoring my faith in people!!
3. It’s almost time for the big party and vow renewal! I have to say my emotions about this are all over the place. One day I can’t wait to redo it and feel all giddy…another I realize that some very important people won’t be there and maybe it’s just silly to do it again so soon…then well I go all the way back to being mad because I managed to get all those wonderful people together in one place on one day…and it just won’t be the same.
I have also realized that I haven’t hardly planned squat for this one…except that I’m a total planner so ok I really have!
– Flowers that float in the pool
– Adorable umbrella straws
– Liquor
– Picked out catering just haven’t ordered
– Found great decorations – Tons of lillies, tiki torches, etc
– Mom and Dad have made the yard look even more amazing than it did before… who knew that was even possible.
4. BBB apparently has a number of files going against Anastasia at once so they are getting a bit confused. I should be hearing from a mediator soon though…as should another of the brides.
5. Talked with the lawyer again this week and surprise she hasn’t responded to our letter, so now it’s time for small claims court. Oh goodie!
Wow! There is a lot going on! Hopefully this crazy anastasia mess will be over for you soon. Sounds like it is going to be a fantastic party/vow renewal and I'm sure it is planned amazingly well and will be an incredibly fun time!
Obviously Anastasia didn't know who she was dealing with. Sounds like it'll be a great time for the vow renewal!
Wow, crazy, crazy, crazy. Your vow renewal will be awesome, though.And hey, that surfer girl wedding thing looks fun!
You're wedding sounds lovely! Having it in your parents' backyard will be just wonderful. And the most important people will be there: you and your hubby. I'm SO happy that it is coming along so nicely. And that's good that the evil wedding planner thing is moving along. She should be ashamed of herself and reimburse you! And that is in the very least.
Wow, that is a lot. Hopefully Anastasia is run out of business!
Just want to echo everyone who says it's great to hear that Anastasia is probably going to get what she deserves!
I'm so glad you haven't let her off the hook. I want to kill that woman on your behalf. :D