It’s time once again for another episode of funny runner moments. This is my ongoing reminder that what we’re doing just isn’t that serious and taking a moment to laugh at ourselves is often the best way to stay in love with our crazy sport.
A few of the past reminders that we’re a little nutty:
- 17 Funny Running Meme’s
- 9 Comical Running Mistakes
- 19 Things Never Said by A Runner
- 9 Lies Runners Love Telling
25 Funny Runner Quirks
One of the most peculiar things about running is that things which initially seem strange or odd become very normal, very quickly and soon we don’t even realize that the outside world is thinking we’re very odd birds.
But that’s ok, we’re a group of odd birds that flock together. Let me know what I’m missing from this list.
1. We’ll donate expensive sweaters we’ve worn a few times, but fight tooth and nail for the running shoes that have long since passed their prime.
2. Assuming Dr Google is correct about the seriousness of your injury and yet ignoring all advice to not run.
3. Getting really excited about expensive socks.
4. Diving right in to things like housework or answering emails while still sweaty post run because we’re feeling energized and ready to go.
5. Learning to navigate new cities without Google maps because we’ve run around and found landmarks.
6. Having more pairs of black leggings than pants for work.
7. Planning vacations around running…often a really long ways, so that we’ll need time to sit and recover.
8. Living in a state of slight soreness for months on end and NOT popping pills to mask it.
9. Competitive with other runners about the level of our injuries.
10. Competitive with other workouts on the blisters, chafing or soreness we get from running.
11. Waving or nodding at people we pass on the stress.
12. Wearing neon colors for a normal mid-week workout and feeling pretty stoked about it.
13. We love to talk about our healthy lifestyle and our equal love of cereal and pizza.
14. Runners use words like fartlek with a completely straight face
15. Say things like “I could have run here faster than this.” – also leads to run commuting.
16. Discuss distances with things like “just” or “only”
– It’s “only” a 6 mile run
– It’s “only” an hour run
– It’s “just” a half marathon
17. Choose to run not once, but twice in a single day! Often because while driving, we saw someone running and felt jealous.
18. Lubing up our bodies with things like Body Glide or taping band aids to nipples to avoid chafing.
19. Finding it totally normal to foam roll, use a tennis ball or other tool while chatting or watching tv.
20. Having and rotating multiple pairs of running shoes…for what many think is just one activity.
21. Always being aware of where restrooms and water fountains are.
22. Propping our phones on weird things like a trash can to get that perfect Instagram shot to ensure everyone knows that we ran today.
23. We put screws in our shoes so that we can keep running in the ice and snow.
24. Runners don’t recognize each other outside of running groups when they aren’t in ponytails and running shorts.
25. Rooms strung up with wicking clothing to dry (even though newer stuff can actually go in the dryer).
Need a good laugh today, check out these 25 hilarious runner quirks you can relate to. #runner #running Share on XAny weird runner quirks that I completely missed this time?
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