9 Jogging Tips | Comical Running Stories to Learn From
We hear friends running stories of hitting the wall, massive blisters, lost toenails and ohhh the chafing, but something deep inside tells …
We hear friends running stories of hitting the wall, massive blisters, lost toenails and ohhh the chafing, but something deep inside tells …
If the marathon bug has finally nipped at your heels, spurring you to action, it’s time to get serious about finding the right race. The …
Sunday – 4:00AM AKA – Zero dark o’clock and time to get up for a marathon training run What if I just sleep a few more minutes? And an hour …
Endurance or speed that seems to be the option for most runners. I fully admit to running distance because I’m not a speedster! But what if …
Marathon number 8 was a whole new experience for me. I have never run with someone that far. I have never paced someone on their first. I …
Well it’s probably clear from the title that today is entirely a Think Out Loud Thursday rather than anything super helpful…and I love you …
Confused?! You should be after running 7 marathons and committing to another this fall, I definitely think it’s an experience worth …
I asked for someone to run a marathon…picked the lovely Jodi…then disappeared! Well that’s because I was waiting on details to be finalized …
Last spring I started the low heart rate training method {LHR}, popularized by Phil Maffetone. It’s been buzzed about it for years, but it …
Being a numbers geek, I probably should have gone in to accounting or something else along those lines…instead I became a runner which …
At my current rate of race PR’s, it’s fantastic that I love this sport and view it has something to do for a lifetime because I’m going to …
Peak training is here and right now I feel SOLID!!! The last three weekends have all be 20 milers, but with extremely different conditions …
A few weeks ago, I asked David to wake up at the gorgeous hour of 4AM so I could do my long run on the beach. This weekend he was able to …
I am so excited to bring you another great runner spotlight! Previously you heard from a runner who did a first marathon in 3:20 and a …
Wow what a week…we literally went from one corner to the other and changed time zones repeatedly. My body is beyond confused and …
A full Seattle report to come later…for now the race report! RACE MORNING I’ve been worried for the last few days about this abominal pain, …
Well friends, yesterday I was highly bummed about OKC. I had gotten very excited to run the half marathon in a few weeks because it was the …
First thank you to everyone for the well wishes and then checking in to see if I survived…a race report 6 days late still counts for …
7 Secrets to Break Through
Feeling stuck? Discover which of the 7 most common runner issues is holding you back in this free program. Videos, interviews, workouts and more!