The mental side of running is often joked about, but it’s truly a massive component of having a great training cycle and race day. There is a lot we can do during training to help with this, but one key tool is running mantras.
It can be as short as a single word or as long as a phrase.
What matters is that you FEEL it deeply and connect with it. Ideally you’ll start using it during some of your harder training runs from speed workouts to long runs, so that you’ve made that mental connection. But if you only start on race day, that’s ok.
We went DEEP on the mental stuff in Virtual Run Club and I was blown away by how much it shifted everyone’s runs. Suddenly that long run wasn’t so dreaded, the speed work wasn’t so scary and those race day nerves were ready to be used for a masterful performance.
But we can’t do a full class here, so let’s start with the easiest tool we all have access too right now! Finding your marathon mantras or 5K mantras or whenever you need to pull them out.
What Are Running Mantras?
It’s a specific set of words that you repeat during tough moments to help you find that inner strength to go on.
Once you’ve found the right mantra, you’ll repeat it over and over during that tough time. This is actually a calming thing for your brain and allows you to come back in to focus on the goal, rather than letting your mind wander in to thoughts of how hard this is.
You know the feeling that you can do anything, the pride of pushing through, the knowledge of caring for your body, the connection with others, the disconnection from shit that don’t matter!
The right mantra helps you tap in to this power even with the moment is HARD.Coming from that space, let’s talk about good MANTRAS!! Not only do they work in running, but they work off the road too {out of the shoes?!}.
Lauren Oliver nailed it with this statement, “Running is a mental sport, more than anything else. You’re only as good as your training, and your training is only as good as your thinking.”
Understanding How Your Words Influence Your Run
You’ve heard of the conscious and subconscious, but did you realize that you’re often being driven by the thoughts you aren’t aware of? Your conscious mind takes over while trying to decide how you’ll squeeze in a run around a last minute phone call, a plumbing issue and a strong desire to finally eat!
Meanwhile, your subconscious kicks in to remind you that “you’re lazy” or “you’re a runner”.
It all depends on the program that has been repeated over and over throughout the years.
Of course we wouldn’t intentionally say things to ourselves that might derail progress, but we pick it up from magazine covers, little comments from teachers and suddenly those words turn in to beliefs: something our mind holds to be true.
Your training is only as good as your thinking! #Running Mantras to try! Share on XIn fact, I’ve even shared with you in a few articles the power of thoughts on healing or even preventing injuries!!
37 Running Mantras List
Here are some mantras for runners, which work both during tough runs and tough moments in life. Read through them and see if anything really hits home for you.
That’s your mantra.
- I can do hard things.
- This too shall pass.
- I can. I will.
- Just see what you can do.
- I’m loving this challenge.
- I am strong.
- Fearless and free.
- .
- This is my race, no one else’s.
- Today I can do this, one step at a time.
- I’m in charge of how I feel, not my subconscious.
- I love running and it loves me back.
- I am a runner.
- Forward is a Pace
- Earn this.
- Light and fast.
- Just keep running {Nemo}
- Breath it in. Run it out.
- This will not kill you.
- What if you can…
- Quick feet.
- I eat hills for breakfast.
- Six pack abs – this worked when I was running near the elites :)
- “Do or do not, there is no try.” -Master Yoda
- Run Hard. Be Strong. Don’t Quit.
- This race is my B*#ch
- Breathe.
- Relax and roll.
- Right left, right left.
- I trained for this.
- Stronger and stronger with every mile.
- My legs feel fresh and free.
- .
- It’s all temporary.
- Embrace the Suck.
How To Use Mantras for Running
Your brain works incredibly fast taking in the approaching car, the barking dog and of course the pace on that watch!
It doesn’t have time for you to process the subconscious beliefs popping up that tell you “this is too fast for me“, “I’m probably tired after a week of hard work” and so forth.
Which means it’s YOUR job to give your subconscious NEW programming!
One of the fastest ways to do that is to find a mantra that resonates with you.
Each time you repeat it, your brain and body respond…the more you use it, the more it becomes so ingrained you’ll start thinking it without even knowing!
My long time personal favorite: Stronger and stronger by the mile. So we turned it in to a shirt that our Run To the Finish runners sport on those tough days!
Love RTTF Coach Stacey rocking hers everywhere!
The best way to use a mantra is to find the one that resonates most clearly with how you want to feel and then repeat it slowly and confidently.
Use this process to create your own personal and perfect mantra >>
As explained by Gloria Balague, Ph.D., a sports psychologist, “The words have to be right to draw the right response from inside of you. The wrong words will have no emotional echo, no emotional resonance. Self-awareness is an important psychological skill. You have to know what works best for you.”
8 Elite Runner Mantras
Part of the reason that running mantras are so powerful is that you start to use them during training, so that on race day you have an association with getting yourself through tough runs or hitting your goal pace.
The best mantras are personal to you and your goal.Kara Goucher’s favorite: Fighter
Shalane Flanagan: Run without any regrets
Ryan Hall: Doesn’t have a specific one, he focuses on following a plan instead
Meb Keflezighi: Besides “Boston Strong”, he prays
Desi Davila: Calm, Calm, Calm. Relax, Relax, Relax.
Bill Rodgers: Relentless.
Deena Kastor: Go Faster. Push Harder. Today, Define Yourself.
Amy Hastings: I breathe in strength. I breathe out weakness.
Mantras of the elite runners - see which one's work for you! #runchat Share on XYou’ve heard of yoga off the mat right? It’s the idea of taking the stillness, breathing, working through the difficult spots and living your life that way. Running mantras are your way of finding that moment while working hard.
More brain games:
Could your pain be all in your head?
You’re Injured: 7 Step Mental Recovery Plan
Overcoming negative thoughts while running
Why I Love a No Good, Very Bad Run
What’s your favorite mantra?
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Facebook Community Chatter: RunToTheFinish
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This is such a great post! I currently don't really run, but when I get back into it, I will definitely be using these!
I always tell myself, "you're stronger than you think. don't be weak. Keep pushing" pretty much over and over when I'm tired.
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I figured yours was something like, "I'm going to kick your ass even harder later if you think about slowing down now." :)
I'm not very fast and have often felt disheartened when other runners overtake me, so my favourite mantra I repeat is "not a race, my pace." It helps me keep at a steady pace when I've been tempted to speed up and burn out when others overtake.
I have a very similar mantra that I use especially during races: your race, your pace. Brings the focus back to me, my body, and my running journey when I start comparing myself to others.
Shoot we all get passed and that mantra would save a lot of people angst!! LOVE it!
Tried this one today. It worked really well! I wasn’t tempted to look at my watch and was so much happier on my run.
That’s fabulous!
Oh I love this! I think my mantra changes based on the training cycle I'm in. During my last training my mantra was "earned not given" this time around it is "run the mile you are in" because I'm having trouble with getting ahead of myself!
My recent post Track Love
OHHH earned not given, I really love that when pushing for a new PR!!
I love these mantras! During tough runs these always help me push through and stay focused on my goals.
As simple as it is, "you just gotta keep on going," and "girl, you got this" have worked for me in the past! I kind of chant them along with my breathing!
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Mantras absolutely make the difference. For me, during my last marathon I would just take it one mile at a time. At ever marker I would count down and say to myself, can you run 5 more miles…yes you can!
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I love these! I absolutley use running mantras when I'm struggling during a race. It really helps me
I like Breathe it In, Run it Out! Mine is always breathe (obviously), lots of profanity and you've got this-type stuff, or Stronger than you know!
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a lot of profanity, OMG I'm dying!!!
Our business in life is not to get ahead of others but to get ahead of ourselves–to break our own records, to outstrip our yesterdays by our today, to do our work with more force than ever before.
Love it! My racing mantra is "my kind of race… my kind of day" for favorable courses on good weather days. Or "be awesome." Mantras work. I also like to smile when it hurts. Smiling automatically makes us feel better – there is science to prove it!
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I love that!!! getting away from focusing on those around us in a race is huge
These are great running mantras. I love reading/hearing what works for others… and the elite athletes! :)
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Hahahah I definitely also end up swearing a lot. or, on the footsteps, "just go, just go, just go…" particularly a hill.
Also, I used to babysit a girl with autism (Asperger's Syndrome), and when we would play on the WiiFit, she would do the run and from the halfway point to the end she would say in this singsongy way over and over again "almost there, almost there, almost there…" so I do that often. From the halfway point on. It's silly, but it also makes me think of her and her fam which I like :)
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Anything that lets us tap in to emotion, i swear works wonders!!
All of these are such powerful mantras! Currently, my favorites are to tell myself that I've done harder things before and to just relax into the run.
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I love this! These mantras are great, and I really like your personal favorite. One that I’ve used is “strong, smart, steady” reminding myself to run strong, run smart (like don’t go out too fast, etc), and run steady (especially in long runs).
Lately mine has just been "run happy" but for harder workouts it's "you can do hard things."
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My mantra is "Have Pride in how far you have come. Have Faith in how far you can go"
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I think with every year I learn more and more what a mental sport running is! I love the 'fit, fast, fierce'- I"m gonna try that one in a 5k.
Love, love mantras! These are all great, and I've probably used most at some point! I often use 'stay where you are' when I'm trying to not do more than I need to be doing.
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Mine are: 'Relax, and breathe.' 'This is easy.' 'Technique over speed.' and if I'm climbing a hill 'Just float up the hill. You are a piece of thistledown.' I'm also a lazy breather, so I have to keep reminding myself that 'oxygen is free!' 'you can do anything, if you breathe hard enough'
oxygen is free, that's awesome!! I haven't heard that one before
your almost there! its a mantra and a little bit of a lie sometimes but it almost always keeps me going
I just ran my first 5k and used “fast feet to finish” for the last bit!
Run Easy, Run Smooth, Run Light, Run Fast!
Relax, Smile, Enjoy!
Persistence Run…
My new one is “She persisted”
I am a cancer survivor and I say ” Run because I couldn’t. Run because others can’t. Run because we won’t forever”. During the run I say “Don’t stop. Never quit.” This brings the tears to my eyes, makes me run faster, even if I am numb under my ankles. Never quit.
strangely enough what works for me is a scene from Lord of the Rings – where Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli chase those Uruk-hai that have taken two of the Hobbits. And Gimli in all his heavy gear pumps after the other two, reminding himself “keep breathing – that’s the key – keep breathing”. Cheers me up no end, although sometimes I’m just glad I don’t have to run geared up like that….
Today I used the Deadpool-inspired, “MAXIMUM EFFORT!”